第二课(lesson 2) 有关上帝的自然知识和被启示的知识
第二课(lesson 2) 有关上帝的自然知识和被启示的知识 Lesson 2: Natural and Revealed Knowledge of God 第二课:有关上帝的自然知识和被启示的知识 Part 1: Natural Knowledge of God. Read “We Believe” chapter 1, page 8-14. Answer the following Questions: 第一部分:有关上帝的自然知识。阅读“我们相信”的第一章,8-14页。回答以下问题:
- Agree or Disagree: “All people have some natural knowledge that there is a God.” 同意或不同意:“所有人都知道一些关于有一位上帝的自然知识。” See: Acts 14:8-18 Acts 17:22-31 Romans 2:14-15 参见:使徒行传14:8-18;使徒行传17:22-31;罗马书2:14-15
- Compare Paul’s work with the people of Lystra with his work with the people of Athens. 比较保罗与路司得人一起的事工和他与雅典人一起的事工。 A. What were the similarities? 它们有什么相似之处? B. What were the diferences? 它们有什么不同之处? C. Why were there diferences? 它们为什么不同?
- All people can see the evidence that there is a God from: 所有人都能看见的证据即有一位上帝来自 A. B.
- Why is this natural knowledge of God not enough though? 为什么只知道有关上帝的自然知识是不够的?
- How can we use this natural knowledge of God in our evangelism work? 我们在传福音的事工中如何使用有关上帝的自然知识? Part 2: Revealed Knowledge of God Read “We Believe” Chapter 1, page 15-22. Answer the following Questions: 第二部分:有关上帝被启示的知识。阅读“我们相信”第一章,15-22页。回答以下问题:
- Why is this statement important? 为什么这样的陈述很重要? We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Bible is complete in its message, absolutely true in all it says, entirely clear so that even a child can believe, and powerful for the salvation of people’s souls. 我们相信圣经是上帝的话语,而且由圣灵所启示。因此,圣经在信息上是完全的,它所说的所有话都是完全真实、明白的,使得即便是儿童也能相信并且对人灵魂的救恩起着巨大的作用。
- This fact about the word of God (from point 1) impacts our evangelism. Explain each of the following points and what it means for HOW we do evangelism. 有关上帝话语的这个事实(来自第一点)影响我们传福音。解释以下每一点的含义以及他们对于我们如何传福音有什么意义。 1). Only the Bible has the message that can save people from their sins. They can find it in no other place. 只有圣经具有能救人脱离他们罪的信息。人不可能在其他地方找到这样的信息。 2). A person who does evangelism can be absolutely sure of the truth that he is proclaiming. There is no doubt or uncertainty of the message we share. 传福音的人能够完全确信他所宣告的真理。对于他所分享的信息没有任何疑问和不确定。 3). Only God’s Word has the power to change people’s hearts and bring them to faith. An evangelist is using a tool that has power to accomplish God’s purpose. 只有上帝的话语具有改变人心和 使人归向他的大能。一个福音传道人是在使用具有大能的工具完成上帝的旨意。 4). The Bible’s message is clear, and the evangelist should share that message as a clear message of our sin and God’s love. 圣经中的信息很明确,同时,福音传道人在分享信息时应该明确传达信息中所说的我们的罪和上帝的爱。
- Evangelism, basically requires just three things. What are they? 传福音,基本上只要求做到以下三件事。这三件事是什么? 1). 2). 3).
- Agree or Disagree? Why? “The place to begin in evangelism is to convince a person that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.” 同意或不同意?为什么?“传道的开始就是要说服人相信圣经被默示的上帝的话语。”