第五章 耶稣回到加利利

In The Previous Lessons 在上一节课里

I. The Birth and Childhood of John and of Jesus


II. The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus


III. Jesus ministers in Judea (Spring 27-Spring 28 – about 1 year)


a. John points the people to Jesus 


b. Jesus attracts his first disciples 


c. Jesus reveals his glory through his first miracle  


d. Jesus in Jerusalem for Passover 


e. John gives his last testimony about Jesus  


In the last chapter we started our look at Jesus’ first year of ministry. It was a year in which Jesus moved from being unknown to well-known. During the next three months (January through March of A.D. 28) Jesus carried on an active ministry among the people of Galilee. Most people received him favorably, but at the same time some opposition began to appear.


John is put in prison by Herod – Luke 3:19, 20 Matthew 14:3-5

约翰被希律监禁 – 路加福音3:19,20 马太福音14:3-5

Meanwhile, John also spoke the truth. He spoke the truth to a powerful person. That person was Herod. That truth was Herod’s sinful marriage. Herod opposed John.

与此同时,约翰也讲了真相。 他向一个有权势的人说实话。 那个人是希律王。这个真相指的是希律王罪恶的婚姻。 希律王反对约翰。

This Herod was one of the sons of Herod the Great. We know him as Herod Antipas. Herod Antipas had divorced his own wife in order to marry his brother’s wife. Her name was Herodias. According to Josephus, the 1st century historian, Herod locked John up in prison near Machaerus. Machaerus was a military fortress located along the northeast corner of the Dead Sea.

希律王是希律大帝的儿子之一,被称为希律安提帕斯。 为了娶他兄弟的妻子希罗底,希律安提帕与妻子离婚。根据1世纪历史学家约瑟夫斯的说法,希律王将约翰下在马查鲁斯附近的监狱里。 马查鲁斯是位于死海东北角的军事要塞。

John did not leave this prison alive. After a long imprisonment, Herod ordered John to be executed.

约翰没有活着离开这座监狱。 经过长期监禁后,希律王下令处决约翰。

Jesus talks with the Samaritan Woman – John 4:1-32 耶稣与撒马利亚女人交谈 – 约翰福音4:1-32

Some people think the events of Jesus’ early ministry happened mostly by accident. This, however, is not true. When Jesus left heaven and became human, he already had a clear picture of the saving work he had to do. So from the very beginning all of his traveling, deeds and teaching were done just to carry out that ministry.


Jesus began his public ministry in Jerusalem, the center of Old Testament worship. By cleansing the temple he showed himself to be the Lord of the temple, the long awaited Messiah. Throughout Judea John the Baptist had already preached against the false teachings (heresy) of the Jewish religious leaders. Now Jesus came proclaiming the true gospel of salvation.


The Old Testament prophecies foretold that the Messiah would come to the Jews, but not to the Jews only (Is. 42:6; 49:6). As Simeon said, Jesus was to be the “glory of his people Israel” but also “a light for revelation to the Gentiles” (Luke 2:32). Thus, after beginning his work among the Israelites, Jesus set out for the Jewish province of Galilee. First, however, he paused in the Gentile region of Samaria.


Most Jews traveling north from Judea felt it was necessary to avoid Samaria. Some seven centuries earlier Israelites had lived in this area, then called Samaria. However, when the Assyrians conquered the area, they deported many of the Jews and replaced them with pagan peoples (2 Kings 17). Soon the Jews who were still living in Samaria began intermarrying with the unbelievers. As a result, their true religion was mixed with false beliefs.


In Jesus’ day the Samaritan’s Bible was made up of the first five books of the Old Testament. They worshiped Jehovah, but also they allowed pagan beliefs and idols. Their center of worship was the top of Mt. Gerizim, not the temple in Jerusalem. Consequently, the Jews looked down on the Samaritans. And the Samaritans in turn hated the Jews.


But Jesus would not take part in ethnic hatred. Jesus viewed the Samaritans just as he did the Jews. All were sinners in need of a savior. Interestingly, he chose a very sinful woman to evangelize on this trip.


When we look closely, we can see Jesus’ excellent evangelism skills with the woman at the well. He made her curious, making her interested in something she didn’t have (John 4:4-15). Next, he revealed her sins to her and encouraged her to confess her guilt (vv. 16-19). Finally, avoiding an argument about worship methods, he told her he was the Messiah, the true and living God (vv 20-26).


The Samaritan woman’s faith produced immediate fruits. She went to the people she knew and talked about the Savior. They came to Jesus, perhaps out of curiosity, but then believed his word of eternal life. Within two days many souls were saved.


