第四课(lesson 4) 规则三—上帝默示的最初话语有着至高无上的权威

Rule #3




Because the Bible was written a long time ago, the original writings by the original writers are no longer preserved. The original writings were copied by many people and translated into many languages. There was great care given to copying the writings because the copyists believed these were the words of God. Today we can be sure that we have the true Word of God because with all these copies of the original, it is not difficult to determine what the original words in Greek or Hebrew were, which God inspired.

由于圣经在很久以前就写完了,原作者所写的原文原稿已失传了。原文原稿已被文士抄录、并且被译为许多种语言。 文士们在抄圣经的过程中极其小心,因为他们相信这些都是上帝的话语。今天,我们确信我们有着上帝真正的语言,因为,我们通过这些所有的手抄本去检验上帝最初在希腊文或希伯来文中所默示的意思并不困难。

There are some passages in the New Testament in which we have ‘variant readings.’ We need to examine what copies and translations show us about variant readings so as to determine what the original text said. In those passages where there is a variant reading, no doctrine of Scripture is affected.


Examples of ‘variant readings’:


The Byzantine and Alexandrian approaches to studying text variants are faulty because both use only certain copies of the New Testament as being the most accurate and reliable.


“Recension” is a deliberate effort to rewrite portions of the Bible in a different way. Some people say that this happened in the centuries after Christ ascended into heaven. But there is no evidence that this ever happened. People who believe that ‘recensions’ took place want to try to disprove that the Bible is reliable and is God’s Word.

“修订” 是一项深思熟虑的工作,即从一个完全不同的方式来重写圣经的某部分。有人认为,这项工作发生在基督升天之后的几个世纪里。但是没有证据能证明这项工作曾发生过。相信‘修订’发生过的人们是想试图来反驳圣经的可靠性及圣经是上帝的话语这一真理。

Examples of a ‘recension’:


The Bible was copied by hand from 100 A.D. to 1450 A.D., when the printing press was invented.


A “witness” is a copy of the Bible.


1)We do not have any of the original documents of the Bible.

  1. 我们没有任何一卷圣经的原文原稿。

2)All of the copies of the Bible have some variant readings which happened during hand copying over the years.


3)God has preserved so many copies of the Bible that it is not difficult to determine what the original text said, except for a few passages that do not affect doctrine in any way.

3)上帝保存了这么多的圣经手抄本,这使得我们确定圣经原文的意思并不困难,除了少数的圣经段落 的意思之外,不过这些经文并不能以任何方式来影响圣经的教义。

Types of New Testament ‘Witnesses’

新约 ‘抄本’的类型

A.Greek 希腊文


B.Translations 译本

Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Gothic, and others.


Two Guidelines for New Testament Variant Readings


  1. Readings which are in the most ANCIENT and WIDESPREAD witnesses are true to the original text.

  2. 那些最为古老的、并且流传甚广的抄本的解释,对于圣经的原始文本来说,是最接近原文的真实意思。

  3. Consider the CONTEXT and AUTHOR’S USE OF WORDS to help determine what the original said.

  4. 考虑上下文及作者的用词有助于我们确定圣经原文的意思。