Preaching Church Year
Preaching for the Church Year is a course designed to provide weekly preparation help for preachers and teachers that can be used immediately in their weekly sermon and Bible class preparation. The purpose of the course is to model the study and analysis of a text in preparation for writing a sermon.
The objectives of this course are to help students
- Study a Bible text in preparation for a sermon or Bible class.
- Identify the law and gospel elements in a text.
- Develop a theme and outline for a sermon based on the text.
• Before enrolling in this course, students must first complete course GBI Course #404 Preaching the Word. • This course is an elective course in all three certificate programs. Since this is a more informal course, and since students may join or leave the class at any time, and since there is no final review for this course, there will not be credit toward a GBI certificate earned by participating in it.
• A text chosen for a Sunday of the church calendar will be chosen and students will participate in a brief study of the text.
• Under the guidance of the teacher, students will identify the human needs or problems (maladies) suggested in the text.
• Students will identify the preaching values in the text (subjects that the text addresses).
• An overall theme suggested by the text will be developed.
• Students will construct a goal statement that will cover the message of the text.
• A basic theme and parts for the sermon will be developed.