Appendix 附录 2

Appendix 附录 2 分类:基督徒敬拜 Christian Worship 作者:Dr. Glen L. Thompson 点击数:1668 THE CHURCH YEAR 教会年历 For over a thousand years, Christians have remembered the important events in Jesus’ life by celebrating them in order in their Sunday worship services. 1000多年以来,基督徒们不断纪念耶稣生命中的许多重要的事件,并按着次序在他们的主日敬拜中一一庆祝。 Season Length and Time Color Significance Advent 4 weeks (Nov.-Dec.) Blue(or purple) Advent means coming; we prepare for Christ’s birth and his second coming. Christmas 12 days (Dec. 25- Jan. 6)Christmas Day is Dec. 25* White We celebrate Christ’s birth Epiphany 4-9 weeks (Jan. 6 -Mar.)Epiphany is Jan. 6; the first Sunday is the Baptism of our Lord; the last Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday Green(White on the first and last Sundays) Epiphany means revealing. We celebrate Christ’s being revealed to be the Savior of all people. Lent 40 days (Feb.-Apr.)Begins with Ash Wed.;ends with Holy Week (Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday) Purple(Black or purple on Ash Wed.; black on Good Fri.) During Lent we meditate on our Lord’s suffering and death for us Easter 50 days (Mar.-May)Includes Ascension on 40th day White(or Gold on Easter Day) Easter is our celebration of Christ’s resurrection** Pentecost 23-28 weeks (May-Dec.)Begins with Pentecost Sunday, followed by Trinity Sunday; the remaining period is often called the “non-festival” part of the church year; Oct. 31 is Reformation Day Green(Red on Pentecost and Reformation Days and 3rd last Sun.; White on Trinity Sun. and last 2 Sundays)*** Pentecost recalls the giving of the Holy Spirit, his blessings on the church, and our life of sanctification

  • Some churches follow another early custom of dating Christ’s birth to Jan. 6. ** Christians chose to worship on Sunday as a weekly celebration of Christ’s resurrection (cf. Revelation 1:10). *** In our WELS churches, the last 4 weeks of the church year are used to meditate on the end times and Christ’s second coming. 节期 长度和日期 颜色 意义 将临期 4周(11月至12月) 蓝色(或紫色) 将临期(Advent)意味着来临;我们预备基督的降生和祂的二次再来 圣诞期 12天(12月25日至1月6日)* 白色 我们庆祝基督的降生 显现期 4-9周(1月6日至3月) 主显节是1月6日;第一个主日是耶稣受洗的日子;最后一个主日是登山变像主日 绿色(第一个主日和最后一个主日为白色) 显现期(Epiphany)的意思是显现出来。我们庆祝基督被显明出来,成为所有人的救主 预苦期 40天(2月-4月) 开始于圣灰日(Ash Wed);结束于受难周(棕枝主日,濯足日,受难日) 紫色(圣灰日为黑色或紫色;受难日为黑色) 在预苦期,我们默想主为我们的受难和受死 复活期 50天(3月至5月) 包括第40天的升天节 白色(或在复活节时用金色) 复活节是我们庆祝基督的复活的日子** 五旬期 23-28周(5月至12月) 开始于圣灵降临主日,接着是三一主日;接下来的时间通常称作教会年历中的“非节期”时期;10月31日是宗教改革纪念日 绿色(圣灵降临节、宗教改革纪念日和之后的第3个主日为红色;三一主日和最后的2个主日为白色*** 五旬期使我们纪念赐给我们的圣灵,祂对教会的祝福和对我们生命的成圣。
  • 有些教会遵守另外一个早期的教会传统,认为耶稣降生的日子是1月6日。 ** 基督徒们选择在星期天崇拜,以此作为每周对耶稣复活的庆祝(参考启示录1:10) *** 在我们WELS教会中,教会年历中的最后4周被用来默想末后的日子和基督的二次再来。