第2课 约翰福音,第1章 耶稣:道与羔羊

The gospel of John does not begin its record of Jesus by recording his birth, but by proclaiming the eternal existence of Christ. The gospel begins in the same was that the first book of the Bible begins, “in the beginning.” In other words, the gospel is saying that before Jesus was born in Bethlehem, before Moses, before Abraham, before Adam and Eve, there was Christ, eternal, almighty, one with the Father.


Read John 1:1-18 (The prologue to the gospel) 读约翰福音1:1-18(福音书的序言)

  1. What titles are given to Jesus in this prologue (and the rest of the chapter)? 在这篇序言(以及这一章的其余部分)中,耶稣都有哪些名字? (1:1) (1:7,8) (1:14,18) (1:29, 36) (1:34 and 49) (1:38 and 49) (1:41) (1:49) (1:51) 参考Luke1:33 以色列王

  2. What truths does John reveal about Jesus in verses1-3? 约翰在1-3节揭示了关于耶稣的什么真理?(17:5)

  3. In what way is Jesus the light? (As you answer, look up Psalm 82:4-5; Proverbs 4:19; and John 12:35) 为什么说耶稣是光? (参考诗篇82:4-5;箴言4:19和约翰福音12:35, Is 9:2)

  4. In verse 5 John said that Jesus shined light in the darkness, but the darkness did not understand it. Where do we see examples of this happening in the world today? 在第5节,约翰说耶稣在黑暗中发光,但黑暗却不明白。在当今世界,我们在哪里可以看到这样的例子?

  5. Verses 6-8 tell us about John the Baptist. What was his purpose in life, according to 1:7? 6-8节告诉我们有关施洗约翰的事。根据1:7,施洗约翰的人生目的是什么?

Read John 1:19-34 (John the Baptist testifies about Jesus) 读约翰福音1:19-34 (施洗约翰为耶稣作见证)

  1. What event is John recalling in verses 32-34? (See Mark 1:9-11.) Why was the voice from heaven and the Spirit descending like a dove important to John? 约翰在32-34节回忆了哪一个事件? (见马可1:9-11) 为什么从天上发出的声音和圣灵像鸽子降下对约翰来说极其重要?

  2. What things did John the Baptist make clear about himself? 施洗约翰清楚地说明有关自己的什么事?

  3. What did John say about Jesus’ work in verses 29 and 34? 约翰在第29节和第34节说了有关耶稣工作的什么事?

Read John 1:35-51 (Jesus calls his first disciples) 读约翰福音1:35-51 (耶稣呼召他的首批门徒) In verse 35 we read of “two of John’s disciples.” One of them was obviously Andrew, who was mentioned in v. 40. The other disciple is not mentioned by name. Since the writer of this gospel often chose not to use his own name (we have another example of this in John 20:3, where two disciples ran to the empty tomb), it is assumed that the other disciple was John himself, the author of this Gospel.

  1. What brought the first two disciples to Jesus (verse 36)? 是什么把前两个门徒带到了耶稣面前(36节)?

  2. What first brought you to Jesus? 是什么最初把你带到了耶稣面前?

  3. Jesus showed Nathanael one miracle. Nathanael confessed Jesus is the Son of God. What greater things would Jesus show him? 耶稣给拿但业看了一个神迹。拿但业便承认耶稣是神的儿子。 耶稣将要向他显示的更大的事是什么?

In our next lesson Jesus begins his ministry, performs his first miracle, and proclaims that he is the true Messiah, sent by the Father for the salvation of the world. Please prepare chapters 2 and 3. 在我们的下一课中,耶稣将开始他的事工,行他的第一个神迹,宣告他是真正的弥赛亚,是父所差来拯救世界的。请准备第2章和第3章。