Appendix 1—“我们的困境…上帝的解决方式”的解释

Appendix 1—“我们的困境…上帝的解决方式”的解释 APPENDIX 1: EXPLANATION OF “OUR DILEMMA…GOD’S SOLUTION.” 附件1:“我们的困境…上帝的解决方式”的解释 Permit me now to put a little flesh on to this outline, sharing with you what I may have said or added as we “discussed” this Law and Gospel presentation. I would seek comment and input from the listener in all points along the way. It was offered more as a dialogue than a monologue. It is a presentation that could be made with our without a printed outline. It could be made in as little as ten minutes or as long as a full hour, depending on the circumstances and time available. 在这里请允许我为这个概述增加一点新的东西,来与你们分享一些也许我已经谈到过或添加作为我们“讨论过的”律法与福音介绍的内容。我想向听众寻求对全篇文章所有要点的评价和信息。它提供的是一种对话而不是独白。它可以是一个没有打印出概要的陈述。它可以是10分钟或1小时长短,取决于可用的环境和时间。 First, as to the title, OUR DILEMMA - GOD’S SOLUTION. The “our” includes everybody. I didn’t use MAN’S OR MANKIND’S DILEMMA since it includes men, women and children. 首先,就题目而言,我们的困境 - 上帝的解决方式。这个“我们”包括所有人。我没有用人的或人类的困境是因为它包括了男人,女人和孩子。 I chose the word ‘dilemma’ because I wasn’t sure I knew how to spell it (and so I had to check it out…research is always good) and because it was not a word that was common in the Grenadian vocabulary. I always gave them a few guesses as to what it meant. Some would get it but most did not. 我选择了‘困境’这个词是因为我不确定我是否知道如何拼写这个词(因此我必须查出来…研究总是好的),而且因为它不是格林纳达词汇表中的常用单词。我总是对于它的意思作出几种猜测。有时能理解它的意思而有时不能。 A dilemma, I would tell them, is a problem, a big problem and, in fact, so big a problem that it is impossible for us to solve, even though we may “try hard.” I would then illustrate a dilemma in this way. Grenada is a small Island surrounded by vast oceans. I would first of all ask if the person was a good swimmer. I would receive a variety of answer: “yes”…”I’m okay”… or “no, I don’t go near the water or I’m afraid of it.” I might ask if they could swim from one end of Grand Anse Beach to the other. Some said they could. How about from Grenada to Carricaou? “No, never!” Okay, let’s say you were in a small row boat in the middle of the ocean, a thousand miles away from the nearest land and you don’t even know in which direction the land lies. You have no motor, no oars, no food and no water. You are all by yourself. That is a dilemma. What is going to happen to you? Most times, reluctantly, they would say, “I’m going to die.” 一种困境,我会告诉他们,就是一个困难,一个大的困难,而且,事实上是,大得让我们即使是“努力”也不可能解决的困难。然后我会以这样的方式来阐明困境。格林纳达是被浩瀚的大海围绕着的小岛。我首先会问有没有人是游泳健将。我会得到各种不同的答案:“是的”…“我还不错”…或者“不是,我不去水边或者我怕游泳。”我会继续问他们是否能从大昂斯海滩的一端游到另一端。一些人说他们可以。如果是从格林纳达游到卡里布呢?“不,绝不可能!”好吧,比方说你坐在一个小划桨船里在海的中央,离最近的陆地有一千英里远,而且你甚至不知道陆地在哪个方向。你没有引擎,没有桨,没有食物和水。只有你一个人。这就是困境。会有什么样的事情发生在你身上?大多数情况,他们会无奈地说,“我会死的。” I would then proceed to show that we are confronted with an even worse dilemma in our relationship with God because of our sin. Isaiah 59:2 declares: “But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” 然后我会继续说明由于我们的罪,使我们与上帝的关系面临一个甚至更糟的困境。以赛亚书59:2说:“但你们的罪孽使你们与神隔绝。你们的罪恶使他掩面不听你们。” We would proceed to look at the passages under OUR DILEMMA one by one, having them read it with me if they had paper in hand. We would then briefly ask the good Lutheran question, “What does this mean?” What exactly are these passages saying about us and our relationship with God? 我们继续一一来看在我们的困境下面的经文,如果他们手里有材料让他们和我一起来读。然后我们简要地问一个很好的路德式问题,“这个经文的意思是什么?”