第十二课 信条十一 认罪
From little on many Christians are taught “You don’t have to confess your sins to anyone, but Jesus Christ.” But is that always the case? What does the Scripture state when I offend someone? What does the Scripture state about Christians confessing their sins to each other? Must a pastor know the details of my heart, where I have sinned against God? Is there benefit to confessing our sins to our pastor? Is there benefit to confessing our sins to our fellow Christians?
很多基督徒从小时候起就得到这样的教导:“除了主耶稣之外,你不需要向任何人认罪”。 但情况真是这样的吗? 当我冒犯别人时,圣经是怎样教导的呢? 有关基督徒向彼此认罪的事,圣经是怎样教导的呢?牧师必需要知道我心里的具体想法,以及我在哪里得罪了神吗? 向牧师认罪有益处吗?向我们的基督徒同伴认罪有益处吗?
This study addresses these and many more questions that Christians have had regarding the confessing of their sins. Before we study the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church regarding their understanding of confession, let’s look at the biblical teaching of Confession laid out by our Lutheran forefathers according to God’s Word.
本次学习涵盖这些以及基督徒关于认罪方面的很多其它问题。之前我们学习了罗马天主教对于认罪的错误认识, 让我们一起看一下路德宗的前辈们是怎样按照神的话对我们做出合乎圣经的教导?
Article 11: About Confession
1] About confession our churches teach that private absolution should be kept in the churches and not stopped. When confessing sins, however, it is not necessary to confess all sins individually. 2] For that is impossible. As the psalm says, “Who can discern his errors?” (Psalm 19:12).
1]有关认罪,我们教会教导, 私人赦罪应该在教会里保持下来而不应该被禁止。不过我们在认罪时,没有必要把所有的罪都一个一个认出来,因为那是不可能的。就像诗篇作者所说:“谁能知道自己的错失呢?”(诗篇 19:12)
John 20:21-23 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”
约翰福音20:21-23 耶稣又对他们说:“愿你们平安。父怎样差遣了我,我也照样差遣你们。” 说了这话,就向他们吹一口气,说:“你们受圣灵。 你们赦免谁的罪,谁的罪就赦免了。你们留下谁的罪,谁的罪就留下了”。
Matthew 16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
马太福音 16:19 我要把天国的钥匙给你。凡你在地上所捆绑的,在天上也要捆绑。凡你在地上所释放的,在天上也要释放。
The Church has been entrusted with a set of keys that Jesus gave to them. These keys lock heaven from impenitent sinners, that is, sinners who refuse to repent of their sin. They lock them out of heaven by refusing to announce absolution to them, or to forgive them of their sins. But to those who repent of sin, Christians unlock the door of heaven by announcing to them absolution (or forgiveness) on account of Jesus’ merit. This we call the ministry of the keys.
耶稣将一串钥匙委托给教会。这些钥匙把天堂的门锁住了,不让那些不知悔改的罪人,也就是拒绝悔改自己罪行的人进去。他们因为拒绝宣告他们的罪得到了赦免,或者拒绝饶恕自己的罪而把自己锁在了天国的门外;但是对那些已经悔改的人来说, 基督徒通过向他们宣告他们的罪因为耶稣的恩典被赦免,从而向他们打开了天堂的门。我们把它称之为钥匙的事工。
Jesus Christ gave his Church on earth the gospel in both the spoken Word and the sacraments (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper) to read, teach, and administer to his flock here on earth until he brings his flock home to eternity.
The gospel in the Word and sacraments is the precious means of grace by which God calls the Christians to faith, and then after faith is created in their hearts, God sustains that faith through these special means.
I. Congregations do well to provide opportunity for private confession with absolution.
Confession includes two parts. The first is that an individual, a repentant sinner, confesses his (or her) sins openly and specifically to the pastor or another trusted Christian. The second part is that the person who hears this confession of sin announces God’s forgiveness for the contrite sinner. This announcement of forgiveness (absolution) is a special use of the spoken gospel because the gospel (forgiveness) is announced to an individual.
THOUGHT QUESTION: What often stands in the way of a person coming to their pastor in confidence to talk about their sins?
a. God’s Word counsels us to confess our sins to one another.
Matthew 5:23-24 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.”
马太福音 5:23-24 所以你在祭坛上献礼物的时候,若想起弟兄向你怀怨, 就把礼物留在坛前,先去同弟兄和好,然后来献礼物。
Luke 17:3-4 “If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.”
