Lesson 11 The Lord’s Prayer - 3rd Petition - Conclusion Questions 215-235
A. Carefully read and think about Questions 215-235 in the Small Catechism
B. Write down at least 5 Important Things that you discovered in your reading 1.
C. Agree-Disagree Questions: Read and think about each of the following Agree-Disagree statements. Answer each statement and write a brief reason to support the answer you gave.
___ 1. When we pray for God’s will to be done, we are asking that God would help us believe, accept and do many of the things that God wants to happen in our lives.
___ 2. Along with Satan and other worldly opposition to God, there is a part of every Christian that is an enemy of God and His will.
___ 3. When we pray for daily bread, we are asking God for only enough food on which to live.
___ 4. Our prayer for daily bread is a declaration of our dependence on God and an expression of thankfulness to Him.
____ 5. Since a generous, merciful God provides for our needs, we do not need to be concerned about having a job that produces income or about taking good care of our possessions.
___ 6. We can confidently ask God to forgive our sins because morally good people like us deserve to be forgiven.
___ 7. If I am unwilling to forgive those who sin against me, I am telling God that He should not deal with my sins in pardoning love.
___ 8. Forgiveness is free to the one who is forgiven, but it is extremely costly to the one who forgives.
___ 9. In the Lord’s Prayer, we use the word “temptation” to mean “anything good or bad that a person may desire”.
___ 10. God will not tempt us to sin, but He will test our faith.
___ 11. Evil includes all the bad, harmful, wicked things that have come into the world as a result of human sin.
___ 12. At times, God answers our request to be delivered from evil by allowing evil to afflict us, but giving us the strength to handle it.
___ 13. Sadly, we will have to continue to deal with evil forever.
___ 14. The Greek word “Amen” means “this prayer is over”.
___ 15. The closing words of the Lord’s Prayer are a statement of praise that acknowledges God’s ability to hear and answer our prayers.
D. Reflection Questions
Write a list of at least ten important things God wants that involve you.
Write a prayer of thanksgiving to God that includes at least twenty earthly blessings that He gives you.
Briefly explain what helps you be strong to resist temptation to sin.