这些经文具体对于我们和我们与上帝的关系意味着什么? In Matthew 5:48 The Lord says, “Be perfect,”…not try to be perfect, or become perfect eventually, but BE PERFECT right now and forever. I would then ask, “How many perfect people are here right now?” “None, pastor,” would come their quick response. Indeed none, although I would kiddingly say, “Are you including me? Yes, pastor.’ Look at the next passage. What does it say? “All have sinned…”How many?…a few, some, many? No, all! “Falling short of the glory of God” is just another way of saying that we are imperfect, sinful human beings, we have fallen short of the perfectness that God and His holiness requires of us to enter into His presence. 在马太福音5:48中,主说,“你们要完全,”…而不是你们要设法成为完全的,或者最后成为完全的,而是现在和永远要完全。我会问,“现在这里有多少完全的人?”“没有,牧师,”他们会快速地回答。确实没有,虽然我会调侃式地问到:“你说的包括我吗?”“是的,牧师。”看下一节经文。它说了什么?“因为世人都犯了罪…”多少人犯了罪?…少数人,一些人,许多人?不是,是所有人!“亏缺了神的荣耀”是从另一方面说明我们是不完全的,有罪的人,我们已经亏缺了要与上帝同在上帝和他的圣洁所要求的完全。 Now look at James 2:10 and notice what it says. (Read it together.) We talk about basically the Ten Commandments and also about the letter (Thou shalt not kill) and the spirit (Whosoever hates his brother is a murder) of the Law and then point out that God’s Word says that if we break just one commandment out of ten (just one time) we are guilty of sin. One sin makes me a sinner just as one lie makes me a liar. 现在看到雅各书2:10并注意它说的什么。(一起读)我们基本上讲过十诫和书信(不可杀人)以及律法的精神(任何恨恶他弟兄的人都是杀人的人),然后指出上帝的话告诉我们如果犯了十条诫命中的一条(哪怕一次)我们也是有罪的。一个罪使我成为罪人正如一个谎言使我成为一个骗子一样。 The bottom line for our sin and our terrible dilemma in our relationship with God is spelled out black on white in Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin……” I would pause and let them say from memory or from reading say, “is death.” And that means not just physical death but eternal damnation and eternal separation from God. 我们罪底线和我们与上帝关系中的可怕困境已经白纸黑字地向我们说明了,罗马书6:23“罪的工价…”我会停一会,让他们从回忆中或所读的经文中回答说“乃是死。”并且这意味着不仅是肉体的死,而且是永远的咒诅和永远的与上帝分离。 That is a dilemma…isn’t it? And it’s our dilemma, it’s the world’s dilemma in our relationship with God! 这就是困境…不是吗?并且在我们与上帝的关系中,它是我们所面临的困境,它是世人所面临的困境! Now most people, when faced with a dilemma, a serious problem, what do they do? They try to fix it, to resolve it, to make it better again. That’s what people also try to do with their broken relationship with God. That is the essence of “natural religion” in this world and the foundation of every religion of the world. They try to fix it by: 现在大多数人,在面临困境,严重困难时,他们会做什么?他们会试图修复它,解决它,使它再次好转。这也是人们试图对他们与上帝破裂的关系所做的。这是这个世上“自然宗教”的本质和世上每个宗教的基础。他们试图修复它,通过: TRYING HARDER! And yet trying harder to live the perfect life which God requires by His Law is like trying to lift yourself up by your own boot straps. Have you ever tried that? It cannot be done. You may try harder than any body else in the world but you will not budge yourself one fraction of an inch off the ground by yourself. 更加努力!然而靠着上帝的律法更加努力地活出上帝所要求的完全的生活就像你试图用自己的鞋带把你提起来一样。你有没有尝试这样做过?这是不可能完成的。你也许比这个世上的任何人都要努力,但是你不可能让自己离开地面哪怕一英寸中的一小部分。 Time and time again I have run into people who are “trying harder” and they are driving themselves bananas. For just when they think they are making a little progress, what happens? They fail again. “Trying harder” ultimately only leads to frustration and failure and generally results in people giving up on “religion.” 我已经屡次碰到有人“更加努力”而且使他们自己抓狂。仅仅当他们想他们正取得一点进步时,发生了什么?他们再次失败了。