第二章 约翰的传道 耶稣开始传道

The Birth and Childhood of John and of Jesus 约翰和耶稣的出生和童年

So far we have studied the first 29 years of Jesus’ life. Most of that time the Savior lived a rather normal life in Nazareth. He spent his time doing the work of a carpenter and studying the Bible. Few people knew him except his family and friends. This all changed when Jesus turned 30. From that time on his life was anything but normal. Now he spent all of his time in public ministry. He traveled throughout Palestine with his disciples (or students) and friends. Wherever he stopped to preach he gathered large crowds. Throughout the Jewish nation the name ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ became well known. This chapter describes Jesus’ early ministry from about January through December of A.D. 27. The story begins, however, six months earlier with John’s ministry.


The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus 耶稣的受洗和受到试探

John prepares the people for Jesus - Luke 3:1-18 约翰为耶稣预备道路 路加福音3:1-18

John, the son of Zechariah, probably grew up in a small town near Jerusalem. From his father he learned about the special purpose for his life as described by Gabriel and the Old Testament prophets (Isaiah 40:3-5; Malachi 3:1; 4:5-6). Through his study of the Scriptures John gained wisdom concerning the true religion. However, John must have become very sad when he saw how corrupt Jewish worship had become.


Religion for most Jews meant doing many rituals and obeying complex religious laws. One important group of religious Jews, the Pharisees, gave man-made rules and regulations equal importance with the Ten Commandments. Tithing (giving 10 percent of a person’s money as an offering to God), fasting (going without food), religious washings, and other outward actions became all-important. Often the people forgot about God and the nature of true worship. The Pharisees also mixed politics with their religion. These Jewish patriots wanted to gain independence from the Romans at all costs. They told the people that the long-awaited Messiah would be an earthly king who would drive their Roman enemies out of Palestine.


Another important religious group in Israel was the group known as the Sadducees. They tried to get along with Romans. They rejected the use of man-made laws in the church. But they also denied the resurrection of the body and that there really were angels and demons.


Perhaps as a young man John left home and moved to the desert of Judea. In the desert he lived off the land, dressed in clothes made of camel skins, and ate grasshoppers and wild honey. He also had time to think about the doctrines he had learned and the bad religious practices he had seen. Meanwhile, he waited for a message from God.


When John was 30 years old, God called him into service. Soon he began preaching and baptizing. His mission was to show people their sinfulness, and, when they repented, to point them to the promised Messiah. The baptism of John had the same purpose as baptism has for us today. Through the water and the Word of God people received forgiveness of sins and, therefore, salvation.


John baptizes Jesus - Luke 3:21-23a 约翰为耶稣施洗 - 路加福音3:21-23a

John had been in the ministry for about six months when Jesus came to the Jordan River asking to be baptized. A person may ask why Jesus chose to be baptized. After all, he was sinless and therefore had no need of this sacrament that gives the forgiveness of sins. However, Jesus’ saving mission included perfectly obeying God’s law in place of mankind (Matthew 3:15; Galatians 4:4-5). God had commanded baptism; therefore, Jesus obeyed. But Jesus did more than just actively obey God’s law by being baptized. This was also his entrance into the public ministry. Through his baptism Jesus clearly accepted his mission as the Savior and received special power from the Holy Spirit to carry out his task.


At the time of Jesus’ baptism the entire Trinity appeared. Standing before John was God the Son, Jesus Christ. God the Holy Spirit came down in the shape of a dove, and God the Father spoke from heaven. It was only proper that all three persons of the Triune (3-in-1) God revealed themselves at this time. All three were present in the beginning and had created man in their image – perfect and holy. All three had watched as man fell into sin. Finally, all three had agreed that the only way mankind might be saved was by sending Jesus to earth to live a perfect life and die a perfect death. On this special day the Three-in-One God was publicly showing that Jesus had come to bring salvation to all people.


Jesus does battle with Satan in the desert - Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:13 耶稣在旷野中与魔鬼争战 - 马太福音4:1-11 路加福音4:1-13

After Jesus was baptized, he went into the desert to pray. Because of his human nature, Jesus felt a very real need to talk with his heavenly Father. Here, as throughout his life, Christ spent time in prayer before and after special events.


For a full 40 days Jesus fasted and prayed in the desert. Meanwhile Satan constantly tempted him to sin. (“Satan” is a Hebrew word meaning “adversary” or “enemy”; “devil” is a Greek word meaning “slanderer” or “liar”.) The Evil One lived up to his names, especially during the last three temptations.