Jesus preaches in Galilee – Luke 4:14,15 John 4:43-45

耶稣在加利利传道 – 路加福音4:14,15 约翰福音4:43-45

From Samaria Jesus and his disciples traveled north toward Galilee. Along the way Jesus let the disciples return to their homes and former occupations. Perhaps Jesus also spent some time resting after his first year of preaching.


However, Jesus was not to enjoy much rest and quiet. Many of the Galileans who earlier had seen him perform miracles in Jerusalem now recognized him. Soon news of his presence spread throughout Galilee.


Jesus heals the official’s son – John 4:43-54

耶稣治愈大臣的儿子 – 约翰福音4:43-54

In Cana Jesus was met by a certain nobleman whose son was sick. This man, possibly the man called Cuza in Luke 8:3, begged Jesus to come to Capernaum and to heal the youth. The nobleman had a weak faith, one based on seeing miracles and not on the Word of Jesus Christ. The Lord knew this, so he sent him home with nothing but a word of hope and the promise, “You may go. Your son will live” (John 4:50). The nobleman believed, went home, and found his son healed. He and his entire household came to faith that day.



From January through March of A.D. 28 Jesus worked in his own backyard, Galilee. However, when the time for the Passover came, once again he made the trip to Jerusalem. As Jesus preached and healed in Jerusalem other Jews were having heated discussions about Jesus. In his teachings and actions Jesus was questioning the center of the corrupted Jewish religion – obeying the Old Testament Sabbath laws in their smallest details while forgetting their meaning and purpose. By obeying the laws in this way, they thought that they were doing good works that would earn their salvation.


Jesus in Jerusalem for the Feast (of the Passover) – John 5:1

耶稣在耶路撒冷参加(逾越节)筵席 – 约翰福音5:1

It is not certain that the Feast mentioned here is the Passover. It might have been Pentecost or Tabernacles. John mentions the Passover by name three times (John 2:13; 23; 6:4; 11:55). The outline we are following in this course is based on the conclusion that this Feast (John 5:1) was the Passover.

这里提到的筵席不确定是否逾越节筵席。它可能是五旬节或住棚节。约翰三次提到逾越节(约翰福音2:13; 23; 6:4; 11:55)。本课程中遵循的大纲是基于这个节日(约翰福音5:1)是逾越节的结论。

Jesus heals a man at Bethesda’s Pool – John 5:2-15

耶稣在毕士大池子旁治愈了一个人 – 约翰福音5:2-15

After three months of busy mission work, Jesus briefly stopped his ministry to travel to Jerusalem for the Passover. While he was in Jerusalem, he went to the pool of Bethesda. The sight must have made him sad. Here a great number of sick and diseased people had gathered beneath the shaded porches. From time to time, God would send an angel to stir the waters of the pool. The first person who stepped into the pool was then cured of his disease.


As Jesus looked at the blind, lame and paralyzed, he gave his attention to one person in particular. Through his divine knowledge Jesus knew that this man had been paralyzed for 38 years (longer than the average life expectancy at that time). Not only was this man very crippled, but he was also severely depressed. Since he was unable to pull himself into the water after the angel’s visit, he had no hope of being cured.


Moved to help, Jesus approached the man and asked what seemed to be a silly question, “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6). This question, however, was Jesus’ way of offering help. The crippled man answered that it was impossible for him to be healed unless someone put him in the water at the right moment. Jesus did not respond to this but simply commanded, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured. He picked up his mat and walked (John 5:8-9).


Note two things about this miracle. First think what great power it showed. For 38 years this man had been paralyzed, but after one statement from Christ he was fully restored to normal health. His almost dead muscles were made strong, and immediately he was able to walk. Secondly, there is no evidence that this man believed in Jesus before this meeting. Nevertheless, God filled his heart with trust so that at Christ’s command, he tried to do the impossible – to move muscles he could not feel or control.


The man was healed and later he worshiped God in the temple. There Jesus gave him a word of warning, “Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you” (John 5:14). In an instant Jesus showed the man the sins of his past, showed him forgiveness, and warned him of eternal damnation.


Jewish leaders persecute Jesus – John 5:16-47

犹太领袖迫害耶稣 – 约翰福音5:16-47

Some people immediately became upset by Jesus’ show of compassion and power. This was because he had performed this miracle on the Sabbath Day. The importance of resting on the Sabbath went back to God’s creation of the world. God created for six days and then rested on the seventh (Genesis 2:2-3). Later God declared in the Third Commandment that the Sabbath was to be kept holy (Exodus 20:8-11). Still later God repeated that work was not to be done on this day (Nehemiah 13:15; Jeremiah 17:21).