“更加努力”最终只导致挫折和失败还有通常使人放弃“宗教”。 Here is another point. Even if you could succeed living a perfect life for the rest of your life from this point on, what about your past life of imperfection? Do you expect a righteous and holy judge to just forget about the past? Would you expect a judge in the human court of law to just excuse your past life of abuse of? Your past convicts you and your present condemns you no matter how many pious appeals and promises you make for trying harder or doing better in the future. “BE PERFECT” is God’s unchanging demand and command! 还有一点值得注意。就算你能成功从今以后在你剩下的人生中你能过完全的生活,那么你以前不完全的生活呢?你是否期待一个正义和圣洁的法官会忘记你的过去呢?你是否期待一个世人法庭中的法官为你该控诉的过去开脱呢?无论你做多少真诚的上诉并保证你在将来会更加努力或做得更好,你的过去已经宣告你是有罪的,而且你的现在定了你的罪。“你们要完全”是上帝不变的要求和诫命! Others will propose that we will strive to BALANCE and even outweigh our bad with good. Four good deeds, they might say, make up for four bad deeds, in effect, I guess, canceling each other out. And so, they say, if you end up life with more pluses than minuses you should be okay with God. But the truth is that not many sins but even one sin makes you a sinner and not all the good you do can make up for or pay for or wipe out even one sin. There is a price tag attached to every sin we commit and that is that each sin is deserving, according to God’s judgment, of death, eternal death and damnation. Just was one bad egg makes for a bad omelet no matter how many good ones you add to it, so one sin makes me a sinner, deserving of eternal separation from God. 其他人会提议我们要力求平衡,甚至用我们的善行超过我们犯的罪。我们也许会说,四个善行能弥补四个坏行为,实际上,我猜,它们能互相抵消。因此,他们说,如果到你生命结束时,你的善大于恶,对于上帝来说,你应该没有问题。但是事实是不用很多罪,仅仅一个罪就使你成了罪人并且你所做的所有善行不能弥补或是偿还或是抹去哪怕一个罪。我们所犯的每一个罪都有一个价签,而且根据上帝的审判那是每个罪所应付的,就是死亡,永远的死亡和咒诅。无论你加多少好鸡蛋,仅仅一个坏鸡蛋就会使做出来的煎蛋卷是坏的,因此一个罪就使我成为罪人,应该永远与上帝分离。 A third way in which people try to solve their dilemma of a broken relationship with God is the COMPARISON method. We start comparing ourselves with other people and, of course, we can always find someone who is “worse” than we are and some how we imagine that they will make us okay to God. But a little bit of searching will also find some/many in this world who are better than we are. And so now who should God save and who not? Where should He draw the line of acceptance, at the sixty or seventy percentile? How arbitrary and un-God-like such a judgment would be. 人们试图解决与上帝破裂关系的困境的方法就是比较法。我们开始将我们自己与其他人进行比较,当然,我们总能找到别人比我们“更差”而且不知为何我们猜想这样会使我们在上帝看来是没有问题的。但是一点研究就会发现世上的一些/许多人都比我们好。那么现在上帝应该救谁又不应该救谁呢?他应该将接纳的标准线画在哪里呢,是百分之六十还是百分之七十呢?这样的审判将会变得多么随意且与上帝的标准相差多么大! The bottom line is that all human efforts fall short of the perfection that God commands and demands of us in the Law. Therefore the Apostle Paul, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, states the purpose of God’s law in Romans 3:20 when he writes: “Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.” (emphasis mine) 底线是所有人的努力都亏缺了上帝在律法中所定的和要求的完全。因此,使徒保罗,靠着圣灵的默示,在罗马书3:20中说明了上帝律法的目的,他写道:“所以凡有血气的,没有一个因行律法能在神面前称义,因为律法本是叫人知罪。”(重点是我的罪) We have a dilemma with regard to our relationship with God and we cannot resolve it by ourselves! Recognizing and admitting that truth is the first step to recovery. That is the conclusion to which God’s Holy Law would lead us and the purpose for which it was given, to see our sin and to recognize our need for a Savior. 关于我们与上帝的关系,我们处在困境中而且我们不能靠我们自己解决这个困境!