Satan approached Jesus with the word “If” – “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread” (Matthew 4:3). By this simple question the Devil wanted Jesus to use his divine powers for a selfish purpose.


In the second temptation, Satan offered Jesus instant glory and acceptance by the people. If Christ jumped from the top of the temple and gently floated to the ground unharmed, many worshipers would see him and immediately accept him as the Messiah. It would have been sinful for Christ to put himself in unnecessary danger and so test his Father’s care for him.


Finally, Satan tried to get Jesus to accept a deal: Jesus could sell his soul to the devil in exchange for earthly power and wealth. Notice how Jesus overcame every temptation by quoting the Scriptures! After the third great temptation Jesus ordered Satan to go away. Because of the power of Jesus’ word, the devil had no choice but to obey. Thus the Evil One lost a great battle with the Savior.


Jesus ministers in Judea (Spring 27-Spring 28 – about 1 year) 耶稣在犹大传道 (公元27 年春 – 28 年春 -约一年)

John points the people to Jesus - John 1:19-34 约翰把人引向耶稣 - 约翰福音1:19-34

After almost six weeks in the desert Jesus went back to the Jordan River and John the Baptist. The day before, John had told some Jewish religious leaders that he himself was not the promised Savior, but had come to prepare his way. Now, seeing Jesus coming, John pointed to Christ and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29)! With these words John simply and clearly described Jesus and his work. First John got the people’s attention. Then he gave Jesus the meaningful title of “the Lamb of God”. This name reminded people of the first Passover (Exodus 12:1-13), when God had led his people out of Egypt long ago. At that time the blood of a lamb was painted on the door frames of every Jewish home. God then sent an angel of death who killed the firstborn son in all the houses of Egypt. But the angel “passed over” the houses where he saw the lamb’s blood on the door. Isaiah 53 later prophesied that the Messiah, like the Passover lamb, would himself die so that sinners would not have to die. Jesus was that lamb.


Jesus attracts his first disciples – John 1:35-52 耶稣呼召第一批门徒 - 约翰福音1:35-52

In the next two days Jesus introduced himself to several men who later became his full time disciples: Andrew brought his brother Simon (Peter) to Jesus. Philip brought his friend Nathanael (also know as Bartholomew) to Jesus. John also must have been there. He remembered the exact time when his life changed (John 1:39). John probably introduced his brother James to Jesus.

在接下来的两天里,耶稣认识了几个人,后来他们成为了祂的门徒:安得烈带来了他的弟兄西门(彼得),腓力带来了他的朋友拿但业 (也叫做巴多罗买) 。约翰肯定也在那儿。约翰记得他的生命得到改变的准确时间(约翰福音1:39)。约翰也许介绍了他的弟兄雅各给耶稣。

This chapter in John’s Gospel is an example of filling in the gaps. John helps us understand how these men were willing to leave all and follow Jesus when he called them into full time discipleship and in the end, into apostolic ministry. They had met Jesus on this prior occasion. They considered it a great privilege to be Jesus’ fulltime followers.


It is interesting to study the qualities Jesus looked for in his disciples. He did not choose followers who were highly educated or very rich. It appears that John and James may have been the only disciples from middle-class families and who had some education. Nor was Jesus looking for people with one type of personality. Peter was quite outgoing and full of energy, while Andrew was quite different. What all the disciples had in common, however, was a simple sincere faith. They were anxiously waiting for the promised Messiah. Furthermore, their faith produced good works. After learning that Jesus was the promised Savior, Andrew, John and Philip right away found others and brought them to Christ.


Jesus reveals his glory through his first miracle - John 2:1-12 耶稣在他行的第一个神迹中显出他的荣耀 - 约翰福音2:1-12

With his six disciples by his side, Jesus returned to Nazareth. His mother, Mary, had left for Cana to attend a wedding to which Jesus had also been invited. Since the disciples were Jesus’ friends and companions a hurried invitation was extended to them also. At the wedding the supply of wine soon ran out. This embarrassed the wedding couple and their families because all guests invited to a wedding were to be given proper amounts of food and wine.


Mary, Jesus’ mother, felt that this was a good time for Jesus to reveal himself. For 30 years she had known in her heart that Jesus was true God, the promised Messiah. Jesus had shared this secret with his disciples. Mary felt that this would be the right time for him to show others that he was God by helping the bride and groom.


Jesus’ response to Mary may seem somewhat harsh to us. He said, “Dear woman, why do you involve me? My time has not yet come” (John 2:4). By saying this Jesus wished to remind Mary that she should no longer think of him only as her son. He was the Son of God.