路17:3-4你 们 要 谨 慎 ! 若 是 你 的 弟 兄 得 罪 你 , 就 劝 戒 他 ; 他 若 懊
悔 , 就 饶 恕 他 。 4倘 若 他 一 天 七 次 得 罪 你 , 又 七 次 回 转 , 说 : 我 懊 悔 了 , 你 总 要 饶 恕 他 。
James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
雅各书 5:16 所以你们要彼此认罪,互相代求,使你们可以得医治。
Respond: Jeffrey and Denise were members at the same church as Susan and Eric, but the two couples had a verbal argument over something. These two couples could hardly endure seeing each other at church, but unfortunately because they went to the same church they had no choice except to see each other. Apply the passage from Matthew 5:23-24. What ought to take place before these two couples come to church and try offering a gift to Jesus?
请回应:杰弗里和丹尼斯跟苏珊和艾里克是同一教会会友, 但是两对夫妇曾因一些事情发生过口角。这两对夫妇在教会中水火不容, 但是因为都属于同一教会却没有办法彼此不见面。 请用马太福音5:23-24节讨论这两对夫妇在去教堂向耶稣奉献礼物之前应该先做什么?
b. Absolution offers and gives forgiveness to the contrite sinner.
The gospel is a living and powerful word (Hebrews 4:12; John 6:63). The gospel not only announces that there is forgiveness for sins. The gospel also brings and gives God’s forgiveness to the sinner. God’s forgiveness is received through the faith which this gospel works in the sinner who believes God’s promise of forgiveness.
Romans 10:17 Faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the word of Christ.
罗10:17 信道从听道而来,听道从基督的话而来。
THOUGHT QUESTION: Which “message” is “the word of Christ” [in the above passage]? Is this the message of the law or the gospel?
II. Enumerating (mentioning or listing) all sins is not necessary nor is it possible.
Psalm 19:12 But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults.
诗19:12 “谁 能 知 道 自 己 的 错 失 呢 ? 愿 你 赦 免 我 隐 而 未 现 的 过 错 。”
In the Lord’s Prayer we ask God to forgive us our trespasses without stopping to specify any sins in particular. We plead guilty in a general way, as did the publican (the tax collector) in the temple: “God, have mercy on me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13).
在主祷文中我们求神免我们的债,但并没有停下来特别说出任何一个具体的罪。 我们是以一种概括的方式认罪的,就像殿里的人(税吏)祷告说:“神啊,开恩可怜我这个罪人”。(路加福音18:13)
a. The Roman Catholic Church offers only partial forgiveness.
i. Rome offers forgiveness only for sins that have been confessed specifically to an ordained priest.
It is impossible for us to remember and then confess each and every sin we have committed. We often sin in ways we do not realize or remember (Psalm 19:12).
It is not necessary that a priest hear confession and announce absolution. Any Christian may do this (James 5:16; 1 Peter 2:9).
ii. Rome announces forgiveness only for the guilt of those sins.
Rome makes a false distinction between the guilt and the punishment for sins. But Jesus has made full payment for the sin of the world (John 1:29; John 19:30).
iii. Rome provides no forgiveness for the temporal punishment of those sins.
This false teaching has led to and gives credence to the false teaching of Purgatory and many other abuses which are part of the Roman Mass. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Purgatory is where believers go when they die. They enter Purgatory to be cleansed through suffering before they can enter heaven. This suffering is necessary, Rome says, because absolution removes only the guilt of sin, not the punishment for that sin. This false teaching robs Jesus of his rightful glory. This false teaching robs the sinner of gospel comfort.
b. True absolution brings complete forgiveness.
i. Forgiveness for all sins
Psalm 32:1,2 Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the LORD does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.
诗篇 32:1,2 得赦免其过,遮盖其罪的,这人是有福的。凡心里没有诡诈,耶和华不算为有罪的,这人是有福的。
Psalm 103:2-3 Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.
诗103:2-3 2我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华,不可忘记他的一切恩惠。3他赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病。
THOUGHT QUESTION: Why doesn’t God count our transgressions against us?
ii. Forgiveness for both the guilt and the punishment for all sins.
This truth was taught by the reformers who confessed the Christian faith at Augsburg in 1530. In the Apology to the Augsburg Confession Article 11 says this:
This belief has encouraged many godly minds, and, in the beginning, brought Luther the highest commendation from all good men, since it shows consciences sure and firm consolation; because previously the entire power of absolution….had been kept suppressed by doctrines concerning works, since the sophists and monks taught nothing of faith and free remission but pointed men to their own works, from which nothing but despair enters alarmed consciences.
