第一课作业题(Worksheet for Lesson One)我相信
第一课作业题(Worksheet for Lesson One)我相信 分类:信经 Creed 作者:CSI 点击数:2155 Worksheet for Lesson One: I Believe 第一课作业题:我相信 Introduction: 引言: Borrow your pastor’s copy of the Book of Concord and list its nine main writings below: 向你们的牧师借用协同书的副本并列出以下九个主要内容: The Three ————————————— 三个 The Augsburg ———————————— 奥古斯堡 The Apology ————————————- 认罪 The Smalcald ————————————- 施马加登 Of the Power ————————————- 的权能 The Small —————————————- 小 The Large —————————————- 大 Epitome —————————————— 概论 Thorough Declaration ——————————- 详述宣言 Important Note: 重要提示: In this course we will be introducing a number of Latin and Greek words still used in theology today. On the chart that you will find in lesson eight, page eight, of the textbook lessons, write each one down together with its meaning. Use this chart for constant review. 在这一课中我们将介绍一些当今神学中仍在使用的拉丁语和希腊语单词。在课本第八课课文的第八页上的表格中写上每个词以及相应的含义。用这个表格进行不断复习。 Section A-D A-D 部分 1. In Romans 10:9-10, how does Paul describe the connection between saving faith and confession? 在罗马书10:9-10,保罗怎样描述救恩的信心与信仰告白之间的关系? Define the following words and phrases: 给出以下单词和词组的定义: A. Creed 信经 B. Confession 信仰告白 C. Lutheran Confession 路德宗信仰告白 Section E. E 部分 1. What should be contained in a confession? 一篇信仰告白中应该包含什么内容? Section F. F部分 1. Ask your pastor about your congregation’s baptism ceremonies for both adults and children. Are there questions asked and answered? 向你们的牧师询问你们教会中成人和婴孩洗礼仪式的内容。这些仪式中是否有问和答的内容? Do they form a confession of faith? 这些问答是否形成一篇信仰告白? Do they include all member of the Trinity? 这些问答是否包括三位一体中的所有位格? Section G. G 部分 1. Of what did symbols or creeds become a mark or badge in the early church? 标志或信经中的什么内容成为了早期教会的记号或标记? Describe how you think this happened. 请描述你对产生这样情况的看法。 Section H. H 部分 1. From the passages given in section H, why does Scripture repeatedly warn us about false teachers? 从H部分所提到的章节来看,为什么圣经中反复强调要警惕假文士? Section I. I 部分 1. How were creeds used to determine church fellowship? 信经如何被用来决定教会的团契合一? Section J. J部分 1. What were the requirements for participation in Holy Communion in the early church? 早期教会中参与圣餐礼的要求是什么? 2.How does this compare with church practice today? 与此相比,当今的教会是怎样做的? A. in your congregation 在你们教会中 B. in most churches 在大多数教会中 Section K. K部分 1. What is the relationship between creeds and Scripture? 信经和圣经之间是什么关系? Section L. L部分 1. Define the two Latin words: 给出以下两个拉丁语单词的定义: quia 因为认同 quatenus 只有认同 2.How are these words related to a pastor’s ordination vow? 这两个词与牧师的就职宣誓有什么关系? 3.Which kind of vow would you make? 你会做这两种中的哪一种宣誓? Section M. M 部分 1.Tell in your own words what the following Latin expressions about faith mean: 用你自己的语言解释以下拉丁语所表述的信心的含义: A.Fides qua creditur所相信的信仰– B.Fides quae creditur由此所相信的信仰– 2.Which kind of faith are we talking of when we say, “the Creeds summarize the Christian faith”? 当我们说“信经概括了基督徒的信仰”时,指的哪一种信仰? 3.Which kind are we talking of when we say, “I have faith in Jesus”? 当我们说“我信耶稣”时,指的哪一种信仰? Section N. N 部分 1.What is the Latin expression for the standard which sets the standard? 表述设立标准的准则的拉丁语词组是什么? 2.What is the Latin expression for the standard which has been set? 表述这个准则是被设立的拉丁语词组是什么? 3.Which expression describes Holy Scripture? 哪一种表述描述的是圣经? 4.Which expression describes the Lutheran Confessions? 哪一种表述描述的是路德宗信仰告白? 5.Write several sentences below about the Lutheran Confessions, using properly 3 of the following 6 用以下6个词组中的3个合适的词组组成几句话来描述什么是路德宗信仰告白: quia, quatenus, fides qua creditur, fides quae creditur, norma normata, norma normans 因为认同,只有认同,所相信的信仰,由此所相信的信仰,设立标准的准则,这个准备是被设立的