
第三课作业题 分类:信经 Creed 作者:CSI 点击数:2117 Worksheet for Lesson Three: 第三课作业题: The Doctrinal Content of the Apostles’ Creed 使徒信经的教义内容 Section C. C 部分 1.What might be the difference in emphasis between the words “Our Father” in the Lord’s Prayer and the words “the Father” in the Apostles’ Creed? 在主祷文中强调“我们的父”以及在使徒信经中强调“父”会有怎样不同的效果? Section D. D部分 1.Why is it good that the Creed includes the word “almighty” (pantokrator) as well as confessing that God made heaven and earth? 为什么信经中包含“全能的”(pantokrator)这个词并承认上帝创造了天地是有好处的? Section E. E部分 1.In what way are each of the following “God’s sons”: 从哪方面来看,以下的词都是指“上帝的儿女”: A. every person: 每个人 B. Christians: 基督徒 C. Jesus: 耶稣 Section F. F部分 1.What do we mean when we call Jesus: 当我们用以下名称称呼耶稣时,所包含的意思是什么: A. our Lord? 我们的主 B. Christ? 基督 Section G. G部分 1.What does the word incarnation mean? 道成肉身这个词的含义是什么? Section I. I部分 1.Define what we mean by Christ’s humiliation. 给出基督降卑的含义。 2.When did it begin and end? 它从何时开始以及何时结束? Section J. J部分 1.Why do you think the Creed skips from Jesus’ birth to the last week of his life? 你认为信经中为什么从耶稣的降生直接跳跃他在世上的最后一周? 2.If you had the opportunity to add 1 additional line to the Creed to fight against modern false teachings, what would you add and why? 如果你有机会在信经中添加一行来反对当今的错误教导,你会添加什么内容?为什么? Section K. K部分 1.What is meant by Christ’s exaltation? 基督的升高是什么意思? 2.When did it begin and end? 它从何时开始以及何时结束? 3.Which facts about Christ’s descent into hell are taught in the following passages: 以下章节中教导了哪些关于基督降在阴间的事实: A.1 Peter 3:18-20 彼得前书 3:18-20 B.Col. 2:15 歌罗西书 2:15 Section M. M 部分 1.In what way are the words He descended into hell more important today than ever? 从哪方面来看,他降在阴间这句话在当今比以往更重要? 2.What does this say about the use of the creeds over a long period of time? 信经历经了很长时间的使用说明了什么? Section N. N部分 1.How often do Christians celebrate Christ’s resurrection? 基督徒们多久庆祝一次基督徒的复活? 2.What did early Christians call Sunday? (cf. Rev. 1:10) 早期的基督徒称主日为什么?(参看启示录1:10 ) Section O. O部分 1.What does the expression right-hand man mean today? 如今右手边的人所代表的是什么意思? 2.In what way is this similar or dissimilar to Jesus being at God’s right hand? 从哪方面来说,它相似于或不同于耶稣在上帝的右边? Section Q. Q 部分 1.How will Jesus judge the living and the dead? 耶稣将来如何审判活人和死人? 2.What will be the Father and the Spirit’s role? 圣父和圣灵将来会发挥怎样的作用? Section R. R 部分 1.What might you conclude from the fact that so little is said in the Creed about who the Holy Spirit is? 你从信经中说到的一点关于圣灵的事实中可以得出什么结论? Section S. S部分 1.In what way is the church holy? 从哪方面来说,教会是圣洁的? 2.The word church has many different meanings. Because it is called holy here, what meaning or church is meant? 教会这个词有很多不同的含义。因为它在这里被称为圣洁,这个教会的含义或所指的是什么? Section T. T 部分 1.What was the original meaning of the word catholic? 天主教这个词原有的含义是什么? 2.What is the more common meaning today? 当今这个词更普遍的含义是什么? 3.In what way is the whole church catholic? 从哪方面来说,整个教会是普世的? Section U. U 部分 1.What are the 2 possible meanings of the phrase communion of saints? 圣徒相通这个短语可能具有的两个含义是什么? A. B. 2.Which do you think fits best? 你认为哪一个含义最合适? Section W. W 部分 1.Put an X in front of the statement you think is more accurate: 在你认为以下更准确的一个表述前打X: —A. The Lutheran Church doesn’t believe in saints. 路德宗教会不信圣徒。 —B. Everyone in the Church is a saint. 教会中的每个人都是圣徒。 2.Explain your choice. 解释你的选择。 Section X. X 部分 1.Some people would rather shorten the Creed to say only the resurrection and the life everlasting. Why do you think they might want to omit the words of the body? 一些人宁愿将信经缩减成为我信复活,我信永生。你认为这些人为什么想要删去身体这个词? 2.Which of the cited Bible passages would you use to defend the words resurrection of the body? 引用圣经中的哪些章节可以用来捍卫我信身体复活这句话? Section Y. Y 部分 1.The Creed confesses a belief in everlasting life but not everlasting death, even though this is also a biblical teaching. What might this tell us about the use of the Creed? 虽然永久的死亡是圣经中的一个教导,但是信经承认的是永生中而不是永久死亡中的信仰。这教导了我们怎样使用信经? Section Z. Z 部分 1.In what way is the final word of the Creed (Amen) much more important than just saying the end? 从哪方面来看,信经中最后一个词(阿们) 比仅仅说结束重要得多? 2.Why is it an especially appropriate way to end a creed? 为什么它是结束信经的一种特别合适的方式?