第九课 神使我们凭恩典为祂而活

Romans 6:15 – 7:6

罗马书 6:15 – 7:6


How does being “under grace” change everything in life?


ROMANS 罗马书6:15 – 6:18

Being a slave doesn’t seem like a worthy goal of life. The Bible says we will be a slave, someone or something will control of our will and thoughts. Either we are controlled by our sinful nature or we are controlled by Jesus. The result of serving sin is death (physical and spiritual – separation from God). The result of serving Jesus is doing God pleasing things (righteousness). The believer in the payment for sin that Christ made has been moved by the Spirit to be under Jesus' control.

作奴仆并不像是一个生命中值得努力的目标。圣经说我们将会成为一个奴仆,一定会有某些人或某事要掌控我们的意志和思维。我们或是被我们的罪性所控制或是被耶稣所掌控。服事罪的结局是死亡(既包括身体的死亡也包括灵性的死亡- 与神的分离)服事耶稣的结局是做神所喜悦的事(行义)。凡相信基督为他们付清罪债的信徒会被圣灵感动而处于耶稣的掌控中。


1. What great transformation has God worked in the life of a believer? (17-18)


2. Why does Paul say, “Thanks be to God”? (17)


ROMANS 罗马书 6: 19 – 23

Notice in verses 21-22 that Paul uses similar words to set up the contrast between the two slaveries. The benefit of serving sin is a sense of shame because of our previous attitudes and actions finally resulting in eternal separation from God (death). The believer has been set free from our sin and guilt through the payment of Christ. We willingly became slaves of God which prompted us to strive to do and think things that are God pleasing (holiness) and the final result is eternal life. Obviously our living a holy life doesn’t earn the final result – eternal life, that would contradict everything that Scripture says. Eternal life is the final benefit we receive through Christ.


KEYWORD: DEATH – Separation 1) physical death -soul separated from body, 2) spiritual death – person separated from God (no relationship), 3) eternal death – separated eternally from God

关键词:死亡 —— 分离 1)身体的死亡 —— 灵魂和身体的分离,2)灵性的死亡 ——人神分离(无份无关),3)永远的死 —— 永远和神分离。

KEYWORD: LIFE – Connected 2) physical life – soul and body connected, 2) spiritual life – person connected to God (a relationship), 3) eternal life – eternally connected to God

关键词:生命 —— 连接 2)肉体的生命 —— 灵魂和身体的连接,2)属灵的生命 —— 人和神的连接 (建立关系), 3) 永生 —— 永远与神连接


3. What are the huge disadvantages of being a slave to sin? (19-21,23)


4. What are the huge advantages of being a slave to God? (19,22-23)


5. What are some of the contrasts between the first half of verse 23 and the second half?


ROMANS 罗马书7: 1 – 6

Paul uses an illustration to make the point that we are free from our old relationship with the law. A woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive. If he dies, she is freed from that binding relationship to start a new marriage relationship with another. The spiritual point is that we are bound to the law, to trying to keep it perfectly to earn our favor with God and eternal life. Death broke that relationship, not our death but the death of Jesus (vs.4). His death payment on the cross for us frees us to a new binding relationship. In this new relationship with God, “we serve in a new way” (6). The Spirit leads us to serve the Lord. We no longer have an attitude, “I have to serve” or “I must serve”. Our new way in the Spirit is, “I want to serve” or “I gladly and willingly serve”.



6. What happens to a believer’s relationship to the law and to God because of saving work of Jesus?


7. According to vs 5 what moral and spiritual conditions exist when people are controlled by their sinful natures?


8. In what sense are believers “released from the law” (6)?


[Preparing for next week’s class 预习下周的课程]{.ul}

  1. Read Romans 7:7 – 25 阅读罗马书 7:7 – 25

  2. Read Romans – the People’s Bible Pages 112 – 123 阅读罗马书 大众圣经读本 112 – 123页

  3. Read Romans 7:7 – 25 a second time but this time out loud.再次大声朗读罗马书 7:7 – 25

Describe how we serve the Lord in the new way of the Spirit. (6)
