第一章 约翰和耶稣基督的出生和童年
This study is an adaptation of Dr. Kessel’s book The Life of Christ, published in 1997 by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. We thank Dr. Kessel and the Evangelical Lutheran Synod’s publications committee for allowing us to adapt that fine work. The changes were made by Dr. Glen Thompson with input from Dr. Kessel. © 2001 WELS Congregational Evangelist Program. The current revision for GBI was produced and assembled by Joel Luetke (2017).
这本教材是凯赛尔博士(Dr. Kessel)所撰《基督生平》(路德福音会[Evangelical Lutheran Synod] 1997年出版)的改编版本。感谢凯赛尔博士和路德福音会的出版委员会允许我们改编如此精彩的作品。本教材中改写的部分是由唐建伦博士(Dr. Glen Thompson),在凯赛尔博士于2001年WELS教会传道项目的基础上完成的。这一版本是约尔 李可牧师2017年为恩典圣经学院课程教学所作的修订组装本。
General Introduction概述
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John describe the birth, life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These pages of the Bible outline the life of Christ. As we study them, we should ask ourselves three questions. First, who is Jesus Christ? Second, what has Jesus done for me personally? Finally, how should I respond to the love of Christ?
As Martin Luther read the Bible he asked himself these same questions and answered them as follows: “I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the virgin Mary, is my Lord. He has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil, not with gold or silver but with his holy, precious blood and with his innocent suffering and death. All this he did that I should be his own, and live under him in his kingdom, and serve him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as he has risen from death and lives and rules eternally. This is most certainly true.”
Luke introduces his Gospel (Luke 1:1-4) 路加介绍他写的福音书(路加福音1:1-4)
This course, the Life of Christ, will usually make reference to Luke’s Gospel. However, students will have opportunity to read from all four Gospels.
Luke wrote his Gospel for the Gentiles. Luke wrote for the Greek mind and the Greek people. Matthew wrote his Gospel for those who had a Hebrew and Jewish background.
Matthew’s Gospel is the most chronological and complete record of Jesus’ life and ministry. We will follow the timeline which Matthew follows. However, we will locate the events Matthew mentions in Luke’s Gospel, whenever that is possible.
Many events – especially those which took place in Jerusalem – are found only in John. These events are inserted along the way.
许多事件 - 特别是在耶路撒冷发生的事件 - 只能在约翰福音中找到。这些事件会不时穿插 。
We will read from Mark when Mark reports an event which is not in any other Gospel.
Luke probably did his research for this Gospel when Paul was in jail. Paul spent 2 years in jail before making his trip to Rome. Luke includes much material which no other Gospel contains.
It should be noted that Luke writes topically, not chronologically. As we follow the sequence of events according to Matthew (and at times according to John), we will need to move back and forth in Luke.
The pre-existent Christ (John 1:1-18) 太初的基督(约翰福音1:1-18)
John does not give us details about the conception and birth of our Lord. Luke and Matthew do that. John takes us back to “the beginning” – to when nothing existed – except for God. When only God existed, the Son of God existed. This is evidence that Jesus is God. John’s Gospel emphasizes the truth that Jesus is God.
约翰没有给出我们主的受孕和出生的细节。 路加和马太给出了这些细节。 约翰带我们回到“开始” - 除了上帝,那时还没有任何东西存在时。 当只有上帝存在时,上帝的儿子就存在了。 这证明耶稣是上帝。 约翰福音强调耶稣是神的真理。
Question for class time: Which verse, of these 18 verses, is John’s record of the events which preceded and followed Christmas?
The Genealogy of The Christ 基督的家谱
**The Christ descended as promised from Abraham – Matthew 1:1-17 **
基督按照应许成为亚伯拉罕的后裔 – 马太福音1:1-17
Matthew gives us a selected portion of the events recorded in his 28 chapters. Since his Gospel is for the Hebrew and Jewish people, he organizes his choices around numbers. Matthew often uses the numbers 7 and 14 and 10. Matthew has 7 parts to his Gospel.
