第一课(lesson 1) 什么是传福音?

第一课(lesson 1) 什么是传福音? LESSON 1: What is Evangelism? 第一课:什么是传福音? Part 1: Introductory “Quiz” 第一部分:引言“测验”

  1. Define the word ‘evangelism’. 定义‘传福音’这个词。
  2. Agree or disagree: Living a Christian life is a form of evangelism. 同意或不同意:过基督徒的生活是传福音的一种形式。
  3. Agree or disagree: Some Christians are better at evangelism than others, so they should do most of the evangelism work. 同意或不同意:一些基督徒比其他人更善于传福音,因此他们应该 做大部分传福音的工作。
  4. Agree or disagree: The job of evangelism is primarily for the pastor. 同意或不同意:传福音的工作主要是由牧师来做。
  5. List some passages in the Bible that speak directly about evangelism. 列举一些直接谈到传福音的圣经经文。 Part 2: Read “We Believe – Therefore we speak” Introduction (page 4-7). Answer the following Questions. 第二部分:阅读引言“我们相信-因此我们讲述”(4-7页)。回答以下问题。
  6. A. What is the Hebrew word used for what we call evangelism? 我们用来称呼‘传福音’的希伯来语单词是什么? B. What does it mean? (See Psalm 96:2,3; Is 40:9; Is 52:7; Is 60:6; Is 61:1) 它的意思是什么? (参见诗篇96:2;以赛亚书40:9;以赛亚书52:7;以赛亚书60:6;以赛亚书61:1) C. What is the Greek word we use for what we call evangelism? 我们用来称呼‘传福音’的希腊语单词是什么? D. What does it mean? (See Luke 2:10,11; Acts 10:36; Acts 5:42; Acts 8:12,35; Acts 17:18) 它的意思是什么? (参见路加福音2:10,11;使徒行传10:36;使徒行传5:42;使徒行传8:12,35;使徒行传17:18)
  7. Define Evangelism. 定义传福音。
  8. Agree or Disagree: “Living a Christian Life is Evangelism.” (Note the diference between pre-evangelism and evangelism.) 同意或不同意:“过基督徒的生活是传福音。”(注意福音预工与传福音的区别。) Part 3: The passages below contain examples of Christians doing evangelism. Use the passages to answer the following Questions: 第三部分:以下经文包含基督徒做传福音事工的例子。用这些经文回答以下问题: 替代文本