认识和承认这个事实是恢复这个关系的第一步。这是上帝的圣律法引导我们得出的结论同时它被赐予我们的目的是要我们看到我们的罪并认识到我们需要一位救主。 There is a SOLUTION for our dilemma, not man’s but God’s SOLUTION. It is a solution that has not been negotiated by man but implemented by God unilaterally. And it has been proclaimed to us in the all too familiar words of John 3:16, words we know by heart but which we need to grasp and hold on to with our hearts of faith given us by the Holy Spirit. 我们的困境有一个解决方法,不是人类的而是上帝的解决方法。这个解决方法不是经过与人协商的而是由上帝单方面执行的。并且它已经在约翰福音3:16这所有我们再熟悉不过的话语中向我们宣告了,我们的心知道这些话,但是我们还需要掌握它并用我们心中圣灵赐予我们的信心紧紧抓住它。 To man’s horrible and hell earned dilemma the Apostle John, as the Lord’s spokesman says in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Notice what happened when we were in our hopeless and helpless condition. God acted! His love moved Him to act in our behalf. He loved the world which had turned its back on Him and He acted favorably when we only deserved His disfavor. He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, with Jesus full approval, to be the sacrifice and payment for our sins! 对于人类因所做的可怕的事和罪陷入的困境,使徒保罗,作为主的代言人在约翰福音3:16中说到:“神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们。叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。”注意当我们在无望和无助的情况下发生了什么。上帝做工了!他的爱促使他为我们做工。他爱这个已经背离他的世界并且在我们只应得到他的厌弃时,他却满有善意地做工。他将由他所出的独生子耶稣赐给我们,并且得到耶稣的完全同意,将他献祭,偿还我们的罪! In 2 Corinthians 5:21 God’s word tells us how Jesus saves us. “God made Him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” Jesus, the Son of God became a man. He was born, unlike ourselves, without sin. He lived a perfect life under the Law as our substitute and then on the cross He took our sins on Himself and pays for them. He then gives us His righteousness, His holiness. This is the great exchange that has taken place. He takes our sins…He gives us His perfectness and so now we are right and holy in the sight of God because of Jesus! 在哥林多后书5:21中,上帝的话告诉我们耶稣如何拯救我们。“神使那无罪的(耶稣),替我们成为罪,好叫我们在他里面成为神的义。”耶稣,上帝的儿子成为了人。他出生就是无罪的,不像我们。他作为我们的替代者在律法下过完全的生活并在十字架上将我们的罪加在他自己身上,为我们赎罪。然后他给我们他的义,他的圣洁。这是已经发生的伟大交换。他带走我们的罪…他给我们他的完全,所以因为耶稣的缘故,我们在上帝眼中被看为公义和圣洁的! And all of this was simply by God’s grace and through His working. Romans 5:8 says: “God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus died the death we deserved and gives us the life we did not earn! Thus our salvation is 100% the working of God’s grace. 而且所有这些都是单单是靠上帝的恩典和藉着他的做工。罗马书5:8说到:“惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死,神的爱就在此向我们显明了。”耶稣为我们所应得的死而死并给我们不配得的生命!因此,我们的救恩是100%上帝恩典的作为。 And His action favored not only a few, or some, but ALL PEOPLE! Christ’s work in our behalf is universal. He paid for not only some sins, or many sins but ALL SINS, whether the people who hear that news believe it or not! That’s not just great news for us but it is a great message that we have to share with all! “Your sins have already been forgiven in Christ!…Believe it!…That is God’s gift and promise to you!’ 他的行动不仅仅使少数人或一些人受到恩惠,而是所有的人!基督为了我们的做工是普世性的。他不仅仅赎了一些罪或许多罪,而是所有的罪,无论听到这个消息的人是否相信它!“你的罪已经在基督里被赦免!…要相信它!…那是上帝给你的礼物和应许!” Indeed “The wages of sin is death…” that’s what we deserved…”But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23It’s a gift and it’s yours in Jesus! 确实“罪的工价乃是死…”这是我们应得的…“惟有神的恩赐,在我们的主基督耶稣里,乃是永生。”罗马书6:23。