In the genealogy of Jesus, Matthew selects 14 (2x7) people in each of the 3 eras: from Abraham to David; from David to the Captivity; from the Captivity to the birth of Jesus.
The Christ descended from Adam for every nation – Luke 3:23-28
基督成了亚当的后裔,为要拯救万国。– 路加福音3:23-28
This genealogy is different from Matthew. Matthew moves forward in time. Luke moves backward in time. Matthew traces the genealogy from Abraham. Luke traces our Savior’s genealogy backward to Adam. Matthew shows that Jesus arrived as promised – from the descendants of Abraham. Luke shows us that Jesus came to be the Savior of all people – for anyone who has descended from Adam. That includes all of us.
Matthew gives the lineage that moves from Joseph to Abraham. Luke’s lineage seems to be the lineage that leads from Mary to Adam. Both Mary and Joseph were descendants of David.
The Birth and Childhood of John and of Jesus 约翰和耶稣的出生和童年
The birth of John foretold – Luke 1:5-25
预言约翰的出生 – 路加福音1:5-25
The events just before Christ’s birth are described in the first chapter of the Gospel according to St. Luke. Through the angel Gabriel God began revealing his plan of salvation and fulfilling his prophecies of old. The first to learn of Christ’s coming (or advent) was the priest Zechariah. This elderly man of God, who was to lead the temple service that particular morning, had been deep in prayer. As a faithful priest he had, no doubt, been praying that God would send the promised Messiah.
Suddenly the angel Gabriel appeared to him announcing that his prayer had been answered. In carefully chosen words Gabriel picked up the thought on which the Old Testament had ended. Through Malachi (3:1) God had promised that immediately before the Messiah’s coming a man would be born to prepare the people to receive their Savior. The final words of the prophecy were these: “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers….” (Malachi 4:5-6)
Now the time of waiting was over. Zechariah’s wife Elizabeth would have a child who would preach with the spirit and power of Elijah. God commanded that the forerunner be named “John.” In Hebrew this means “the LORD is Gracious.” This name emphasized God’s undeserved love for sinful mankind which caused him to send his Son to earth.
The birth of Jesus foretold – Luke 1:26-38
预言耶稣的降生 – 路加福音1:26-38
The story then leaves the great temple in Jerusalem and the godly old priest. It turns to the tiny village of Nazareth and an ordinary young woman. Five months after speaking to Zechariah, Gabriel appeared to a young virgin named Mary. Again, in a carefully worded yet simple message the angel made known the mystery of Christ’s coming (Luke 1:26-38). First, he greeted Mary and put an end to her fears. Then he reminded her of the familiar prophecy of Isaiah 7:14: “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel” (“God with us” Matthew 1:23). Mary had been chosen to be “the virgin” and her son would be “Jesus” (“The LORD is Salvation”). He would be the promised Savior.
We should note that at this time, Mary showed a humble faith throughout her entire life. She did not question God’s word as Zechariah had. She only asked for more information about the part she was to play in God’s plan. Gabriel did explain her role. Through a miracle a child would come to life inside of her. God’s Holy Spirit would be the child’s father. Meanwhile Mary would remain a virgin until the child was born.
Mary visits with Elizabeth – Luke 1:39-56
马利亚看望以利沙伯 – 路加福音1:39-56
Mary soon left Nazareth and traveled to the home of her relative, Elizabeth, who Gabriel had said was pregnant. No sooner had the women greeted each other than John leaped within his mother’s body. Thus he greeted the unborn Jesus, indicating that Jesus was the greater one. At this point Elizabeth honored Mary as the mother of the Lord, but Mary gave all praise to God.
In her words, often called the “Song of Mary,” she told how God had blessed her (Luke 1:46-49). Then she described God’s salvation through Jesus Christ (vv 50-55). This message from Mary’s heart reveals her deep faith. We must remember that she was a commoner who had never gone to school. Nevertheless, she did know the word of the Lord. Her “song” repeats the mood and content of such Old Testament verses as 1 Samuel 1:11; 2:1-10; Psalm 103:17; Psalm 107:9.
