Chapter 6-Noah Before The Flood

  1. As the descendents of Adam and Eve multiplied over the centuries after the Fall into sin, what tragic course did humanity (in general) take? (vs. 1-2)


  1. What major mistake did men from believing families make regarding their choice in marriage partners? (v. 2)


  1. Agree or Disagree? When one generation in a family forsakes faithfulness to God, it is extremely difficult for the next one to recover it. (Explain your answer)


  1. What solemn decision did God make about humanity at that time? (v. 3)


  1. What amazing love did God show people even as He condemned the wicked world to death? (v. 3)


  1. Who were the “Nephilim?” (v. 4)


  1. What did the people’s regard for the Nephilim indicate about the spiritual condition of the world? (v. 4)


  1. What depraved condition did God observe in people’s hearts? (v. 5)


  1. Agree or Disagree? People today are just as bad as the people who lived at the time of the Flood. (Explain your answer)


  1. How was God affected by the pervasive wickedness of the people on earth? (v. 6)


  1. What did the gracious Creator of the world determine that He would have to do in response to this wickedness? (v. 7)


  1. What is the next (3rd of 10) history of development that Moses introduces in v. 9?


  1. In contrast to the pervasive wickedness of most people, what qualities characterize Noah? (v. 9)


  1. Agree or Disagree? Noah and his wife had the most difficult job of parenting that the world has ever known. (vs. 10-12) (Explain your answer)

同意或不同意?诺亚和妻子的教、养儿女的工作是迄今为止最困难的事情。(第10—12节) 解释你的回答。

  1. What critical information did God share with Noah in verses 13, 17 and 18?


  1. Describe the ark that God commanded Noah to build (vs. 14-16)


  1. What did God order Noah to bring into the ark along with his family? (vs. 19-21)


  1. How did Noah respond to this challenging assignment from God (v. 22, see also Hebrews 11:7)

诺亚如何回应神给他的艰巨的任务?(第22节,也可参考 希伯来书 11章7节)