它是一个礼物,是你在耶稣里的礼物! I spend some time on the picture of the cross flanked by the words: God’s Justice and God’s Love. In fact, those are the two attributes of God that come into play in our damnation/salvation account. 我留意到一幅画着十字架的图画,旁边写着:上帝的公义和上帝的爱。事实上,那是上帝在我们的定罪和拯救中发挥作用的两种属性。 On the one hand, God is just. He is holy and righteous and just, appropriately as God demanding that every sin committed be paid for. He cannot be just and simply forget about our sins or sweep them under a big rug so that He can no longer see them. Sin committed MUST be paid for. 一方面,上帝是公正的。他是圣洁、公义和公正的,根据上帝的要求,每个罪都应被偿付。他不可能既公正,而忘记我们的罪或将他们扫到一块大的地毯下从而不再看见他们。我们所犯的罪必须被偿付。 On the other hand, God is love. He created us for Himself and He wants us to be with Him forever. But our sin will not allow for Him to gather us up into His arms of love. 另一方面,上帝是爱。他为自己造了我们,而且他想让我们永远与他同在。但我们的罪使得他不能把我们聚在他爱的臂膀之。 That is where the cross of Jesus comes into the picture, already planned in eternity, foretold in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New. It is on the cross that the justice of God is satisfied and the love of God is extended to mankind. 那就是耶稣的十字架出现的原由—在永恒里已经被预备,在旧约中已经被预言并在新约里被成就。在十字架上,上帝的公义得以满足而且上帝的爱得以向人类延伸。 On the cross Jesus willingly accepted the sins of the world to be literally dumped on Him. Isaiah 53: 6 declares: “the LORD(God) has laid on him (Jesus) the iniquity(sins) of us all(the world).” That is why in spiritual agony Jesus cried out from the cross as He suffered the hell and the death that we deserved, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!” Matthew 27:46 Can you even begin to imagine, God (Jesus) being forsaken by God (Father) for our sins! That’s what happened on the Cross. And then Jesus said, “It is finished.” John 19:30 That Greek word (tetelestai) literally means “paid in full.” The sins of the world have now by Jesus been paid IN FULL. How do we know that for sure? On the third day He rose again proving that He has now conquered sin and death and hell and the devil for us forever. (Romans 4:25). 在十字架上耶稣愿意接受来自世人被倾倒在他身上的罪。以赛亚书53:6宣告:“耶和华(上帝)使我们众人(世人)的罪孽(罪)都归在他(耶稣)身上。”这就是为什么当耶稣在十字架上为我们应得的地狱和死亡受苦时,从灵里发出痛苦地呼喊,“我的神!我的神!为什么离弃我?”马太福音27:46 你能否开始设想一下,上帝(耶稣)被上帝(天父)因我们的罪离弃!那就是发生在十字架上的事。接着,耶稣说,“成了!”约翰福音19:30 这个词希腊语(tetelestai)的原意是“已全部交付”。世人所有的罪现在已经被耶稣全部交付了。我们如何确信这一点呢?第三天他从死里复活,表明他为我们永远地战胜了罪、死亡、地狱和魔鬼。(罗马书4:25) The results and the effects of the Cross of Jesus and His death for the world can simply be summed up in the word GRACE. This word, grace, put into the form of an acrostic can be defined in this way:G = God’s R = Riches A = At C = Christ’s E = Expense 耶稣的十架和他为世人的死的结果和作用可以简单地归纳为一个词恩典。这个词,恩典,拆开来可以用这样的方式来定义:G=上帝的 R=丰盛 A=以 C=基督的 E=代价。 That is what GRACE is. God simply giving us the riches of His love (forgiveness of sins, life and salvation) at Christ’s expense…He paid the full price of our redemption for us! 2 Corinthians 8:9 says: “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you though His poverty might become rich.” 这就是恩典的含义。上帝以耶稣为代价单单给我们他丰盛的爱(罪的赦免、生命和救恩)…他为我们付了救赎的全部赎价!哥林多后书8:9说到:“你们知道我们主耶稣基督的恩典:他本来富足,却为你们成了贫穷,叫你们因他的贫穷,可以成为富足。” Romans 8:1 declares now the bottom line for us who trust in Jesus as our Savior when Paul writes: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:8-9 says it all for us: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” 罗马书8:1向我们相信耶稣为救主的人宣告了最后的底线。保罗写道:“如今,那些在基督耶稣里的就不被定罪了。”