Joseph takes Mary to be his wife – Luke 1:56; Matthew 1:18-25
约瑟娶马利亚为妻 – 路加福音1:56,马太福音1:18-25
After staying with Elizabeth for three months, Mary returned to her home in Nazareth. This was about the time when John, the forerunner was born. Soon it became obvious to the carpenter Joseph that his fiancé Mary was pregnant. In those days engagement was a solid agreement to get married. It was considered final and could only be broken through divorce. However, while Joseph was thinking about divorcing Mary, Gabriel appeared to him. The angel spoke of the miraculous child and told Joseph that Mary had done no wrong. He also said that the child was to be named Jesus. Joseph then took Mary to be his wife.
Historical Background 历史背景
The Old Testament Scriptures ended with the prophecy of Malachi. For over 400 years the prophets were silent. Then, in a humble stable, a child was born – God had sent the promised Savior!
We do not know the month, day, and year of Jesus’ birth. According to the Gospels it took place when Caesar Augustus was the emperor of Rome (Luke 2:1) and Herod the Great was king of Judea (Matthew 2:1). Most Bible scholars conclude from Matthew 2:13-22 that Jesus’ birth (or Nativity) took place sometime before Herod’s death, which history dates at 4 B.C. Tradition places Jesus’ birth on December 25 or January 6, probably in the year 5 B.C.
Regardless of the exact date, we do know that the birth of Jesus Christ occurred at an excellent time in world history according to God’s divine plan and timetable (Galatians 4:4). Some 300 years earlier Alexander the Great of Macedonia set out to destroy the Persian Empire. Within 13 years his armies had conquered Greece, Asia Minor, Palestine, Egypt, and Persia, extending his empire as far to the east as India. Following Alexander’s death his empire was divided among his most powerful generals. Within the next three centuries Greek (the language of Alexander) and Greek culture was spread widely in the countries that bordered the eastern half of the Mediterranean Sea.
However, it was Rome, not Macedonia, which proved to be the world power in the first century B.C. Roman armies extended their empire to almost every country around the Mediterranean Sea. The Romans insisted on law and order within the countries they ruled. For a rare moment in history, a general peace existed throughout this area. Individuals could safely sail the seas or travel the mighty Roman roads that connected countries and continents.
The time was right for the Savior to come to earth. Under Roman rule Christ could travel the highways of Palestine with little fear of robbers and safely preach his saving message. Later his disciples could carry the Gospel easily throughout the empire. The accounts of Jesus’ life, written in Greek, could be read and understood by educated people everywhere.
The birth, circumcision & early years of John – Luke 1:57-80
施洗约翰的出生,割礼和早年 – 路加福音1:57-80
The text of Luke’s Gospel does not indicate that Mary stayed with Elizabeth until John was born. However, it is very likely that she did remain to help Elizabeth to give birth. If this is the way things took place, Mary would also then have been there on the eighth day when John received his name. Luke tells us that on that day Zechariah was enabled to speak again. Zechariah used his ability to speak in order to praise God. As Luke interviewed the eyewitnesses of these events (Luke 1:1-4), he might have spoken with Mary. Elizabeth and Zechariah would have died by that time.
路加福音的经文并未表明马利亚在施洗约翰出生之前一直与以利沙伯在一起。 然而,她很有可能继续帮助以利沙伯直至她分娩。 如果是这样的话,在给约翰取名的第八天马利亚也还在那里。 路加告诉我们,那天撒迦利亚能重新说话。 撒迦利亚用他的能力说话,以赞美上帝。 当路加采访这些事件的目击者时(路加福音1:1-4),他很可能询问马利亚,因为那时以利沙伯和撒迦利亚已离世。
In verse 80 Luke gives us a single sentence summary of the childhood and early adult years of John. Then, Luke takes us back in time to the time when Jesus was born.
