Course Description: 课程描述
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John describe the birth, life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This course will use all four gospels to give students a complete overview of the life, ministry and teachings of Christ. Each lesson will help to answer three questions:
- Who is Jesus Christ?
- What has Jesus done for me personally?
- How should I respond to the love of Christ?
马太福音、马可福音、路加福音和约翰福音描述了耶稣基督的出生、生活、痛苦、死亡和复活。本課程將使用四福音书给學生完整地概述基督的生平、事工和教导。 每节课都有助于回答三个问题:
- 耶稣基督是谁?
- 耶稣为我个人做了什么?
- 我应该如何回应基督的爱?
Course Objectives: 课程目标
The objectives of this course are to help students
- Become familiar with the life and teachings of Jesus, as recorded in the Gospels.
- Grow stronger in the Christian faith as they study the four Gospels.
- Understand the way of salvation which Jesus taught.
- 熟悉福音书中记载的耶稣的生平和教导。
- 在他们学习四福音书时,对基督的信心更加增强。
- 理解耶稣所教导的救赎之路。
Requirements: 要求
- This course is open to any GBI student.
- 本课程向所有的GBI学生开放。
- This course is REQUIRED for a student in the Christian Studies Certificate program. It is an elective course for the other certificate programs.
- 本课程是基督教研究证书项目学生的必修课,是其他证书项目的选修课。
- All students who enroll in this course should have a basic understanding of the Bible.
- 所有参加本课程的学生都应该对圣经有基本的了解。
- In order to receive credit for this course, the student must be in attendance for at least 75% of the instruction periods, actively participate in the instruction periods when present, and complete on time and in a satisfactory manner any assignments and/or tests given by the instructor.
- 为了获得本课程的学分,学生必须参加至少75%的教学并积极参与,并按时完成教师要求的作业和/或考试,成绩合格。
Outline: 大纲
- Lesson 1 = Introduction, Birth and Childhood of Jesus
- 第1课 = 耶稣的介绍、出生和童年
- Lesson 2 = The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
- 第2课 = 耶稣的洗礼和受试探
- Lesson 3 = Jesus Ministers in Judea and Samaria
- 第3课 = 耶稣在犹大和撒玛利亚的事工
- Lesson 4 = Great Galilean Ministry, Part 1 (Jesus is rejected in Nazareth, mission work in Galilee, miracles)
- 第4课 = 大加利利事工,第1部分(耶稣在拿撒勒被拒绝,在加利利的宣教工作,神迹)
- Lesson 5 = Great Galilean Ministry, Part 2 (choosing twelve disciples, the sermon on the mount, fasting)
- 第5课 = 大加利利事工,第2部分(挑选十二个门徒,登山宝训,禁食)
- Lesson 6 = Great Galilean Ministry, Part 3 (Miracles of healing and raising from the dead; teaching in parables)
- 第6课 = 大加利利事工,第3部分(医治和从死里复活的神迹;用比喻教导)
- Lesson 7 = Withdrawals after the Death of John the Baptist (death of John, feeding 5,000 and other miracles)
- 第7课 = 施洗约翰死后的退隐(约翰死后,喂饱5000人和其他神迹)
- Lesson 8 = Later Judean Ministry (Feast of Tabernacles, Good Shepherd sermon, transfiguration)
- 第8课 = 后来的犹大事工(住棚节、好牧人的布道、登上变像)
- Lesson 9 = Going Up to Jerusalem, Part 1 (healing of 10 lepers, sending out 72, parable of good Samaritan, marriage and divorce, rich young ruler)
- 第9课 = 上耶路撒冷,第1部分(医治10个麻风病人,差遣72人,好撒玛利亚人的比喻,结婚和离婚,年轻的财主)
- Lesson 10 = Going Up to Jerusalem, Part 2 (more parables, raising of Lazarus, Zacchaeus, anointing at Bethany)
- 第10课 = 上耶路撒冷,第2部分(更多的比喻,拉撒路的复活,撒该,在伯大尼受膏)
- Lesson 11 = Events of Holy Week (Palm Sunday, cleansing the Temple, teaching)
- 第11课 = 圣周事件(棕榈主日,洁净圣殿,教导)
- Lesson 12 = Events of Holy Week, Part 2 (teaching in Jerusalem, in the Upper Room, Gethsemane)
- 第12课 = 圣周事件,第2部分(在耶路撒冷,在客西马尼园上房的教导)
- Lesson 13 = Good Friday (Jesus’ trials, crucifixion, burial)
- 第13课 = 耶稣受难日(耶稣受试炼、被钉十字架、埋葬)
- Lesson 14 = Jesus Rises from the Dead, Appearances to the Disciples, and Ascension
- 第14课 = 耶稣从死里复活,向门徒显现,升天
Lesson Format: 课程形式
- Printed lessons with discussion questions will be provided to all students prior to each class.
- Each lesson will consist of home preparation (reading portions of the Gospels and answering questions) and in class discussion with the instructor (going through the assigned questions and any additional discussion)
- Each class will last about 90 minutes.
- 每节课之前,给所有学生发带有讨论问题的课程材料。
- 每节课包括准备(阅读福音书的部分内容并回答问题)和与教师的课堂讨论(完成分发的问题和任何其他讨论)
- 每节课约90分钟。
Course Authors: 课程作者
Pastor Joel Luetke and Dr. Glen Thompson
Joel Luetke牧师和Glen Thompson博士
第二章 约翰的传道 耶稣开始传道 103
第五章 耶稣回到加利利 103
第六章 耶稣在加利利传道 103
第五章 耶稣继续传道的第二年 103
第七章 耶稣在约翰死后的退隐 103
第十一章 圣周的事件 103
第十二章 圣周的事件 -2 103
第十三章 圣周的事件 -3 103
最后修改 2022.03.31: update #103 (b70cd1e)