But with respect to the time, certainly most men in our churches use the Sacraments, absolution and the Lord’s Supper, frequently in a year. And those who teach of the worth and fruits of the Sacraments speak in such a manner as to invite the people to use the Sacraments frequently.
(Apology to the Augsburg Confession, Article 11, Triglotta, page 249)
Review of Article 11 – About Confession
Prepare your answers so that you can help us to review Article 11 (About Confession) as begin our next session.
1 John 1:8-10 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
约翰一书 1:8-10 我们若说自己无罪,便是自欺,真理不在我们心里了。 我们若认自己的罪,神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义。 我们若说自己没有犯过罪,便是以神为说谎的。他的道也不在我们心里了。
Can Christians confess their sin in the privacy of their own homes, just to God and nobody else?
What, then, might be the benefit of confessing our sins to those we have offended?
What, then, might be the benefit to talk to our pastor privately about the sins that are plaguing our minds and tormenting our consciences?
Read Matthew 18:15-18
读太18:15-18 15倘 若 你 的 弟 兄 得 罪 你 , 你 就 去 , 趁 着 只 有 他 和 你 在 一 处 的 时 候 , 指 出 他 的 错 来 。 他 若 听 你 , 你 便 得 了 你 的 弟 兄 ; 16他 若 不 听 , 你 就 另 外 带 一 两 个 人 同 去 , 要 凭 两 三 个 人 的 口 作 见 证 , 句 句 都 可 定 准 。 17若 是 不 听 他 们 , 就 告 诉 教 会 ; 若 是 不 听 教 会 , 就 看 他 像 外 邦 人 和 税 吏 一 样 。 18我 实 在 告 诉 你 们 , 凡 你 们 在 地 上 所 捆 绑 的 , 在 天 上 也 要 捆 绑 ; 凡 你 们 在 地 上 所 释 放 的 , 在 天 上 也 要 释 放 。
When a brother or sister in the faith sins against us, what does Jesus tell us should be the first three steps before removing him/her from the assembly of believers…
a. __________________________________________
If the church gets through to him or her regarding their sinful behavior, what is the church supposed to do…
a. Use the binding key
b. Use the loosing key
Reading Assignment for Next Session
Augsburg Confession
Article 12: About Repentance
1] This is what our churches teach about repentance. For those who have fallen from faith after Baptism there is forgiveness of sins whenever they repent. 2] The church should also announce forgiveness to such people who are returning in repentance. Now, repentance consists properly of these two parts: 3] First, there is contrition. Contrition is the terror that fills the conscience because of the knowledge of sin. 4] The second part of contrition is faith. This faith is given birth by the gospel, or by absolution, 5] and it believes that for Christ’s sake sins are forgiven. 6] It also brings comfort to the conscience, and delivers it from its terror. Finally, good works must follow, for these are the fruits of repentance. Like John the Baptist says, “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance” (Matthew 3:8).
1]这是我们教会对悔改的教导。对于那些受洗之后又失去信心的人,只要他们悔改,他们的罪会被赦免,2]教会也应该向这些悔改并回转的人宣告赦罪。现在,赦罪包括这两个部分:3]第一是懊悔。懊悔是因为认识罪之后良心充满恐惧;4]悔改的另一部分是信心。这一信心是从福音或赦罪产生的,5]因为它相信因着基督的缘故罪被赦免了,6] 它也给良心带来了安慰,把它从恐惧中释放出来。最后,好行为必须要紧随其后,因为这些是悔改的果实。就像施洗约翰所说:“要结出果子来与悔改的心相称”。(太3:8)
7] We condemn the Anabaptists who say that those who have once been justified cannot lose the Holy Spirit. We also condemn those who argue that some people can become so perfect in this life 8] that they no longer sin.
7] 我们谴责再洗礼派,因为他们说那些以前被称义的人不会再失去圣灵。我们也谴责那些主张一些人会在今生达到完美 ,8] 永远再不犯罪的说法。
9] The Novatians also are condemned, for they will not give absolution to people who have fallen from faith after Baptism, even though they have repented.
10] We also reject those who do not teach that forgiveness of sins comes through faith but who urge us to earn God’s grace by making payments of our own.
Optional Reading Assignment for Next Session
The Defense of the Augsburg Confession Article XII
Of Repentance
The English translation can be found at