在第80节中,路加用一句话给我们简单介绍了约翰的童年和成人后早年的事情。 然后,路加将我们带回到耶稣出生的时候。
The birth, circumcision & early years of Jesus – Luke 2:1-21; Matthew 1:1-17
耶稣的出生,割礼和早年 – 路加福音2:1-21 马太福音1:1-17
Throughout the Old Testament God had spoken about the Savior’s coming. One such detail was given in the prophecy of Micah (5:2). The Christ was to be born in Bethlehem Ephrathah.
The Roman emperor ordered that every Jewish male had to go to the hometown of his ancestors to register for purposes of taxation. We do not know whether God caused Augustus to order the registration or simply used this political event for his purpose. But in God’s plan of salvation his decree brought Mary to Bethlehem at the time of the birth.
Since Joseph and Mary were both descendants of King David (Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38) they had to travel to Bethlehem, David’s hometown. Of course, this also meant that Mary’s unborn son would be a descendant of David (see Isaiah 11:1-2; Jeremiah 23:5). Again, we see that the events around Christ’s birth were not accidents. They followed God’s plan.
The details of Jesus’ birth are well known. Unable to find room in an inn in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph had to stay in a stable. It was there that Mary gave birth to Jesus, wrapped him in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger. However, when thinking of the first Christmas and the picture of mother and child, it is easy to forget what was actually taking place. God became flesh; the second Person of the Trinity became human. We cannot understand the eternal Son being born, the almighty God as a helpless infant, the all-glorious One in need of diapers. Christ had not become human to be honored but to be humbled and to suffer and die on the cross for the sins of all mankind (Philippians 2:6-8).
The birth of Jesus was an event of great importance. Shepherds were camped in the Bethlehem hills guarding their flocks. Without warning an angel appeared announcing the news of the Messiah’s coming. Then armies of angels appeared, singing that God was being glorified in heaven, and that peace had come to earth. Through sin, man had separated himself from God. Now God was at peace with man through Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).
Note the response of the shepherds. Although they saw the angels, it was the preached word of God that inspired them (Luke 2:15). Then, after visiting the Christ child in the stable, they became lay witnesses spreading the news of Jesus’ arrival to their friends and neighbors (Luke 2:17).
Following that first Christmas day, Joseph enrolled in the census and found better lodging for his family. However, Mary and Joseph did not let earthly matters keep them from their spiritual responsibilities. They obeyed the Old Testament law (Leviticus 12:3). On the eighth they took Jesus to be circumcised. In this way Jesus was placed under the law, and he began fulfilling that law for man’s salvation. It was also at this time that Joseph named the infant “Jesus”.
Jesus is presented at the temple – Luke 2:22-38
在圣殿耶稣被献给神 – 路加福音 2:22-38
On the 40th day Mary and Joseph took Jesus on the 7-mile trip from Bethlehem to the temple in Jerusalem. There, they followed another Old Testament law. Because he was Mary and Joseph’s firstborn son, Jesus was formally presented to the Lord (Exodus 13:2, 12; Numbers 18:15-16). Mary also offered a sacrifice making her ceremonially clean after having given birth to a child (Leviticus 12:1-8).
While the family was in the temple, a faithful man of God named Simeon came and took Jesus in his arms. Simeon’s knowledge of the past allowed him to prophesy concerning the future. The Old Testament taught him that while the Messiah would earn salvation for all people (Isaiah 42:6; 49:6) only some would make him their rock of salvation. For many he would be a stumbling block (Isaiah 8:14). Looking into the future, Simeon knew that Jesus was “destined to cause the falling and rising of many” (Luke 2:34).
Finally, with sadness and deep sympathy, Simeon told Mary that she would endure much suffering. She would see Jesus despised and rejected by men (Isaiah 53:3) and die a painful death for sinful mankind (Psalm 22). This would cause a sword of deep sorrow to cut her own soul (Luke 2:35).
A very old female prophet, Anna, then came up to Joseph and his family. She also testified that redemption was to be found in Christ Jesus.
