第4课 约翰福音,第4 & 5 章

Jesus: The Living Water 耶稣:活水

Read John 4:1-26 (Jesus and the Samaritan woman) 读约翰福音4:1-26 (耶稣与撒玛利亚妇人) Strong opposition to Jesus was already building in Judea, but it was not yet time for Jesus to be captured and put to death. He had much to teach us before He would offer His life to His enemies. At this time, because it would be difficult to minister in Judea, Jesus decided to return to Galilee for a while. 在犹太,反对耶稣的声音已经越来越大,但现在还不是把耶稣抓起来处死的时候。在他把自己的生命交给敌人以前,他还有很多东西要教导我们。那时,因为在犹太很难开展事工,耶稣决定暂时回加利利去。 When traveling between Judea (in the south) and Galilee (in the north) most Jews would avoid the hostile territory of Samaria which lay between the two districts, and would travel the long route to the east of the Jordan River. But this time Jesus decided to travel directly through Samaria. In fact, in the original language of the Bible verse 4 says “it was necessary for him to go through Samaria.” Why was this “necessary”? 当在(南部)犹太和(北部)加利利之间往来时,大多数犹太人会避开位于这两地之间的撒玛利亚的敌对区域,并会走很长的路到约旦河的东部。但这一次,耶稣决定直接穿过撒玛利亚。事实上,在圣经第4节的原文中说“他必须经过撒玛利亚”。他为什么必须要这么做? The answer is that this was the Father’s plan. God wanted to reach the Samaritan people, and that would begin with a woman at a well. 答案是这是天父的计划。神要进入到撒玛利亚人中,就首先要从一个在井旁的妇人那里开始。  In chapter 3, Jesus reached out to a man. In chapter 4, to a woman. 在第三章中,耶稣接触了一个男人。在第四章,他接触了一个女人。  In chapter 3 it was night. In chapter 4 it was the middle of the day. 第三章的时间是夜晚。第四章的时间在中午。  In chapter 3 Jesus reached out to a Jew. In chapter 4 to a Samaritan. 在第三章中,耶稣接触了一个犹太人。在第四章,是撒玛利亚人。  In chapter 3 Jesus reached to a highly respected person. In chapter 4 to a person of low morals and reputation. 在第三章中,耶稣接触了一位受人尊敬的人。在第四章中他接触了一个道德和名誉低下的人。 The point is that Jesus is the Savior of all nations, all genders, all social classes. 要点是:耶稣是所有民族、所有性别、所有社会阶层的救主。

  1. Why didn’t Jews normally associate with Samaritans? 为什么犹太人通常不与撒玛利亚人来往?

  2. What is the living water Jesus spoke of? (There are three possibilities. Look up the references below and state them. 耶稣所说的活水是什么? (有三种可能。查阅下面的参考资料并给出解释)。

John 4:14 – “whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst”. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 约翰福音4:14—人 若 喝 我 所 赐 的 水 就 永 远 不 渴 。 我 所 赐 的 水 要 在 他
里 头 成 为 泉 源 , 直 涌 到 永 生 。 」

John 7:38-39 – “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.” 约翰福音7:38-39 –“38信 我 的 人 就 如 经 上 所 说 : 从 他 腹 中 要 流 出 活 水 的 江 河 来 。 39耶 稣 这 话 是 指 着 信 他 之 人 要 受 圣 灵 说 的 。 那 时 还 没 有 赐 下 圣 灵 来 , 因 为 耶 稣 尚 未 得 着 荣 耀 。”

Jeremiah 17:13 – “LORD, you are Israel’s hope; all who abandon you will be put to shame. They will disappear like names written in the dust, because they have abandoned you, the LORD, the spring of fresh water.” 耶利米书17:13耶和华啊,你是以色列的盼望。凡离弃你的,必致蒙羞。他们必 如名字写在尘土中、归于无有。因为他们离弃了你、就是那泉源 的耶和华。

We would have to allow any of these three possibilities. Living water was a term for fresh water that was not stagnant. Much drinking water came from cisterns that caught and held the rain water. The living water was a spring or running water that was continually fresh. But Jesus had a spiritual meaning in mind. He was not talking about water at all, but about life.
  1. How did Jesus show the woman her need for the living water of the Gospel? 耶稣如何向妇人表明她需要福音的活水?

  2. In verses 23 & 24 Jesus talks about worshiping God in spirit and in truth. What does he mean by this? 在第23& 24节,耶稣说要在圣灵和真理中(心灵和诚实)敬拜神。 他说的这句话是什么意思?

  3. How did Jesus use the woman’s knowledge of Scripture to direct her to the truth that he is the Christ? 耶稣如何利用那个妇人对圣经的知识引导她认识他就是基督这一真理?

Read John 4:27-42 (Jesus brings the gospel to Samaria) 读约翰福音4:27-42 (耶稣把福音带到撒玛利亚)

  1. What changes occurred in the woman’s heart after she heard Jesus’ testimony? 当女人听到耶稣的见证后,她的内心发生了怎样的变化?

  2. In verse 32 Jesus told his disciples he already had food to eat. What food was he talking about? 在第32节,耶稣告诉他的门徒他已经有食物吃了。他说的食物是什么?

  3. What did Jesus mean when he told the disciples in verse 38 “I sent you to reap what you have not worked for? 当耶稣在38节告诉门徒,“38我 差 你 们 去 收 你 们 所 没 有 劳 苦 的 ; 别 人 劳 苦 , 你 们 享 受 他 们 所 劳 苦 的 。 」”他说的这话是什么意思?

  4. What were the results of Jesus’ testimony to the Samaritan woman and her testimony to the people in her hometown? 耶稣对撒玛利亚妇人和她家乡的人作见证,结果如何?

