第六课 割礼之约——创第17章


Abram was 86 years old when Ishmael was born. Now 13 more years had passed and Sarai was still barren. It may have seemed to Abram that Ishmael was going to be the heir of the promise. But now the Lord will make it absolutely certain that Abram and Sarai will have a son of their own through whom all of God’s promises will be kept. God makes it certain by confirming the covenant that was made in chapter 15.


In verse 2 God says that he is going to “confirm” the covenant that he had already made with Abraham. In chapter 15 only God bound himself to the covenant by passing through the severed animals, but now God requires Abram to bind himself to the covenant promises by undergoing the bloody operation of circumcision.


READ GENESIS 17:1–8 读创世记 17:1–8

In this chapter we will learn that God gave special covenant names to both Abram (“Abraham”) and Sarai (“Sarah”). God also used a special covenant name for himself in verse 1. He called himself “God Almighty” (El Shaddai).


  1. Why did God teach Abram this special name for the God who makes covenant promises?


  2. Though it might seem ridiculous that Abraham and Sarah would still have a child in such old age (Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was 89 years old), and it might seem even more ridiculous that they would have many descendants because Sarah had never been able to have even one child, God wanted them to know and believe that he can do all things. He who makes such promises, seemingly so hard to keep, is able to keep them. He is God ALMIGHTY.


    When an angel told the virgin Mary that she would conceive and give birth to a child, she asked, “How can this be since I am a virgin?” The angel told her, “Nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).


    And when the disciples, learning how hard it is to be saved, asked Jesus, “Who can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). God is Almighty. He can make a great nation of old and barren people. God is Almighty. He can save sinful people through the death of his Son.


  3. In these verses God repeats the covenant promises to which he bound himself in chapter 15. What were those promises to which God bound himself to keep?


    Verse 4 第4节

    Verse 7 第7节

    Verse 8 第8节

  4. Why does God repeat the covenant promises over and over again?


    Abraham believed the Lord, but Abraham’s faith needed nurturing and reassurance, just like our faith needs constant nurturing and reassurance, not just because time and stuff can make us forget, but also because our sins can make us wonder if God still loves us.


    So we come gather to hear God’s word week after week so that God can nurture our faith. “Tell us that old story of Your love, dear Lord. We need Your reassurance that You still love us. We fail You so often, we make such a mess of things, and we might wonder, Do You still love me? Will You still care for me?” We want to hear the same Gospel promises of His love for us in Christ Jesus. We need to hear it again and again.


  5. Why did God change Abram’s name?


    In verse 8 the phrase “everlasting possession” (the English translation) makes it sound as if the land of Canaan would always belong to the Hebrew people descended from Abraham. However, the Hebrew phrase here can also be translated “for a long indefinite period of time” (rather than “everlasting”). We would prefer that alternate translation because in Genesis 15:13-16 the Lord had made it clear that Abraham’s descendants would not live in the land of Canaan for a period of 400 years. It’s important that we remember that the land of Canaan was important to the promise because this was the land chosen to be the home of the promised Savior who would bring God’s blessing to every family and nation on earth – the blessing of forgiveness of sins.


    READ GENESIS 17:9–14 阅读创世记17:9-14

  6. Why did God determine that male circumcision would be the way for Abraham and his descendants to keep the covenant with the Lord?


  7. In verse 14 God said that “Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.” What does it mean to be “cut off” from God’s people? See Exodus 31:14.


    出31:14: 所以你们要守安息日,以为圣日。凡干犯这日的,必要把他治死;凡在这日做工的,必从民中剪除。

  8. Agree or disagree. Circumcision no longer has any religious meaning or value. (See Galatians 5:1-6 and explain your answer.)


    READ GENESIS 17:15–22 阅读创世记17:15-22

  9. Why did God change Sarai’s name?


    In verse 17 we read that Abraham laughed when he heard God’s promise that he and Sarah would have a son. As he and Sarah grew older, it seemed more and more impossible for God to do what He had promised. It didn’t make any sense, and it didn’t seem realistic. Can God really do this?


    People have often laughed at God’s declarations. When Zechariah was told he would have a son, he wouldn’t believe it. On Easter when the women told the disciples that Jesus had risen, we read that the disciples thought it was nonsense. People have always had trouble with this truth. Some don’t think it possible for a virgin to have a baby. Some don’t think it is possible for Jesus to physically rise to life after three days in the tomb.


    What seems ridiculous to you? What are you struggling to believe?


    • That God hears your prayers?


    • That God’s word is inspired and inerrant?


    • That God turns all our troubles into good?


    • That angels watch over us and guard us?


    • That God can create the universe in six days?


    • That the body and blood of Christ are really in the bread and wine?


    • That baptism works faith in a baby?


    • That Jesus is the only way a person can get to heaven?


    • That God will forgive you for what you have done?


    Remember the word of the Lord: “I am God Almighty. I can do what seems too hard for you. I can …


    • cause a 90-year old barren woman can have a baby


    • create the world by speaking a word


    • become a human being and walk this earth


    • transfer your guilt to My Son and forgive a lifetime of rebellion


    • bring a baby to faith through a simple applying of water


    • be in bread and wine


    • love you as bad as you are.”


    Lord, we believe. Help us overcome our unbelief.


  10. Both Isaac and Ishmael were sons of Abraham. What was different about the two?


    READ GENESIS 17:23–27 阅读创世记17:23-27

  11. How does Abraham’s response to God’s command demonstrate his faith in God’s word and promises?


Now that we believe God’s word and promises, the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. And, so as a sign that Abraham was a believer and a recipient of God’s gracious promises, God established the covenant of circumcision.


This circumcision was not a matter of hygiene or better health. It was a flesh and blood expression of faith. Let me repeat: It was a flesh and blood expression of faith. Commenting on this St. Paul wrote: “[Abraham] received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith” (Romans 4:11).


The Lord asked Abraham and all who shared his faith to demonstrate their faith and love for Him by an act of obedience: Be circumcised. This was a flesh and blood expression of faith. This would not be easy, as the operation would be painful and bloody (at least for the men). “If you believe my promises, and if you love me, then you will be circumcised” God said. This would mean that being part of the community of believers would have a significant commitment, a flesh and blood commitment, a clear expression of faith and love for God.


Today circumcision no longer counts. However, what does count is faith expressing itself through love and obedience to God.


The significance of this act of obedience was made clear in the New Testament record when Stephen told the unbelieving Israelites: “You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit!” (Acts 7:51, NIV84). An “uncircumcised heart” is a heart that does not love Jesus and obey Him. An “uncircumcised ear” is one that does not listen to the words of Jesus. So circumcision represents repentance, faith, and obedience. It represents faith expressing itself through love.


A chicken and a pig were walking down the street one day and noticed some poor children who looked like they were starving. Moved with compassion, the chicken said to the pig, “I have an idea! Let’s give those children a nice breakfast of ham and eggs.” The pig thought about the suggestion a moment, and said, “Well, that’s a good idea, but for you it would involve only a small sacrifice. But for me, it would involve total commitment.”


That’s what the Lord was teaching Abraham and all of us. In establishing His covenant of grace with us, God made a total commitment. His love was expressed in flesh and blood. And at the communion altar He assures us that His blood was spilled for us for our forgiveness.


Now faith asks us to respond to His love by loving and obeying Him in return. Make a flesh and blood commitment. Don’t just say you are a Christian. Put your faith into practice and express it by loving God and showing love and kindness to those around you.
