Lesson 12 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Questions 236-260
A. Carefully read and think about Questions 236-260 in the Small Catechism
B. Write down at least 5 Important Things that you discovered in your reading 1.
C. Agree-Disagree Questions: Read and think about each of the following Agree-Disagree statements. Answer each statement and write a brief reason to support the answer you gave.
___ 1. A sacrament is a sacred action, instituted by Jesus Christ, in which He attaches His all-powerful Word to an earthly element and pledges to give people the forgiveness of sins.
___ 2. The two Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion are forms of the Law that require our obedience.
___ 3. The word “baptize” means “to apply water”. Pouring water on a person’s head is the only valid way that water can be applied in Christian baptism.
___ 4. Jesus instituted Christian baptism at the time He was baptized by John at the Jordan River.
____ 5. When a person is baptized in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the members of the Trinity spiritually adopt that person into the Christian family and give that person God’s love and blessings.
___ 6. God has given all Christians the authority to perform baptisms, but we usually have our spiritual leaders perform them in normal, non-emergency situations.
___ 7. It is proper to teach people who can be taught the basic teachings of the Bible before they are baptized.
___ 8. There are no clear biblical reasons to baptize infants and small children.
___ 9. In Holy Baptism, God gives great blessings such as forgiveness of sins, freedom from the control of Satan, deliverance from eternal death, and the assurance of eternal life.
___ 10. A person who comes to faith through hearing and believing God’s Word will also want to be baptized.
___ 11. God has no way of saving people apart from them being baptized.
___ 12. Holy Baptism receives its power from the Word of God and not from the water or the way the water was applied.
___ 13. We are to daily suppress the wicked intentions of our sinful nature through ongoing repentance for our sins and continued trust in God’s forgiveness through our Savior.
___ 14. We are to have our believing nature express itself by confessing our faith in God and by living a life of good works.
___ 15. Our baptism, through which God gave us spiritual life, also gives us daily comfort, strength and willingness to live our lives in joyful thanks to God.
D. Reflection Questions
Why do we consider Baptism a sacrament, but do not consider marriage a sacrament since both were instituted by God?
Give four reasons why we should baptize infants.
How would you perform a Baptism in an emergency situation.