Lesson 12 The Gospel of John, Chapters 15 and 16

Jesus: The true Vine

What are the requirements for salvation? Have they been met? Then why are we still here on earth? Why doesn't Jesus just take us to heaven the moment that we come to faith? These chapters remind us all why we are here.

Jesus would soon (in a matter of hours) be hung on the cross and put in the tomb. It is a confusing time for the disciples. They are like students who just can't understand a subject, even if the best teacher in the world is tutoring them. They need clarification. Jesus gives it to them.

Read John 15:1-17 (Jesus is the vine)

  1. Verse 1 contains the seventh and final "I am" statement of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Can you name some of them? (Light of the world, gate, good shepherd, bread of life, way, truth, life, resurrection and life, vine). Jesus called himself the "true vine." In what ways is Jesus the "true vine?" You may wish to read Isaiah 5:1-7 and Ezekiel 19:10-14 as you prepare your answer.

  2. In these verses Jesus describes his heavenly Father as the gardener. He has planted us (created us) and attached us to Christ, the good vine. His intention is that we bear fruit (do good works). Our purpose and reason for existence is to be and do what God the gardener planted us to do by bearing the fruit of good works. But in order to make us more fruitful, he may find it necessary to prune us. What are some of the ways that the Father prunes us?

  3. What are the fruits that Jesus has in mind for us to bear? (see Galatians 5:22-23)

  4. Are good works optional in the Christian life? Explain your answer. (See verse 8)

  5. How does obeying our Lord's commands make our joy complete? (See verse 11)

  6. What is the difference between a servant and a friend? (See verses 12-15)

Read John 15:18-27 (Jesus warns us about persecution)

It was important for Jesus to speak with His disciples about the hatred of the unbelieving world and the persecution that they would experience as his disciples. Because the world hated Jesus, it will also hate Jesus' followers. Why? It hates us because we are different. It hates us because we proclaim sin and grace. It hates us because we proclaim one truth, one way, one life.

  1. How does the world today show this hatred?

  2. How does knowing the world hates Jesus and his followers apply to our approach to evangelism?

  3. Verses 22-24. In what way would the Jews have not been guilty of sin, had Jesus not come and spoken to them and done miracles for them?

  4. What is the work of the Holy Spirit according to verses 26-27?

Read John 16:1-16 (The work of the Holy Spirit)

Chapter 16 begins a focus on predictions. In chapter 14 Jesus' words were words of comfort. In chapter 15 there were admonitions. Now this chapter contains many predictions. He begins by predicting persecution. He does this so that they would be prepared for the time when things would be hard. Second that they would know that He was still in control even when things were hard.

  1. What types of sufferings did Jesus tell his followers they would face?

  2. In verse 7, Jesus says, "Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you." Why must Jesus go away in order for the Holy Spirit to come?

  3. What are some ways in which the Holy Spirit convicts the world?

  4. What were some of the factors why the disciples could not bear at this time to hear the additional things Jesus needed to tell them?

  5. What are some of the factors today that prevent people from knowing and understanding God's word and will?

Read John 16:17-33 (Jesus' final words of comfort)

  1. What are the two "little whiles" that Jesus speaks of in verse 16?

  2. Explain the parable Jesus used in verse 21?

  3. Up to this time, when the disciples needed something, they went to Jesus. In the future they would go directly to the Father. What change would occur that allowed this to happen?

In the next lesson we shall study the amazing prayer that Jesus prayed on the night before he died for us. In that prayer, recorded in chapter 17, Jesus prays for himself, his apostles, and all of us. Enjoy the study.