Lesson 1


Romans 1:1 – 17


What a great opportunity we will have to study together this great teaching book of the Bible. I look forward to getting to know you, together learning God's Word and growing stronger and closer to Jesus by his grace. Dr. Martin Luther said about Romans, "This epistle is really the chief part of the New Testament and is truly the purest gospel. It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but also that he should occupy himself with it every day, as the daily bread of the soul. We can never read it or ponder over it too much; for the more we deal with it, the more precious it becomes and the better it tastes." (LW 35:380)

Romans 1:1-7

  1. There is no question about whom God inspired to write this letter. 1:1____________

It is normal for Greek letters that the writer is identified first.

  1. The people written to is equally clear. 1:7_______________________

It is obvious that Paul has planned to come to Rome but hasn't been able to get there 1:13. He is writing to a gathering of believers that he hasn't visited before. Most of them seem to be Gentiles. He is writing this letter to teach the basics of Christianity but also to do it with some depth of truth. He does plan to visit them in the future (Ro.15:24). First he must go to Jerusalem to deliver a special offering collected for the poor believers there (Ro.15:25). Many Bible scholars believe Paul was in Corinth (southern Greece) on his third missionary trip when he wrote this letter. The date of the writing is probably in the spring of 57 AD.

Notice in verse 1 the three things that Paul brings out about himself. He is (1) a servant – someone who serves his master completely. This particular servant, Paul, was called by Jesus to be (2) an apostle – someone sent out on a mission. The particular mission was (3) to proclaim the gospel.

  1. How does being a servant impact our thinking and actions?

  2. How does Matthew 28:19 help us understand to whom point three applies?

  3. How do these three points influence our view of the purpose of our life here on earth?

  4. What two truths are to be proclaimed about Jesus?

One truth from verse 3 –

One truth from verse 4 –

Jesus is a true human being who had an ancestry that could be traced back to David and even further back in time. He had every human quality that we have with one exception, he had no sin (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus became a human being, took on a human nature, at the time of his conception inside of Mary, his mother.

Jesus is the true Son of God and always had every quality of God. Notice how it says in vs. 4 that he was declared to be the Son of God by his resurrection. He didn't become God's Son at that point, the reality of Jesus being true God was clearly and forcefully proclaimed at the resurrection. He had to be true man so that he was under God's law just as we are and also could suffer and die for us. He also had to be true God so that he could give a perfect obedience to God's law and his suffering and death were valuable enough to pay for the sins of all people.

  1. What could the "obedience that comes from faith" (vs5) be referring to?

  2. Does verse six apply to you? Can you be included in the "you"?

How does that make you feel?

Romans 1:8-16

  1. Paul's prayer life is also shared in these verses? What do you notice about his prayers for the Romans?

Vs 8 –

Vs 9-10 –

Vs 11 –

  1. Think of your prayer life for your fellowship group. How are you copying Paul in your prayers?

  2. In what ways might you grow in your prayers for your group?

Verse 14 – Paul was called to be a servant of Christ (a God given obligation) to proclaim the Gospel. (verse 1) It didn't make any difference if people were cultured (Greeks) or uncultured (non-Greeks), educated or people with very little mental capabilities. They all needed to hear the Gospel. We are reminded again that it isn't our mental abilities or social standing that helps us before God. We are all saved only by grace through faith in Jesus and so everyone needs to hear the Gospel.

Verse 15 – Paul was eager. He couldn't wait for God to answer his prayer so that he could bring God's Word to them to strengthen and renew them in their faith.

Verses 16-17

  1. Why isn't Paul ashamed of the Gospel?

Notice it is "the Gospel". This isn't just any good news. This is a specific message of good news. It is the good news announced by the angels outside of Bethlehem. The Savior has come to pay for all sin before God.

The citizens of Rome understood power. Military power – the greatest in the world, political power – influenced people's lives far and wide, intellectual power – ideas frequently flowed from this city – yet the Gospel is a greater power. It is the power of God. Through the Gospel God worked to create faith in Jesus and then grow a small faith into a stronger faith through that same word. Paul had seen it happen time and time again.

KEYWORD: GOSPEL – Good News – God's message of a Savior from sin sent into the world

  1. What is the result of the power at work in the Gospel? (verse 16)

Salvation means a rescue from impending danger, in this case an inescapable danger. God's judgment over our disobedience. A message that results in people being lifted from the threats of hell to a relationship of peace with God.

  1. Who receives the benefit of this rescue?

This message was given to the Jews in Old Testament times, although it wasn't even then limited to them. During Jesus ministry he primarily spoke God's Word to the Jewish people but also did share it occasionally with the Gentiles. After his resurrection Jesus told his disciples to go to all nations with the Gospel. It was not that God preferred one over the other. It was the same powerful gospel that was at work in each heart.

Vs 17 – Righteousness - the word has the idea of a judge declaring a person not guilty. A person's legal status is cleared of all wrong doing. It is a statement by God that one is innocent of wrong doing. This was accomplished by God. He did it. We didn't do anything. This has been revealed. Literally the word means to uncover something that was hidden. What a wonderful message God has uncovered for us through the Gospel! This message is the power to create faith in Christ and it is only by faith that we receive the blessings of the message.

Paul quotes Habakkuk 2:4 The context of this Old Testament passage is: Habakkuk asked God to do something about all of the evil he sees around him. God replies that he is sending the Babylonians to bring judgment on Israel. Habakkuk then questioned how God could use the Babylonians for this task since they were even more wicked than Israel. God acknowledges the Babylonisn rebellion but in the verses after Hab. 2:4 says he will bring ultimate judgment on them also. In verse four he says but the one who believes God's statement that they are forgiven will live with the Lord forever.

  1. Describe a situation where someone might be ashamed of the Gospel.

  2. How can someone overcome that?

  3. How can the assurance that the Gospel is the power of God help us in sharing Jesus?

Preparing for next week's class

  1. Read Romans 1:18 – 2:16
  2. Read Romans – the People's Bible Pages 23-39
  3. Read Romans 1:18 – 2:16 a second time but this time out loud. (Hearing God's Word can prompt us to realize additional truths we didn't grasp with a silent reading.)
  4. Be prepared to answer: Someone is talking with you and is convinced they haven't done enough to continue to receive God's forgiveness. How might you use words from this section to help them see the truth?