
  1. What blessings did God give to people as they began life in His post-Flood world? (vs. 1, 2, 7)


  1. What explicit permissions did God now give to people concerning their food? (v. 3)


  1. What comparisons can you find between the beginning of the post-Flood world and the original start of the world? (vs. 1-3, see Genesis 1)

大洪水后的世界和世界起初被建立时有什么相似之处?(第1—3节,也见创世纪 1章)

  1. Why did God prohibit the eating of meat that contains blood? (v. 4, see Leviticus 17:11-14)

为何神禁止人吃带血的肉?(第4节,也可见 利未记 17章11—14节)

  1. What was God’s purpose in His prohibition of and severe punishment for murdering a human being? (vs. 5-6)

神禁止杀人,并且严厉惩罚谋杀性命的事情,目的是什么?(第5—6 节)

  1. Agree or Disagree? Opposition to capital punishment for people who commit murder and other life-taking or life-damaging crimes is contrary to God’s Word and will. (Explain your answer)


  1. What great promise did God affirm in the covenant He established with Noah and his sons? (vs. 8-11, see Genesis 8:21)

神在与诺亚及其儿子们立的约里,肯定了什么重大的应许?(第8—11节,也见创世纪 8章21 节)

  1. What visible sign did God give people to seal and to express His covenant with them? (vs. 12-17)


  1. Why would this sign be a fitting one to give concerning a universal flood?


  1. What do we learn about the origins of the peoples of the world in vs. 18-19?


  1. What sin did Noah commit with some of the wine he produced on his farm? (vs. 20-21)


  1. What does God teach us about the use of alcoholic beverages such as wine? (see Psalm 104:15; 1 Timothy 5:23; Proverbs 20:1; Proverbs 23:20-21)

在酒精饮料,比如酒的使用方面,神教导我们如何饮用?(见 诗篇 104章,15节,提摩太前书 5章 23节,箴言 20章,1节,箴言 23章 20—21 节)

  1. What did Noah’s sons reveal about their character in their handling of this embarrassing situation? (vs. 22-23)


  1. What important things did Noah prophecy regarding the future of his sons and their descendants:


a) Ham (Canaan) (v. 25)

a) 含 (迦南) (第25节)

b) Shem (v. 26)

b) 闪 (第26节)

c) Japheth (v. 27)

c) 雅弗 (第27节)

  1. What did Noah have in common with his distinguished ancestors mentioned in Genesis 5? (vs. 28-29)

诺亚与创世纪第5章里提到的杰出的祖先们有什么相同之处?(第 28—29节)

  1. As we come to the close of God’s account of Noah (Genesis 6-9), what spiritual quality of his do you find most encouraging for your life? (see also Hebrews 11:7)

我们已经结束了圣经里对诺亚的叙述,(创世纪6—9节),诺亚的哪个方面的灵性特质对你的人生最有鼓舞作用?(见 希伯来书11章 7节)