
(GSLTW pages 350-363)




  1. Sanctification does not save a person


    a. Holy living does not atone for ________. Rom 12:1


    b. God promises to ________ faithful service. Mt 5:12; Lk 14:14; Gal 6:9

    神应许________忠心的服侍。太5:12; 路 14:14; 加 6:9

    c. Sanctification can never be taught independent of justification. Sanctification is not the ________ of justification but the ________ of it. “Some have taught that a person—after he has been born again—can perfectly observe and completely fulfill God’s Law, and that this fulfilling is our righteousness before God, by which we merit eternal life.”

    在教导成圣时永远不能脱离称义。成圣不是称义的__________,而是称义的__________。“有些人教导说,一个人在他重生后,可以完全遵守并且行出神的律法,而这就是我们在神面前的义,我们也因此可以得到永生。” 3

  2. The causes of sanctification


    a. The primary cause is the ________. 1 Thess 5:23; Phil 2:13;

     基本原因是___________。帖前5:23; 腓 2:13;

    b. Specifically the ________ causes sanctification Rom 8:13-14; Tit 3:5; Gal 5:22-23

     具体地说,成圣的原因是___________。罗8:13-14;多3:5; 加5:22-23

    c. The Holy Spirit uses the ________ to energize people and the ________ to tell people about God’s will. Rom 12:1-2; Ps 119:9


    罗12:1-2;诗 119:9

    “The Law indeed says it is God’s will and command that we should walk in a new life [Romans 6:4]. But it does not give the power and ability to begin and to do it. The Holy Spirit renews the heart. He is given and received, not through the Law, but through the preaching of the Gospel (Galatians 3:14). 12 Thereafter, the Holy Spirit uses the Law in order to teach the regenerate from it and to point out and show them in the Ten Commandments what is the “will of God, what is ‹good and› acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2) in what “good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk (Ephesians 2:10)”.


    d. The cooperating cause of sanctification is the ________. Phil 2:13


    65 From this evidence the following is certain: as soon as the Holy Spirit has begun His work of regeneration and renewal in us through the Word and holy Sacraments, we can and should cooperate through His power, although still in great weakness. This cooperation does not come from our fleshly natural powers, but from the new powers and gifts that the Holy Spirit has begun in us in conversion. 66 St. Paul clearly and eagerly encourages that “working together with Him, then, we appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain” [2 Corinthians 6:1]. But this is to be understood in no other way than the following: the converted person does good to such an extent and as long as God by His Holy Spirit rules, guides, and leads him. As soon as God would withdraw His gracious hand from that person, he could not for a moment keep obeying God. But ‹if anyone would take St. Paul’s words in this sense—› the converted person cooperates with the Holy Spirit the way two horses draw a wagon together—this could not be allowed in any way without damaging the divine truth.



  1. Can Christians live a perfect life of sanctification in this world? Explain. Ro 7:21-23; Gal 5:17.

    基督徒能在这个世界上活出一个完美的成圣生命吗?解释一下。罗 7:21-23;加5:17

  2. Explain: Sanctification is a process of becoming rather than a state of being. 1 Th 1:7,8; 3:12.

    解释:成圣是成为的过程,而不是存在的状态。帖前 1:7 8; 3:12

  3. What does the Bible say to those who think they have no sin? Pr 20:9; 1 Jn 1:8-10; Ps. 32:1-5

    圣经对那些认为自己没有罪的人说了什么?箴20:9;1约一1:8-10; 诗32:1-5

  4. Explain: Though Christians cannot achieve perfection, they will strive for perfection. Ro 6:1; Ge 39:9; Rev 3:15,16.

    解释:虽然基督徒不能达到完美,但他们会追求完美。罗 6:1;创39:9;启3:15,16

  5. Relate the following errors concerning perfectionism:


    a. Roman Catholicism (cf. also monasticism, works of supererogation, Vatican II, p. 386).


    b. Methodism—John Wesley

     i. Influence of Thomas a Kempis  托马斯·肯皮斯的影响
     ii. Influence of Jeremy Taylor  杰里米·泰勒的影响
     iii. Influence of William Law  威廉·劳的影响
     iv. Influence of his mother.  他母亲的影响
     v. Aldersgate incident  奥尔德斯盖特事件
     vi. Second grace  第二个恩典
     vii. Entire sanctification  完整的成圣
     viii. Universal salvation  普救论
     ix. Free salvation (natural endowment of reason and preventing grace).  白白的救恩(理性的自然赋予而且阻止恩典)
     x. Full salvation  (What was Wesley’s view of the perfected man?  Was entire sanctification instantaneous or progressive?)  完整的救恩(卫斯理对完美的人的观点是什么?完整的成圣是瞬间既成的还是渐进的?)
     xi. Sure salvation  确实的救赎
     xii. Relate three major flaws in the perfectionist beliefs of Wesley.  讲述卫斯理完美主义信仰中的三个主要缺点:

    c. Holiness Bodies—identify the two groups: 1) the Holiness bodies; 2) Pentecostals.

     i. Identify Charles Finney.
     ii. The Holiness Movement.
     iii. How did the Holiness movement differ from Wesley concerning the second grace.
     iv. Describe the rise of Pentecostalism.

    d. Pietism 虔信派

     i. Relate the causes for its rise.
     ii. Identify and explain its aberrant doctrines.

    e. Fundamentalism 基要主义/正统派基督教

     i. Relate its history.
     ii. Relate its approach to doctrine.
     iii. Relate the history of the Scopes trial.

    f. Dispensationalism 时代论

     i. John Nelson Darby
     ii. Cyrus Scofield, Scofield Reference Bible.

    g. Evangelicalism—identify its roots 福音派教义——说出它的根源

     i. 17th Century Pietism
     ii. 18th Century Methodism
     iii. 19th Century Revivalism 

    h. Identify the errors of fundamentalism and evangelicalism concerning the following doctrines.

     i. Scripture 圣经
     ii. Justification. 称义
     iii. Sanctification. 成圣
     iv. Means of grace 恩典的途径
     v. Conversion 回转信主
     vi. Fellowship 团契
     vi. Mission of the church 教会的使命
     viii. End Times 末后时期
     ix. Prayer 祷告