Lesson 12


Romans 8:18 – 39


Since we aren’t slaves to fear in Christ (15) what kind of attitudes and confidence can we have in Christ?

ROMANS 8: 18 – 25

We will look at several words and their meanings. Paul uses the word translated, “consider” (18). That word has the idea of thinking about something carefully until one reaches a conclusion. The word translated, “comparing” (18) has the picture of an old balance scale, where weights are put on one side to determine the weight of another object on the other side. Once both are equal in weight it is balanced. Paul’s point is I thought about this carefully no amount of present suffering (physical, mental, emotional) will come close to our eternal glory that will be the believers in heaven. There is no amount of suffering in this world that we might endure that would make our eternal inheritance no longer worth it.

All of creation was impacted by mankind’s fall into sin. As a result of God’s judgment in the Garden of Eden, all of creation was subjected to “frustration” (20). Creation cannot accomplish its purpose for which it was created perfectly. Paul portrays creation as waiting for Jesus glorious return when creation also will be able to be a perfect creation again. Like creation we also groan inwardly (23) sin, disease and catastrophes also deeply impact us. At the same time we have a hope for the future, we are eagerly waiting for our bodies to be glorified (23) at Jesus return. God has already given us the Holy Spirit, which is his guarantee (23) that he will also bring about the final step, our physical bodies freed from sin. Since this is in the future, it is a hope. A sure and certain hope because the God who sent his Son to redeem us will also keep this promise. We eagerly wait with patience.


  1. Give three examples to show that the created world has been made “subject to frustration” because of sin.

  2. What future awaits the created world (vs 19-21)?

  3. What great expectation do God’s children hold on to in the midst of their present difficulties? (vs 18,23)

ROMANS 8: 26 – 30

At times, we don’t know what to pray. We don’t know what the will of God is for us. Paul assures us that the Spirit prays on our behalf. The Spirit asks for the right solution. The Spirit and the Father have the same agenda and so the Spirit can pray “in accordance with God’s will” (27). The “we” is clearly described in vs 17, “Now if we are children, then we are heirs”.

Paul begins vs 28 with the “we know”. The basis for what we know is explained in vs 29-30. What we know can be outlined in five points: 1) God works – he is ceaselessly involved with each believer. 2) for good – not necessarily for our earthly comfort but for our eternal salvation – again vs. 29-30 brings out that perspective. 3) All things – not occasionally or just things we pray about. 4) those who love him – not everyone on earth but the believers. 5) according to his purpose – life isn’t a series of random events but God has purpose in them for our spiritual good. How can we know these things are true? Listen to Paul’s list of five aspects of God’s grace in each believer.

In verses 29-30 we are told of the eternal good God is working toward. It started in eternity past in God’s foreknowledge and predestination of believers. It was carried out in time as those predestined were brought to faith (called) through the Gospel proclaimed. With faith created each believer now has received the absolute assurance of sin forgiven already in Jesus. Each believer can anticipate a certain eternal glory. Each step is rooted in God’s grace and flows from him to us. We contribute nothing in any of this. So we can be totally certain, even in suffering, that God is at work for our good.


  1. What special help does the Holy Spirit provide for sin weakened and weary believers? (26-27)

  2. Why is it important to remember that God is working all things for our spiritual good?

  3. Let’s explore God’s grace filled works in vs. 29-30

A. When God foreknows a person, he …

B. When God predestines a person, he …

C. When God calls a person, he …

D. When God justifies a person, he …

E. When God glorifies a person, he …

  1. How can you help a person who wonders whether God has chosen him/her to be saved?

  2. How would you help a person who wonders what caused God to choose him/her to be saved?

ROMANS 8: 31 – 39

Paul continues with a series of questions and each one has an obvious answer. His first question isn’t simply, “Who can be against us?” The answers could be many. His question starts with a condition, If (since) God is for us – whoever may be against us in this world, they can’t stand up to God’s love and strength. There isn’t any doubt about God’s love for us. He gave his only Son, his greatest treasure for us. Since he gave up his son for us, we can be sure he will to do anything for us. Satan may accuse us (Rev.12:10) or our own sinful heart may condemn us as unable to be forgiven by God, nevertheless we have been acquitted by God because of Jesus death and resurrection. He also is at God’s right hand pleading for us on the basis of his suffering and death.

Look at what God has already done for us in Christ. His love for us is beyond compare. God’s love for us will not be overcome or diminished by anything on earth. With God’s fervent love for us we don’t just survive in difficulties we are more than conquers! God’s love for us in Christ Jesus is our strength. His steadfast and abundant love will remain no matter what the earthly circumstances. Our confidence is rooted in Christ and his overflowing love demonstrated for us at the cross.

KEYWORD – CHOSEN - Literally elect, those God foreknew and predestined by grace


  1. In vs 31-35 Paul asks a series of questions with obvious answers to help us respond to God’s wonderful works of love with confident trust. What assurance does God want us to have in each of these verses?

A. Vs. 31

B. Vs. 32

C. Vs. 33-34

D. Vs. 35

  1. In vs. 33-34 Paul offers four reasons why a believer in Christ cannot be condemned for his/her sins. What are they?

  2. What glorious confidence in God’s love does Paul express regarding the painful trials God’s loved ones face? (vs.37-39)