Magi (Wise Men) visit the Child Jesus – Matthew 2:1-12
博士朝拜婴孩耶稣 – 马太福音2:1-12
Still filled with wonder, Mary and Joseph took Jesus back to Bethlehem. Sooner than they expected, however, the prophecies of Simeon were fulfilled. Gentile wise men (also called magi), following a special star, came to the house where the child Jesus was, and worshiped him. As part of their worship they gave Jesus precious gifts: gold, sweet-smelling incense and an expensive lotion called myrrh.
Jesus is protected from Herod – Matthew 2:13-18
耶稣免遭希律杀害 – 马太福音2:13-18
While Jesus was a rock of salvation for the magi, he was a stumbling block for King Herod. Angry at the thought of a rival king, Herod tried to learn from the wise men where this new king lived. When he failed, Herod ordered his men to kill all male children two years old and younger who were living within the area of Bethlehem. Most Biblical scholars think that about 20 children thus were murdered. However, Jesus was not one of them. God had warned Joseph in a dream to take his family to Egypt. The gifts of the magi may have helped pay for this move.
The events reported here really happened in real and recognizable places. Although we do not have the exact times and days when these things took place, we know who was emperor in Rome and who was king in Judea.
这里记载的事件确实发生在真实和可识别的地方。 虽然我们没有这些事情发生的确切时间和日子,但我们知道此时谁是罗马的皇帝,谁是犹太国的王。
If you make a study of Herod the Great, you will learn about a man who was certainly capable of the terrible things reported here. Herod was very jealous of his role as king. Herod was very suspicious of anyone who might want to remove him from his powerful position. Herod even murdered family members whom he suspected of plotting to harm him.
如果你研究希律大帝,你将会了解到他正是能干出这里记载的这种可怕事情的王。 希律非常在乎他的王位。希律对任何威胁到他王位的人都非常怀疑。 希律王甚至杀了他怀疑想要伤害他的家人。
Jesus returns to Nazareth – Matthew 2:19-23; Luke 2:39
**耶稣回到拿撒勒 – 马太福音2:19-23,路加福音2:39 **
This short stay in Egypt was yet another part of God’s plan for Jesus (Matthew 2:15). Some time later evil King Herod died a painful death. His stomach was eaten by worms. It is said that the smell of his breath was so bad that no one could remain near him.
After Herod’s death Joseph wished to return to Bethlehem. However, Joseph learned that the king’s evil son was the new king. So Mary and Joseph took Jesus and moved back to Nazareth fulfilling yet another prophecy (Matthew 2:23).
Jesus’ early childhood summarized – Luke 2:40
**概括耶稣的童年 – 路加福音2:40 **
The Bible covers the next ten years of Jesus’ life in a single sentence: “And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him” (Luke 2:40). Those who wish to know more about Jesus during this decade of his childhood must look at his later life for clues. Jesus did not grow up an only child. He had several brothers and sisters (Matthew 13:55-56). Although he lived in the town of Nazareth, he must have spent a lot of time out in the countryside watching farmers and shepherds going about their work and looking at the birds and the flowers. Later Jesus often talked about these in his parables and teachings (Matthew 13:18-23; Matthew 6:26-30). And, of course, Jesus was given good religious training by his parents. He studied the Old Testament and learned to read it in the original Hebrew language. In his ministry he often referred to or quoted the Scriptures, especially those verses that spoke about his own work as the promised Messiah. Finally, in his adult life Jesus often went to a hilltop to pray. This habit also may have started in his childhood.
Jesus in the Temple at 12 years – Luke 2:41-52
耶稣12岁在圣殿 路加福音:41-52
According to Jewish custom, Jesus’ childhood came to an end when he was 12 years old. At this age he reached the first stage in becoming an adult. He was then expected to start learning an occupation or trade. In this important year of his life Jesus went through a sort of “confirmation.”
It all started when Jesus traveled with his parents on a trip to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. On this trip (perhaps in the spring of A.D. 8) he took part for the first time in public worship at the temple. A few days later, Jesus became separated from his family and friends. After looking for three days, Mary found him in the temple. Contrary to what many have thought, the Bible shows that Jesus was there to listen, not to teach.
