第七课 信条六 新顺服
In our last lesson we learned about the main work of the Christian Church. This work is called “the ministry”. Ministry is service. Christians serve the world in many ways. The most important way we serve the world is by fulfilling our call to proclaim God’s word to the world.
God’s Word contains both law and gospel. We must speak the law so that people may recognize their sins and see that they need help. We need a Savior from sin. This world’s Savior from sin is Jesus, the Son of God. We serve the world – we fulfill our ministry – when we proclaim forgiveness of sins in the name of Jesus Christ. This message produces saving faith so that sinners are righteous in God’s sight.
In Article 6 (About New Obedience) we will learn that every act of serving – whether we are serving our Savior-God or we are serving the people of his world – all of this is the product (or the result) of the fact that we have faith in Jesus.
In our serving, we do not stop with proclaiming God’s Word to the world. We reveal our faith in every fruit of faith. The fruit of faith is keeping God’s commands. This is why we call this “new obedience”. Our obedience is not outward – it comes from the heart. This is why we call it new obedience.
Our Opening Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
Article 6: About New Obedience
1] We teach that this faith must bring forth good fruits and that one must do the good works commanded by God, in accord with God’s will. However, one must never rely on such works to earn justification in God’s eyes. 2] For we receive forgiveness of sins and justification only by faith. Christ himself says, “When you have done everything . . . say, ‘We are unworthy servants’” (Luke 17:10). The church fathers teach this same thing. 3] Ambrose says, “God has established that whoever believes in Christ freely receives the forgiveness of sins. He is saved without works, by faith alone.”
1] 我们教导,这一信心必定会结出好果子,而且一个人必须要按照神的旨意去做神所命令的好行为。然而,一个人永远不能凭借那些好行为得以在神的眼中被称为义。2] 因为我们只有通过相信才能使我们的罪被赦免并被神称义。基督自己也说:“这样,你们做完了一切所吩咐的,只当说:‘我们是无用的仆人,—”(路17:10)。教会的先辈们也有同样的教导。3] 安波罗修说:“神规定一切相信基督之人的罪都白白地得到赦免,而且他能够得救不是因为自己的行为,而是单单凭借相信就得到的。”
Christian faith must “bring forth good fruits” (good works).
Are good works necessary?
It may come as a surprise to you but Article 6 answers that question with an emphatic, “Yes!”
Are good works necessary to merit God’s forgiveness and earn salvation?
The moment Luther revealed to the Catholic Church that the merits of Christ are fully sufficient for our salvation, the devilish ears of the roman papacy had awakened because their work-righteous and hypocritical faith was being jeopardized. They maintained that good works must be meritorious; they must aim at some reward. But that’s law obedience and not gospel obedience.
I. Christians do not do good works to earn God’s favor
It is certainly significant that we speak of our relationship with God in terms of obedience. But let us be careful in how we explain that obedience. The Christian’s obedience is not to seek reward. Our obedience is not to please our sinful flesh. We do not obey God in order to avoid punishment.
Consider: God offers us forgiveness of all our sins, not in consideration for anything we did, but because his own Son has taken our guilt upon himself and by suffering our penalty in his own body made full atonement. Although such an offer seems like the height of folly to our natural way of thinking, yet the Holy Spirit prevailed on us to accept it in faith. He taught us to submit our thoughts, our desires, our feelings entirely to the will of God as announced to us in the Gospel.
II. Christians do good works because faith naturally produces good works
This faith of ours, which does nothing but receives the merits of Jesus Christ, is not an inactive thing, but is always active in some way producing fruit for the Kingdom of God. After faith has been created in our hearts, this faith is productive of good works. Note this carefully: the same faith which receives and enjoys forgiveness of sins, by this very fact becomes a new life principle in us and, if not hampered, will be very productive of good works.
Read James 2:26
读 雅各书2:26
The unbeliever is spiritually _________.
The unbeliever cannot produce _______________.
Just as a hungry person naturally wants to eat _______
Just as a living person’s lungs naturally inhale _________
Just as the heart of a baby in the mother’s womb naturally continues to ___________
So also, a Christian will naturally produce _____________ because the Christian is spiritually ______.
Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
太7:21凡 称 呼 我 主 啊 , 主 啊 的 人 不 能 都 进 天 国 ; 惟 独 遵 行 我 天 父 旨 意 的 人 才 能 进 去 。
Jesus makes it clear (in the above passage) that faith is more than words. Faith produces a “doing” of the Father’s will.
The apostle Paul was pleased to learn that the Roman Christians were producing this “doing”. They were producing what Article 6 calls “new obedience”:
Romans 16:19 Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.
