Lesson 8(第八课)

Lesson 8(第八课) To gain and hold the attention of the hearer:alt • Use precise language – use words that allow you to say what you mean so that the listener understands. In every language there are words that are confusing. Stay away from words that confuse your listener. • Use concise language – do not use too many words. • Use interesting language – People want to listen to what is interesting. If our sermons are written in a boring way, their minds will wander. • Use fluent language – know what you want to say. • Very important – put your energy and enthusiasm into your presentation. If you generally are a very calm person, fine. Yet, with your “calmness” be sure that your enthusiasm for the Gospel and Word come out in your speaking. Our language cannot add to the power of the Word, for it is God’s word. Our language can bore and confuse the listener so that the “full” power of the Word does not take place. Our primary goal is the proclamation of the Word and moving people to focus on Jesus, NOT how well we can present a sermon. Goal 1, present God’s Word truthfully and accurately. God 2, present the sermon as well as possible. As we preach more we will develop a “personal style of preaching.” Never speak in a way that is not normal for you, because your listeners will know and may “tune you out.” Speak in a normal enthusiastic way. Become aware of problems with your personal style, and for the sake of the Gospel, and the people of God, adjust your style. Never hold stubbornly to a preaching style that gets in the way of the message. (The pulpit voice and other issues – actions, voice tone, gestures, which can cause issues even while being very Biblical) Oral and Written styles will differ. It is excellent practice to write out the sermon. Writing encourages us to be precise, concise, interesting and fluent. Also realize that we do not talk in the same fashion as we write. After you have written the sermon, you still need to speak it in a normal way. It is likely that your speaking and written style will differ. Oral style employs: • More repetition for emphasis. • A more obvious outline. • Simpler vocabulary. • Shorter and simpler sentences. • It uses restatement of thought rather then relying on a single word or sentence to carry the thought. • It relies on strong nouns and verbs rather than clever language. Trying to talk in the same way that you write will make your sermon hard to follow for the listener. We Address Intellect, Emotions and Will In the sermon we address the whole person. Each has an intellect, emotions, and their own will. If we talk to only one “part” of a person, we are not addressing the whole person as well as we can. Speak to the intellect (what the listener does or does not know in a thinking, logical fashion). Address the emotions. A sermon is not just a scholarly pursuit, but affects lives and souls. God’s word is meant to affect action, so we encourage the person’s Will to act.

The Need for Clarity “We must take care, not that it shall be possible for the hearer to understand, but that it shall be utterly impossible for him not to understand.” (Quintilian)

Safeguard Logical Order Speak to communicate well in a way that our listeners can understand.alt Stay away from • Digressions – talking about a different but related subject than the one you are supposed to speak about. • Diversions – getting away from the main point into areas that do not even relate to the text. • Nonsequiturs – words and phrases that do not fit in the discussion of the topic. • Abrupt transitions – changing to a new area without doing helping your listeners to realize the change.