Read John 4:43-54 (Jesus heals the official’s son) 读约翰福音4:43-54 (耶稣医治大臣的儿子) The royal official came to Jesus because his son was near death and the situation looked hopeless. In desperation the father begged Jesus to come to heal his son. Jesus’ response in verse 48 seems heartless. 那大臣来见耶稣,因为他的儿子快要死了,似乎没有指望了。在绝望中,父亲来恳求耶稣医治他的儿子。耶稣在48节的回应似乎有些无情。

  1. Why might Jesus have answered the way he did? 耶稣为什么会这样回答?

  2. What good example did the royal official set through his request to Jesus in verse 49? 在第49节中,这位王的大臣向耶稣提出的请求为我们树立了一个怎样的好榜样?

  3. Jesus didn’t go with the man to heal his son. Instead Jesus left the father with only a promise. How does God often deal with us in the same way? 耶稣没有和这个人一起去医治他的儿子。相反,耶稣只留给那位父亲一个应许。 神通常怎样以同样的方式对待我们?

Chapter Five 第5章

Read John 5:1-15 (The healing at Bethesda) 读约翰福音5:1-15 (在伯赛大医病) This chapter tells us that Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate a “feast of the Jews.” This feast was probably one of the three pilgrimage feasts to which all Jewish males were expected to go—Passover, Pentecost or Tabernacles. 这一章告诉我们,耶稣去耶路撒冷庆祝“犹太人的节日”。这个节日可能是三个朝圣节之一,所有的犹太男性都要去过逾越节,五旬节或住棚节。 The identity of this feast is significant for the attempt to ascertain the number of Passovers included in Jesus’ ministry, and thus the number of years his ministry lasted. John explicitly mentions at least three different Passovers: the first in 2:13, 23 (see note on 2:13), the second in 6:4 and the third several times (e.g., in 11:55; 12:1). If three Passovers are accepted, the length of Jesus’ ministry was between two and three years. However, if the feast of 5:1 was a fourth Passover or assumes that a fourth Passover had come and gone, Jesus’ ministry would have lasted between three and four years. 确定这个节日可以确定包含在耶稣事工中的逾越节的个数,以及他的事工所持续的年数。约翰明确提到至少有三个不同的逾越节:第一次在2:13,23节(见2:13的注释),第二次在6:4节,第三次在11:55节;12:1)。如果接受三个逾越节的说法,耶稣传道的时间就在两到三年。然而,如果5:1的节期是第四个逾越节,或者假设第四个逾越节来了又过去了,耶稣的事工就会持续到三年或四年。

  1. Why did many disabled people come to the pool at Bethesda? 为什么有那么多残疾人来到伯赛大的池子那里?

  2. Why did the Jews confront the man Jesus had just healed? (See Jeremiah 17:21-22) 为什么犹太人要对抗耶稣刚刚医治的人?(见耶利米17:21-22)

  3. Why did Jesus give such a stern warning to the man he just finished healing? 为什么耶稣对他刚刚医治的人发出如此严厉的警告?

Read John 5:16-30 (Jesus answers the Jews who wanted to kill him) 读约翰福音5:16-30 (耶稣答复讲要杀害他的犹太人)

  1. Why did the Jewish leaders want to kill Jesus? 犹太领袖为什么想要杀害耶稣?

  2. Jesus had already performed many amazing miracles during his public ministry. In verse 22 he promised greater things were still to be shown. What greater things was he talking about? 耶稣在公开的事奉中已经行了许多惊人的神迹。在第20节,他应许还有更大的 事要显出来。他所说的更大的事是什么?

  3. Jesus said the Father has entrusted all judgment to the Son. What according to verses 17-30 can we be sure of concerning all the Son’s judgments? 耶稣说父把一切的审判都交给了子。根据17-30节,我们能确定有关神子的一切审判的哪些方面?

Read John 5:31-47 (The testimony about Jesus) 读约翰福音5:31-47 (有关耶稣的见证)

  1. In verse 32 Jesus said that others had given valid testimony in His favor? Who were these people and what was their testimony? 在32节中,耶稣说其他人已经为他作了有效的见证?这些人是谁,他们的见证是什么 v.33 v.36 v.37 v.39 v.46

In a court of law, simple testimony on your own behalf was not enough to establish the truthfulness of your statement. But when the same testimony was given by another witness, the truth was established. The Father giving authority to Jesus, and the power to do miracles, was the second witness that established the truth of Jesus in any human court of law. 在法庭上,仅凭你自己的简单证词不足以证明你的陈述是真实的。但如果有别的见证人也作同样的见证,真理就成立了。父赐给耶稣权柄和行异能的能力,这就是第二位在人的法庭上证明耶稣真理的见证人。

  1. The leaders of the Jews spent much time studying the Old Testament Scriptures. What did Jesus show them they were failing to see in their studies? 犹太人的领袖花了很多时间研究旧约圣经。耶稣向他们展示了他们在学习中没 有看到的什么内容?

  2. Sometimes as Christians we do things we know are right according to God’s will yet it seems as if no one is supporting us or affirming that we are doing God’s will. How does Jesus’ testimony in these verses help us in those times? 有时,作为基督徒,我们按照神的旨意去做我们知道是对的事,但似乎没有人 支持我们,或肯定我们在行神的旨意。在这些经文中,耶稣的见证会怎样在这 样的时候帮助我们?

Our next lesson will cover chapter 6, which contains one of the hardest sayings of Jesus. Take your time and prepare it carefully. Write down questions you want to ask. 我们下一课将涉及第六章,其中包含了耶稣最严厉的话语之一。花时间仔细准备。写下你想问的问题。