At this time we hear the first recorded words of Jesus Christ. Mary began to scold him “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” Jesus replied, “Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house” (Luke 2:48-49)? With simple wisdom Jesus informed his parents that he was not guilty of breaking the Fourth Commandment and that he understood his mission in life. God the Father, not Joseph, was his Father. Jesus had come to earth to do his heavenly Father’s bidding.
Following this story, another large part of Jesus’ life is described in a single sentence. Jesus, between the ages of 12 and 30, “grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52). During these years we assume Jesus learned the carpenter’s trade from his father (Mark 6:3). And whatever else Jesus did, we know one thing for certain: he never sinned (Hebrews 4:15).
随后,圣经又用一个简单的句子描述了耶稣生平的另外一大部分。耶稣在12岁到30岁之间,“耶稣的智慧和身量,并上帝和人喜爱他的心,都一起增长。”(路2:52)。在这些年月中,我们假定耶稣跟他得父亲学做木匠(可6:3)。不管耶稣还做了什么,有一件事情我们很明确:他从来没有犯过罪( 来4:15)。
Review of Chapter 1: The Birth and Childhood of John and of Jesus Christ 第1章回顾:约翰和耶稣基督的出生和童年
Luke makes it clear that he has recorded real history. He mentions religious authorities and governmental rulers. List some of the people he mentions in chapters 1-3.
Fulfillment of prophecy is one of the tests we apply when we look for words which are from God. Read Luke 1:41. How was John’s reaction to Mary’s greeting a fulfillment of prophecy. Hint: the prophecy was spoken by Gabriel and is included in this chapter of Luke.
During the next week - if you have the necessary time: Read Haggai 2:23. Notice the promise which the LORD makes to Zerubbabel. Now read Matthew 1:12,13. Which son of Zerubbabel is mentioned? Now read Luke 3:27. Which son of Zerubbabel is mentioned? If this is where the line of Mary and Joseph split – why is the Lord’s promise to Zerubbabel so very significant for us?
在下一周 - 如果你有时间的话:阅读哈该书2:23。请注意耶和华对所罗巴伯所作的应许。现在阅读马太福音1:12,13。文中提到了所罗巴伯的哪一个儿子?再读路加福音3:27。文中又提到了所罗巴伯的哪一个儿子?如果这就是马利亚和约瑟的家谱分开的地方 - 为什么主对所罗巴伯的承诺对我们来说如此重要?
Read Leviticus 12:7, 8 and Luke 2:22-24. What do these passages tell us about Mary and Joseph?
Read Genesis 22:1-19. Imagine you are Abraham. In your heart you have “sacrificed” your son. You have him at your side, but you are walking to the place where you, Abraham, will slaughter Isaac. How long was Abraham in this broken-hearted situation? (Genesis 22:4) ___days.
阅读创世纪22:1-19。想象一下你是亚伯拉罕。你在心中已经“牺牲了”你的儿子。你将他带在身边,走到亚伯拉罕将要杀以撒的地方。亚伯拉罕处于这种伤心的情况下会有多久呢? (创世纪22:4)___天。
Now put yourself in Joseph and Mary’s place as they hunted for Jesus? How long were they in this situation? (Luke 2:46) ___days. What feelings do you think they had when they found Jesus in the Temple? What feelings will you have when Jesus returns to bring you to heaven, body and soul?
当他们在寻找耶稣的时候,现在把自己置于约瑟和马利亚的位置。他们在这种情况下有多久? (路加福音2:46)___天。当他们在圣殿中找到耶稣时,你认为他们有什么感受?当耶稣回来带你去天堂时,你的身体和灵魂会有什么样的感受?
Using the map given below, identify the numbered places by name. The map represents the promised land at the time when Jesus was born.

A = Galilee 加利利
B = Samaria 撒马利亚
C= Judea 犹太
D = Mediterranean Sea 地中海
1 = the town of _____________ _____________镇
2 = the city of ______________ ______________城
3 = the town of _____________ _____________镇
4 = the country of ___________ ___________国
Your choices are 以下是你的选择项
Egypt, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem. 埃及,耶路撒冷,拿撒勒,伯利恒。