Lesson 5 Creeds and the First Article Questions 86-113
A. Carefully read and think about Questions 86-113 in the Small Catechism
B. Write down at least 5 Important Things that you discovered in your reading 1.
C. Agree-Disagree Questions: Read and think about each of the following Agree-Disagree statements. Answer each statement and write a brief reason to support the answer you gave.
___ 1. A creed is a statement of what a person or group of people believe about something.
___ 2. The names of the three main Christian creeds are the Apostles, the Roman, and the Athanasian.
___ 3. The Apostles Creed got its name because it was written by the 12 Apostles of Jesus shortly before the day of Pentecost.
___ 4. In the Holy Trinity, the persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all God, but these three persons are not each other.
____ 5. As our Maker, God has a special connection and relationship with human beings.
___ 6. Everything that exists apart from God came into being over a period of 6 billion years through a series of impersonal, random forces.
___ 7. The holy angels are numerous, powerful, morally perfect, spiritual beings, who willingly and joyfully serve God and people.
___ 8. The devils are angels who rebelled against God, fell from their perfect state, and are now thoroughly evil.
___ 9. God originally created people in His image. This means that people were made like God in that they were morally perfect and had an intimate, saving knowledge of God
___ 10. At the very moment people are spiritually converted and come to faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior, God fully restores His image to them.
___ 11. God uses His almighty Word to preserve His wonderful creation.
___ 12. It is people, not God, who are morally responsible for the sin and evil that have entered and even now exist in the world.
___ 13. God does allow sin to occur and bad things to happen to people, but He does not morally approve of sin and evil.
___ 14. God generously provides for our earthly needs because we are deserving of His care.
___ 15. Because it is God who ultimately preserves and protects us, we have a solemn duty to thank Him, to serve Him, to obey Him and to take good care of His creation.
D. Reflection Questions
How would you explain the Triune nature of God to someone?
List five of God’s attributes/qualities and briefly explain how each one of them has an effect on your life. a. _______________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________________________________
- What are three differences between believing that you are a specially created masterpiece of God or that you are the chance, accidental result of impersonal evolutionary forces?