以弗所书2:8-9告诉我们了:“你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信。这并不是出于自己,乃是神所赐;也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。” All that remains now to be told is: our response to grace. How shall we respond to God’s grace saving us for Jesus’ sake? I return to the story at the beginning of this Law and Gospel presentation. 所有这些提醒我们的是:我们对恩典的回应。我们该如何回应上帝为耶稣的缘故拯救我们的恩典呢?再回到律法与福音的介绍开始部分的那个故事。 You are in a boat in the middle of the ocean, a thousand miles from shore. You have no food or water. You are as good as dead. In fact, you are now unconscious (as good as dead) on the bottom of the boat. I come flying over in a helicopter. I see you in your dilemma. I lower a rope latter. I climb down and tie you to it. We lift you up into the helicopter and fly you back to land and put you into the hospital. The doctors and nurses nurse you back to life. One day the nurse says to you, “The man who rescued you is going to come to see you tomorrow.” How do you feel? You are overjoyed to hear that good news. You can’t wait until he arrives and when he does you thank and praise and hug him. You tell him how much you love him and appreciate his saving work in your behalf. You think of him and thank him every day of the rest of your life. 你在大海中的一叶小舟上,离海岸一千英里远。你没有食物和水。你濒临死亡。事实上,你此时已经失去知觉(即将死亡),躺在船上。我乘直升机飞来。看见你陷入困境,我放下绳梯。我爬下来把你绑在绳梯上。我们把你拉进直升机,飞回陆地,送进医院。医生和护士医治你,将你救活。有一天,护士对你说:“那个救你的人明天要来看你。”你会有什么感受?你听到这个消息喜出望外。你迫不及待地要见到他,感谢他,赞美他,拥抱他。你告诉他你有多爱他,感激他对你的拯救。在你的余生,你会每天想到他,感谢他。 That, my friends, in picture form, is the essence of the Christian life as it is now to belived as the saved children of God. Our Christian life is simply wanting to say “thank you” to God for having saved us. I John 4:10-11 says it well: “This is love, not that we love God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we ought to love one another.” 亲爱的朋友,这就是用图画形式表现出来的现在作为被拯救的上帝的儿女基督徒生活的本质。我们基督徒的生活只是想为上帝拯救了我们向神说“谢谢你!” 约翰一书4:10-11说到:“不是我们爱神,乃是神爱我们,差他的儿子,为我们的罪作了挽回祭,这就是爱了。亲爱的弟兄啊,神既是这样爱我们,我们也当彼此相爱。” We can remember “our response” by simply keeping in mind the letters P. S. God’s Word, the Bible is His love letter to us. There he tells us what Jesus has done to save us and to give us eternal life. Our response is simply a P.S. added to His love letter, the P. standing for “praising God” and the S. standing for “serving others.” This P.S. is the sum total of the Christians new life in Christ, his life of sanctification. His life is no longer “have to” (Law directed) but “want to” (Gospel motivated). 我们可以用两个简单的字母P.S.来记住“我们的回应”。上帝的话语,圣经是他给我们的情书。在里面他告诉我们耶稣为救我们和给我们永生所做的事。我们的回应只是附在他情书上的附言。P代表“Praising God” 赞美上帝,S代表 “Serving others”服侍他人。这个附言是基督徒在基督里新生活 – 成圣的生活的总括。他的生活不再是“不得不”(由律法为主导)而是“想要”(被福音激励)。 It is, then, at the close of this presentation that I ask the two questions of application based on what we have just learned from God’s Word. 在这个陈述的结尾处,基于我们所学的上帝的话语我要问两个应用的问题。 Question One: If you were to die tonight, do you know for sure that you have eternal life? Let the person/people you are talking to respond. Don’t be surprised if they may still give a negative or an unsure response. The Good News of Jesus grace is hard to accept (understand) into our sin infected hearts. Go back and review a few key passages. Have them look at the last passage, John 3:36 which says: ”Whoever believes in the Son (Jesus) has eternal life.” You may want to then ask them, “do you believe in Jesus, that He died for your sins?” If they respond, “yes,” then have them look at this passage again and see what it says….”Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life.” Notice that God’s Word doesn’t say “might have” or “will have” or “could have” but it says HAS ETERNAL LIFE. It is already an accomplished fact and it happened when Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world and now it is His gift to you! 第一个问题:假如你将在今晚去世,你确信你会得到永生吗?让你的听众做出回答。如果他们仍然给出否定或不肯定的答案,不要惊讶。耶稣恩典的福音很难被我们已经受到罪感染的心所接受(明白)。回头再复习一些关键经文。让他们看一下最后一节经文,约翰福音3:36说到:“信子(耶稣)的人有永生。”你还可以再问他们:“你相信耶稣为你的罪而死吗?”如果他们回答“是!”,就让他们再看这段经文说的是什么…:“信子(神儿子)的人有永生。”注意上帝的话中没有说“也许有”或“将会有”或“可能有”,而是说的“有永生”。它已经是一个完成了的事实,而且它就发生在当耶稣为世人的罪死在十字架上的时候,而现在它是上帝赐给你的礼物! Question Two: If God were to ask you, why should I let you into My Heaven, what would you say to Him? Answer: Because Jesus, your Son, paid for all of my sins! Oh, thousand, thousand thanks shall be…Dearest Jesus unto Thee. Amen. 第二个问题:假如上帝问你,为什么我应该让你进入我的天堂,你会怎么对他说呢?答案是;因为耶稣,你的儿子为我所有的罪付了赎价!哦,千千万万个感谢归于—亲爱的耶稣,阿们! When I shared this message with people, whenever I would see them (a day or two later or a week or two later) I would simply ask question one again and allow them to answer. Yes, I am sure because Jesus died for me sins. Then I would invite them to come and study God’s Word in greater depth with me. Many in Grenada accepted this invitation to the praise and glory of God. 当我和别人分享过这个信息时,无论我将 (在一两天后或一两周后) 看见他们,我都会再问他们第一个问题让他们回答。是的,我肯定,因为耶稣为我的罪死了。然后我会邀请他们来和我更深入地学习上帝的话。很多在格林纳达的人接受了这个邀请来赞美荣耀神。 Martin Luther once stated that the person who could properly divide Law and Gospel truly deserved the title Doctor of Theology. Indeed, a proper distinction between Law and Gospel is absolutely essential to understanding the wonderful truth that we are saved “by the grace of God alone, through faith in Jesus Christ alone as revealed in the Holy Scriptures alone. These watch words: GRACE ALONE, FAITH ALONE, SCRIPTURE ALONE are the three great “sola’s” of the Bible, of the Lutheran reformation and of the Christian faith. 马丁路德曾经说到一个能将律法和福音适当地分开的人实在应该得到神学博士的学位。事实上,律法和福音之间适当的区分对于理解“唯独靠上帝的恩典,藉着在唯独在耶稣基督里的和唯独由圣经所揭示的信心”我们被拯救的美好真理是绝对必要的。这些座右铭:唯独恩典,唯独信心,唯独圣经是圣经的、路德宗教改革的和基督徒信仰的三个伟大“sola’s唯独”。 It was clearly our experience in Grenada that when Law and Gospel were mixed, you ended up with a religion of semi-work righteousness…and that robbed the hearer of any certainty of salvation. When you preach or teach what I call “grace plus” or “grace minus” (example of “grace plus” - saved by grace but you must worship on Saturday; or “grace minus” – saved by grace but you cannot wear any jewelry) the focus ends up being on the “plus” or the “minus” and a person thinks he is saved by what he or she does or does not do…and the end result is an uncertainty or even loss of salvation. Law always and only “shows us our sins.” Gospel always and only “shows us our Savior.” Both Law and Gospel are from God but both serve different purposes. By James Radloff 很明显,我们在格林纳达的经验告诉我们当律法和福音相混淆时,你最终将得到一个半公义的教会…而且那将夺走听众对救恩的所有确信。当你传讲或教导我称为“恩典添加”或“恩典减少”的内容时(“恩典添加”的例子 – 被恩典拯救但是你必须在星期天参加敬拜;“恩典减少”的例子 – 被恩典拯救但是你不能佩戴任何首饰),关注点最终都是在“增加”或“减少”上,而且一个人会认为他是被他或她做的事或没有做的事拯救…其结果就是不确定或者甚至是失去救恩。 律法总是而且只是“向我们显明我们的罪”。福音总是而且只是“向我们显明我们的救主”。律法和福音都是来自上帝,但是有着不同的目的。 詹姆斯 拉德洛夫 著