Lesson 14 The Sacrament of the Altar – Holy Communion Questions 285-306
A. Carefully read and think about Questions 285-306 in the Small Catechism
B. Write down at least 5 Important Things that you discovered in your reading 1.
C. Agree-Disagree Questions: Read and think about each of the following Agree-Disagree statements. Answer each statement and write a brief reason to support the answer you gave.
___ 1. The Lord’s Supper and Holy Communion are other more common names that we use to refer to the Sacrament of the Altar.
___ 2. Both Holy Communion and Holy Baptism are forms of the Gospel, but Communion is intended to be observed many times by a Christian to preserve faith while Baptism is to be done only once in order to begin faith.
___ 3. According to the clear words of Jesus, who instituted Holy Communion, God gives each communicant the earthly elements of bread and wine and the spiritual elements of Christ’s body and blood.
___ 4. When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we are only imagining that we are receiving Jesus’ body and blood.
____ 5. When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we are actually re-sacrificing Jesus’ body and blood in order to make further payment for our sins.
___ 6. In the Sacrament of Holy Communion, God gives us His solemn vow that He forgives all our sins, saves us from hell, and grants us eternal life now and in heaven.
___ 7. It is the special bread and wine we use that gives Holy Communion its great power and ability to give us such great blessings.
___ 8. If a person takes Holy Communion, but does not truly believe that he is a sinner or that Jesus is his Savior or that God gives His Gospel blessings in Communion, he does not receive God’s blessings, but invites God’s judgment on himself.
___ 9. In order to receive Holy Communion to our benefit, we must prove to God by our good lives that we deserve His favor.
___ 10. Since receiving Holy Communion is such a serious matter, we should take time to think about it and to spiritually examine ourselves before we partake of it.
___ 11. A person with weak faith should wait until their faith is strong before he takes the Lord’s Supper.
___ 12. Since we want all people to enjoy God’s grace, we should invite anyone who wants to commune to come to Holy Communion.
___ 13. Only ordained pastors are allowed to administer Holy Communion.
___ 14. Our church should celebrate Communion only about 4 times a year so that the members do not disregard its importance and benefits.
___ 15. The practice of confirming people as communicant members of the church after they have been carefully instructed in the teachings of the Bible is a wise, helpful practice.
D. Reflection Questions
What is so wrong about teaching people that the body and blood of Jesus are only symbolized and not actually present in Holy Communion?
What things should a person examine about their faith in order to prepare to receive Holy Communion?
Why is practicing a policy of communing only those who hold to a common faith in God and His Word important to:
a. God: _____________________________________________________________________
b. those who do not hold to the Bible’s teaching:____________________________________
c. those who do hold to the Bible’s teaching: _______________________________________