What did the Old Testament mean when it commanded rest on the Sabbath day? First of all, it meant people should rest from their normal daily work. People were not to carry anything to or from their fields, or bring anything into the city to be sold. In the second place the Sabbath was to be a symbol of the spiritual rest which would come through the promised Messiah (cf. Matthew 11:28-29). While awaiting the Savior, the people were to use the Sabbath to think about God’s many blessings, to worship him, to praise him, and to study his Word.


Unfortunately, by Jesus’ time, the true meaning of the Sabbath had been lost. To the Pharisees the Sabbath meant obeying a long list of laws and rules. They invented laws to control how much a person could lift on the Sabbath, and how much he could eat and drink. The laws became silly. One said that on the Sabbath a person could go outdoors wearing two shoes, but to go walking with only one was breaking the law. On the Sabbath a man could carry a loaf of bread, but two men might not carry it between them.


In the eyes of the jealous Pharisees Jesus had twice broken the Sabbath. First, he had done work on the Sabbath by healing the paralyzed man. Secondly, he had ordered the man to work by carrying his bed home. Thus began a serious struggle between the Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus Christ, and those who had corrupted the Sabbath, the religious leaders of the people.


The Jewish leaders now accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath law. If he was found guilty, he should have been killed; the people should throw stones at him until he was dead (Numbers 15:32-36). Jesus gave a logical and spiritual defense. He argued that God the Father worked every day for mankind, so naturally the Son of God also works on the Sabbath. To the Jews this statement was blasphemous. Jesus was making himself equal to God.


Jesus is equal to God. He argued that this equality was his Father’s doing. The Father put into Jesus’ hands the matters of life and death and judgment. Thus, he deserved equal honor with the Father. On the other hand, “He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him” (John 5:23). The Jews did not have to take Jesus’ word for this. John, a man moved by God, testified concerning Jesus as did the Father himself. All of Scripture testifies that Jesus is God’s Son. But the Jews did not listen to Jesus’ words.


After the Passover the Lord returned and resumed his ministry in Galilee. There the complaints were drowned out by the cries of hope and praise. Crowds gathered around the “Good Doctor” to receive help for their illnesses. But Jesus, as he showed in the Sermon on the Mount, had come to give spiritual relief.


Review of Chapter 3 第3章回顾

  1. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus himself makes this claim. John records this claim more often than any other Evangelist. Each of Jesus’ “I AM” sentences identifies Jesus with the LORD (Jehovah).
    Read Jesus’ I AM statements and fill in the blanks.



    a. John 6:35 I AM________________约翰福音6:35我是___________________ b. John 8:12 I AM________________ 约翰福音8:12我是___________________ c. John 10:7 I AM________________约翰福音10:7我是___________________ d. John 10:11 I AM________________ 约翰福音10:11我是___________________ e. John 11:25 I AM________________约翰福音11:25我是___________________ f. John 14:6 I AM________________ 约翰福音14:6我是__________________ g. John 15:1 I AM_________________ 约翰福音15:1我是__________________

  2. Below is an outline for Mark’s Gospel. Mark’s Gospel is the shortest Gospel. Review Mark’s 16 chapters using this outline.


    1. Introduction: Ministry of John & Baptism of Jesus (1:1-13) .


    2. Jesus’ Galilean Ministry (1:14-6:30)


    3. Jesus’ Withdrawals (6:31-9:32)


    4. Jesus’ Last Journey to Jerusalem {Perean Ministry} (9:33-11:19)

      耶稣最后一次去耶路撒冷{Perean Ministry}(马可福音9:33-11:19)

    5. Jesus’ Last Conflict with the Jewish Leaders & Eschatological Discourses (11:20-14:25)


    6. Jesus’ Suffering, Death, Resurrection & Ascension (14:25-16:20)


  3. Which aspect of Jesus’ ministry does Mark emphasize in his Gospel? (Select one)

    马可在他的福音书中强调耶稣传道的哪个方面? (选择一个)

____Parables 比喻

____Miracles 神迹

____Teaching 教导

____Claims to be God’s Son 宣告自己是神的儿子

  1. Read John 4:4. Why was Jesus compelled to go through Samaria?


  2. How does Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman (John 4) guide you in your effort to share God’s Word with your neighbors or friends?