Soon his time did come. He ordered the servants to pour water into the large stone jars that were standing nearby. When these jars were then presented to the master of the wedding, the water had changed to wine.


It may or may not be important that Jesus had brought along six disciples, and he turned six jars of water into wine. In any case, wedding guests drank some of the many gallons of wine provided by Jesus. The remainder served as a wedding gift to the young married couple.


We should note several points about this story in Jesus’ life. By going to the wedding Christ showed that he approved of marriage. He also showed his loving concern for and desire to help people with their problems in life. But above all, “He thus revealed his glory” (John 2:11) to the disciples. He proved through this miracle that he was the promised Messiah, and the disciples’ faith in Jesus increased.


Jesus in Jerusalem for Passover 耶稣在耶路撒冷过逾越节

Jesus cleanses the Temple - John 2:13-25 耶稣洁净圣殿 - 约翰福音2:13-25

The wedding at Cana probably took place some time in March of the year A.D. 27. After the wedding feast Jesus, together with his mother, brothers, and disciples, went to Capernaum for a few days. From there (most likely without Mary) they went along with the many pilgrims who were traveling to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover festival.


Jesus may have made this trip each year since he was 12 years old. But this time it would be different. Now he would begin his public ministry. It was time to fulfill the 475 year old prophecy of Malachi (3:1): “Suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come, says the Lord Almighty.”


The holy temple complex in Jerusalem was a very large group of buildings. King Herod had begun the building project 46 years earlier. The Jewish historian Josephus said, “The money spent on this work could not be counted; no building ever was more magnificent.” The real importance of the temple, however, should not have been the buildings themselves, but the worship that took place there.


God’s House was to be a place of sacrifice and prayer. God planned the sacrifices to serve two purposes. By requiring the death of an animal, God was reminding people of the cost of sin. And by requiring the life of an “innocent” animal in the place of the sinner, he was pointing forward to the Savior who one day would be sacrificed for the sins of all mankind. Because of these pictures that pointed to the results of sin and unearned salvation that came through a “substitute”, it is easy to understand why the temple was a house of prayer (Isaiah 56:7). Here sinners could come and tell God of their sorrow, repentance, hope for salvation, and thanksgiving.


However, by the time of Christ, greed had brought problems to proper temple worship. Jews and proselytes (Gentiles who had converted to the Jewish religion), except for the women, slaves and children, had to pay a half-shekel temple tax (Exodus 30:11-16). Most preferred to pay during the Passover festival. Hence, there was a need for moneychangers to change the foreign money, carried by many pilgrims, for Jewish coins.


Herds of animals were also kept at the temple. Here Jewish pilgrims could buy the animals they wished to sacrifice to the Lord. This was much easier than bringing them from their homes far away. But a problem developed in the location of these moneychangers and animal sellers. Greedy Jewish people moved the places where they sold these things closer and closer to the temple. Finally they set up shop right in the temple courtyard. The holy temple designed for worship and prayer by the Gentiles became filled with the noise of cattle, sheep, doves, and these sellers, as well as the smell of the animals.


Jesus did “suddenly . . . come to his temple” (Malachi 3:1). He entered the courts, made a whip of ropes and drove out the animals. He then went to the tables of the moneychangers and tipped them over, causing their coins to roll on the ground. Finally, he went to the birdcages and ordered the doves removed.


That day Jesus not only cleansed the temple, he also publicly identified himself as the Messiah. To the merchants Jesus exclaimed (John 2:16), “Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father’s house into a market!” Christ was the Messiah and he alone could call the temple “my” Father’s house. Later, when questioned about his authority he answered in a riddle. The temple of his body would be destroyed (on the cross), but in three days it would be rebuilt (the Resurrection). At the very beginning of his ministry he pointed to the end.


Jesus meets with Nicodemus - John 3:1-21 耶稣遇见尼哥德慕 - 约翰福音3:1-21

In the days that followed, Jesus moved among the people, taught them, and did miracles (John 2:23). As a result many of the pilgrims came to believe in him. The Jewish religious leaders, however, were not ready to listen to him. There was one exception: Nicodemus.


John tells us that Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Jewish ruling council, the Sanhedrin (3:1). From this we can be certain of several things. As a Pharisee he wished to earn salvation by obeying the laws of the Bible and the other man-made religious laws. As a member of the Sanhedrin he would help judge people accused of false teaching, worshiping false gods, or acting as false prophets. Thus, he should have had a deep understanding of the Old Testament. However, as a Pharisee, Nicodemus was not interested in baptism (Luke 7:29-30).