罗 16:19你 们 的 顺 服 已 经 传 于 众 人 , 所 以 我 为 你 们 欢 喜 ; 但 我 愿 意 你 们 在 善 上 聪 明 , 在 恶 上 愚 拙 。
John 15:1-5 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. 5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
约15:1-5 1我 是 真 葡 萄 树 , 我 父 是 栽 培 的 人 。 2凡 属 我 不 结 果 子 的 枝 子 , 他 就 剪 去 ; 凡 结 果 子 的 , 他 就 修 理 干 净 , 使 枝 子 结 果 子 更 多 。 3现 在 你 们 因 我 讲 给 你 们 的 道 , 已 经 干 净 了 。 4你 们 要 常 在 我 里 面 , 我 也 常 在 你 们 里 面 。 枝 子 若 不 常 在 葡 萄 树 上 , 自 己 就 不 能 结 果 子 ; 你 们 若 不 常 在 我 里 面 , 也 是 这 样 。 5我 是 葡 萄 树 , 你 们 是 枝 子 。 常 在 我 里 面 的 , 我 也 常 在 他 里 面 , 这 人 就 多 结 果 子 ; 因 为 离 了 我 , 你 们 就 不 能 做 什么 。
Luther described it this way: “Faith is a divine work in us. It changes and regenerates us. It mortifies the natural man in us and makes us new men in heart, spirit, and mind and all power, and it cannot be without the Holy Spirit. Oh, it is a living, busy, and powerful thing about faith. It is impossible that it should not always do good works. It does not stop and ask where good works can be done. Before there can be any asking, it does good works and is always doing them” (Preface to Romans).
What are good works?
The Catholic Church will tell you if you abstain from eating meat on Friday you are doing a good work. By fasting and vigils, by donating candles to some shrine, by making a pilgrimage to a saint’s or martyr’s tomb, you will be doing good works. The best work you can do is to take upon yourself the monks’ or nuns’ threefold vow of obedience, poverty, and celibacy. That’s a good work taught by the Roman church.
That’s why Article 6 says “in accord with God’s will”.
If God’s Word tells me that it is his will that I do something, like avoid meat on Fridays or abstain from marriage, or purposely impoverish myself, then I would do so. Otherwise it is a man-made rule. Remember what Jesus said about man-made rules?
Matthew 15:9 “They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.”
太15:9他 们 将 人 的 吩 咐 当 作 道 理 教 导 人 , 所 以 拜 我 也 是 枉 然 。
If we want to know what good works are, let us go to the tablet of the Law as God had it drawn up for Moses and the people of Israel. For it is still the will of Almighty God that we love him above all else and that we love our neighbor as our self.
Luke 17:10 So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’”
路17:10 这 样 , 你 们 做 完 了 一 切 所 吩 咐 的 , 只 当 说 : 我 们 是 无 用 的 仆 人 , 所 做 的 本 是 我 们 应 分 做 的 。
The point that Jesus was making in this parable was that even if we Christians could do everything that was written in the Law, we would have no right to expect reward for doing what we were supposed to do. However, the fact of the matter is that God rewards us on account of faith simply because he is a gracious and kind God who loves us like a mother or father loves his son or daughter – unconditionally in Christ.
Read Psalm 26:8 “I love the house where you live, O LORD, the place where your glory dwells.”
诗篇26:8 耶 和 华 啊 , 我 喜 爱 你 所 住 的 殿 和 你 显 荣 耀 的 居 所 。
This person is eager to worship the LORD, at his house, on the day of worship.
Why is this the sort of obedience that God desires?
The old obedience is that of a slave; the new obedience is that of a child, who in perfect freedom, without any constraint, in fullness of love and confidence, out of gratitude for the love experienced from the parents, is glad to do the will of the parents to the best of his or her ability.
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完成单元A的试卷 Introduction to the Augsburg Confession & Articles 1-6 [Lessons 1-7]
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Reading Assignment for Next Session
Augsburg Confession
Article 7: About the Church
1] Our churches also teach that there is and always will be one holy church. The church is the gathering of all believers, in which the gospel is purely preached and the holy sacraments are properly administered.
2] For true unity in the church, it is enough to agree about the teaching of the gospel and the use of the sacraments. 3] It is not necessary that human traditions, that is, rituals or church ceremonies that have been set up by humans, should be the same everywhere. 4] As Paul says, “One body and one Spirit— just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all” (Ephesians 4:4-6).
2]为了教会的真正合一,众教会在福音的教导和圣礼的使用上达成一致就足够了,3]不需要强求各地的人间传统—即由人设立的教会仪式或典礼完全一样。4] 如保罗所说:“4身 体 只 有 一 个 , 圣 灵 只 有 一 个 , 正 如 你 们 蒙 召 同 有 一 个 指 望 。5一 主 , 一 信 , 一 洗 , 6一 神 , 就 是 众 人 的 父 , 超 乎 众 人 之 上 , 贯 乎 众 人 之 中 , 也 住 在 众 人 之 内 ”(弗4:4-6)。
Article 8: What the Church Is
1] The church actually is the gathering of all saints and true believers. But in this life many hypocrites and evil people are mixed in with the believers. Because of this, we may at times need to receive the sacraments from evil men. As Christ says, “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat” (Matthew 23:2). 2] Both the Word and the sacraments are able to produce their results because Christ instituted them and commanded us to use them. This is true even when they are given and administered by evil men.
1] 教会实际上是众圣徒和真信徒的集合体。但现实中总有很多伪善和邪恶的人混杂在信徒当中,我们有时候也需要接受由恶人主持的圣礼。就如基督所说:文 士 和 法 利 赛 人 坐 在 摩 西 的 位 上— (太23:2)等。在这种情况下,神的话和圣礼都仍然会产生功效,因为那是基督设立和命令遵守的。即使有时是由恶人主持的,它们也仍然会有效果。
3] We condemn the Donatists, and those like them, who say it is wrong to use the ministry of evil men in the church, and who think the ministry of evil men is wrong and has no power.
Optional Reading Assignment for Next Session
The Defense of the Augsburg Confession Articles VII & VIII
About the Church
The English translation can be found at