第四课(lesson 4) 基督、他的工作和其结果
第四课(lesson 4) 基督、他的工作和其结果 LESSON 4: Christ, His Work, and It’s Result 第四课:基督、他的工作和其结果 Introduction: Define “Grace” (Romans 3:22-24) 引言:定义“恩典”(罗马书3:22-24) PART 1: The Person of Christ: 第一部分:基督的位格:
- What was the “dilemma” God faced as a result of the fall? 陷在罪中的结果使上帝面临怎样“进退两难的局面”? Leviticus 19:2 利未记19:2 Ezekiel 18:4 以西结书18:4 1 John 4:16 约翰一书4:16 Ezekiel 33:11 以西结书33:11
- How do human beings attempt to solve this “dilemma”? 人类试图怎样解决这个“进退两难的局面”?
- Use the following passages (or others) to show how the teaching of the Person of Christ truly solve the “dilemma”? 用以下经文(或其他经文)说明有关基督位格的教导如何能真正解决这个“进退两难的局面”? Psalm 49:7-9 诗篇 49:7-9, Matthew 1:23 马太福音 1:23, John 1:14 约翰福音 1:14, Romans 5:10 罗马书 5:10, Romans 5:19 罗马书 5:19, 2 Corinthians 5:19 哥林多后书 5:19, Galatians 4:4-5 加拉太书 4:4-5, Colossians 2:9 歌罗西书 2:9, Hebrews 2:14-17 希伯来书 2:14-17, 1 Peter 1:18-20 彼得前书 1:18-20,
- What are the evangelism implication of the doctrine of the person of Christ? 有关基督位格的教义中的福音暗示是什么? PART 2: The Work of Christ: 第二部分:基督的工作:
- Definitions定义:
- Redeem / Redemption 救赎(动词) /救赎(名词) (see Romans 1:14, Galatians 4:4-5, Colossians 1:14, Ephesians 1:7, 1 Peter 1:18-19) (参见罗马书 1:14,加拉太书 4:4-5,歌罗西书1:14,以弗所书1:7,彼得前书1:18-19)
- ransom 赎价 (see 1 Timothy 2:5-6) (参见提摩太前书2:5-6)
- atone / atonement 赎罪(动词)/赎罪(名词) (see 1 Jn 2:2) (参见约翰一书2:2)
- Use what we learned from #1 to define “Vicarious Atonement” 用我们从第一点中所学到的内容定义“代赎”
- Why is the teaching of “Vicarious Atonement” so important? 为什么“代赎”的教导如此重要?
- How would you explain it to someone who has never studied the Bible before? 你如何向一个以前从没有学习过圣经的人解释这一点?
- When we talk about Christ’s work we talk about his: 当我们谈到基督的工作时,我们谈到他的:
- Active Obedience 主动顺服
- Passive Obedience 被动顺服
- When we talk about Christ’s work, we also talk about his two states. What does each state mean for how we do evangelism? 当我们谈到基督的工作时,我们还会谈到他的两种状态。每一种状态对于我们如何传福音有着怎样的意思?
- Humiliation 降卑 A. conceived 感孕 B. born 降生 C. suffered under Pontius Pilate 在本丢彼拉多手下 D. was crucified, died, and was buried 被钉于十字架、受死、埋葬
- Exaltation 升高 A. descended into hell 降在阴间 B. the third day he rose again from the dead 第三天从死人中复活 C. ascended into heaven 升天 D. is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty 坐在全能父上帝的右边 E. will come again to judge the living and the dead 将来必从那里降临审判活人死人
- What are some things in Chinese history or Chinese and Asian religions that the evangelist should be aware of and prepared to talk about? 中国历史上的哪些事情或中国和亚洲的哪些宗教是福音传道人应该了解和预备谈论的?
- Agree or Disagree? Why? 同意或不同意?为什么?
- Knowing that judgment day could come at any time is what motivates Christians to do the work of evangelism. 知道了审判日会在任何时候到来是对基督徒进行传福音事工的激励.
- Knowing that people are dying every day without Christ is what motivates Christians to do the work of evangelism. 知道了每天都有人在没有认识基督就离世了,这也激励基督徒进行传福音的工作。 PART 3: The Result of Christ’s Work 第三部分:基督工作的结果
- What are some ways to explain or define “justification”? 解释或定义“称义”的方式有哪些?
- What are the implications of the following for evangelism? 以下内容对于传福音的暗示是什么?
- Justification is Sola gratia (by grace alone): 称义是Sola gratia (唯独靠恩典)
- Universal Justification (Romans 3:23-24, 2 Corinthians 5:19, 1 Timothy 2:5-6, 1 John 2:2) 普世称义 (罗马书3:23-24,哥林多后书 5:19,提摩太前书2:5-6,约翰一书 2:2)
- Objective Justification (Romans 4:25, Ephesians 2, Acts 16:31) 客观称义 (罗马书4:25,以弗所书2,使徒行传16:31)
- Note the dangers of the following unbiblical teachings: 注意以下非圣经教导的威胁:
- Calvinism: “Double Pre-destination – Christ died only for the elect.” 加尔文派:“双预定论-基督只为被拣选的人死。”
- Arminianism: “Decision Theology – you must make a decision for Christ” 亚米念派:“决定神学-你必须为了基督作出决定。”
- Roman Catholics: “Infused Grace – God starts the faith, but you must finish it” 罗马天主教:“注入的恩典-上帝开始了你的信仰,但是你必须完成它。”
- Why must we keep the teaching of justification as the main message of the Bible on which the very existence of the Church depends? (See Romans 5:18) 为什么我们必须保留称义的教导,作为教会真正存在所依靠的主要圣经信息?(参看罗马书5:18)