To avoid being seen by other leaders, Nicodemus came to see Jesus at night. He admitted that Jesus was a rabbi (teacher of God’s Word) and had divine power to do miracles. Jesus then turned the discussion to God’s plan for mankind. First the master showed Nicodemus that man by himself can never earn citizenship in the Kingdom of God. For that to happen a deep change has to take place. Through the preaching of the Word and the Baptism of repentance the Holy Spirit makes this change. Nicodemus, a student of the Bible, should have known this, but his mind had been tricked by his human reason.


Then Jesus preached the gospel using an Old Testament picture. Long ago in the desert poisonous snakes had begun to bite God’s people (Numbers 21:4-9). Some of the people trusted God’s promise and looked at a bronze snake that Moses had placed on a pole. Faith in God’s promise brought them healing. But the snake was merely a picture of the complete healing that was to come through Jesus Christ. Jesus would be “lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life” (John 3:14-15).


Finally, Christ showed Nicodemus that man can never earn his own salvation. Only God’s undeserved love, through Jesus, can do that. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).


John gives his [last] testimony about Jesus - John 3:22-36 约翰为耶稣做他最后的见证 - 约翰福音3:22-36

A few days later Jesus left Jerusalem. For the next eight months (May through December, A.D. 27) Jesus taught and baptized in the countryside of Judea (John 3:22). Actually, Jesus himself did not baptize, but he did so through his disciples (John 4:2).


During this time disciples who earlier had gathered around John the Baptist began following Jesus instead. This made some of John’s disciples upset. John, however, knew what his job was in God’s plan of salvation. He directed all who would listen to Jesus Christ (John 3:22-36). John’s ministry was now almost completed. He had prepared the way for the Lord. Jesus the Savior would now be the center of men’s attention, while John would be put in prison, killed, and be taken to heavenly glory.


Review of Chapter 2: John’s Ministry. Jesus Begins His Ministry 复习第二章:约翰的传道 耶稣开始传道

  1. Compare Matthew 4:1-11 with Luke 4:1-13. What difference(s) do you notice between these records of our Savior’s battle in the desert with the Devil.


  2. Nicodemus, the man who came to Jesus at night, was a Pharisee. Read about the Pharisees in Luke 7:29, 30.

    尼哥底母,那个晚上来到耶稣面前的人,是法利赛人。 读路加福音7:29,30中关于法利赛人的描述。

    a. What do we learn about the Pharisees in these verses? 从这些经文中,对法利赛人,我们学到了什么?

    b. How does this piece of information help us to understand Jesus’ words to Nicodemus in John 3:5? 这个信息如何帮助我们理解耶稣在约翰福音3:5中对尼哥底母说的话?

  3. The Sadducees were another sect (group) of Jews. The Sadducees are mentioned in Luke 20:27. Luke also mentions them in his other book, the book of Acts. Read Acts 23:6-8. How were the Sadducees different from the Pharisees.

    撒都该人是另一个犹太人的教派(团体),在路加福音20:27中有提到。路加在他的另一本书《使徒行传》中也提到了他们。 读使徒行传 23:6-8。 撒都该人和法利赛人有什么不同。

  4. In this course we are observing Matthew’s order of events. Take a quick look at the Gospel of Matthew this week using the following outline. What is the phrase Matthew uses to indicate he is beginning a new section of his Gospel? {Notice that the verses where this phrase appears are in bold font.}

    1. 1:1-4:16 The Genealogy and birth of Jesus and the beginning of his ministry
    2. 4:17-7:27 Jesus’ Galilean ministry and the Sermon on the Mount
    3. 7:28-10:42 Ten Miracles; Jesus’ directions to his apostles
    4. 11:1-13:52 Growing Conflicts – Jesus’ parables by the sea
    5. 13:53-18:35 Jesus’ withdrawals – Sermon on humility and forgiveness
    6. 19:1-25:46 Final conflict with the Jews – Jesus’ teaching on the Last Days
    7. 26:1-28:20 Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection


1. 1-4:16  耶稣的家谱和诞生,以及事工的开始 
2.  4:17-7:27 耶稣在加利利的事工和登山宝训 
3.  7:28-10:42 十大神迹;耶稣对使徒的指示 
4.  11:1-13:52 冲突日益增多——耶稣在海边的比喻 
5.  13:53-18:35 耶稣的隐去——关于谦卑和饶恕的讲道 
6.  19:1-25:46  与犹太人的最后冲突——耶穌对末世的教导 
7.  26:1-28:20  耶稣的受苦、死亡和复活