第六章 耶稣在加利利传道

In The Previous Lessons 在以前的课程里

  1. The Birth and Childhood of John and of Jesus


  2. The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus


  3. Jesus ministers in Judea (Spring 27-Spring 28 – about 1 year)

    耶稣在犹大传道 (公元27 年春 – 28 年春 - 约一年)

  4. Jesus ministers in Galilee (Spring 28-Spring 29 – about 1 year)

    耶稣在加利利传道 (公元28年春 – 29年春 -约一年)

Jesus is rejected in Nazareth – Luke 4:16-30

耶稣在拿撒勒被拒绝 – 路加福音4:16-30

Perhaps while Jesus was in Cana he received word that John the Baptist had been arrested. King Herod had imprisoned him at the fortress of Machaerus near the Dead Sea. The forerunner’s task was complete. Now it was time for Jesus to begin his great Galilean ministry.


As Jesus walked toward Nazareth, one thought was on his mind –“a prophet has no honor in his own country.” That proverb was fulfilled on the Sabbath Day when Jesus entered the synagogue in Nazareth. Jesus knew the place well, having worshiped there since he was a child. Inside, the men sat on one side with the women hidden behind a screen on the other. Near the middle of the room there was a raised area with a speaker’s stand and seat. To the south was a painted box (ark) which contained the sacred Scriptures.


The service opened with a blessing followed by a creed, and then prayers. The leader then moved from the speaker’s stand to the altar and offered a series of prayers for the day. Since Jesus was asked to give the sermon, he was probably asked to conduct this portion of the service as well. After the prayers, one of Aaron’s descendants, if one was present, pronounced the Aaronic blessing (Num. 6:22-26). This ended the liturgy.


The teaching part of the service began with seven men reading parts of the Law (the first five books of the Old Testament). Next, Jesus walked to the speaker’s stand where he was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. He unrolled the scroll and read Isaiah 61:1-2. Meanwhile the congregation stood quietly and listened. When the reading was over, Jesus sat in the speaker’s seat and the people also sat down.


Jesus explained the good news in his text. He announced that he was the long-awaited Messiah spoken of in those verses. At first the congregation was amazed. But soon the people became angry. It those days the men often openly expressed themselves in the service. Soon there was mumbling. Then the sounds of anger grew louder. The people said that Jesus was just a simple carpenter’s son. They demanded miracles as proof of his claim. Jesus tried to show the people the error of their ways, but they would not listen.


By then the congregation had become a mob. They dragged Jesus from the synagogue and took him to a rocky cliff at the edge of the town. They wanted to throw him to his death, but his time to die had not yet come. Jesus walked through the midst of the mob and quietly left Nazareth.


Jesus calls his first disciples – Matthew 4:18-22 Mark 1:16-20

耶稣呼召他的第一批门徒 – 马太福音4:18-22 马可福音1:16-20

From Nazareth Jesus then went to Capernaum which now became his home. Capernaum was an ideal base for Jesus’ mission work. It was a very important city in Galilee. Located on the shores of the Sea of Galilee it was home for many fishermen. It was situated along the chief road between the important city of Damascus and the Mediterranean Sea. It was a center for trade, commerce, and communication. The city was so important that it became the center for collecting taxes and a group of Roman soldiers was stationed there. Years later St. Paul followed Jesus’ example and used important cities as centers for his ministry.


One day, while walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus spotted his friends Peter and Andrew. His message to them was simple, “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). Earlier, Jesus had called them to be his followers. Now, Jesus was calling them to be his helpers. A little further along the shore he saw James and John and called them as well.


Jesus Makes His Home In Capernaum Luke 4:14-15; 31

耶稣以迦百农为家 – 路加福音4:14-15;31

Miracle of the many fish – Luke 5:1-11

打了很多鱼的神迹 – 路加福音5:1-11

Soon a crowd had gathered around Jesus. In order to be more easily seen and heard, Jesus climbed into an empty fishing boat and had Peter push it a few feet off from shore. Sitting down, he began to preach the gospel.


When the sermon was over, Jesus had Peter go out into deep water and let down the fishing nets. While fishing usually had its best results at night and near the shore, Peter still obeyed. Immediately the nets were filled with fish. Seeing what had happened, Peter’s fishing partners went out in a second boat. The fish filled both boats until they nearly sunk. Amazed by the miracle, Peter cried out, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man” (Luke 5:8)!


This was clearly the wrong way to think. Sinners must seek Jesus’ presence for the forgiveness of sins, not order him to go away. The proper response is that of the hymn writer Magnus B. Landstad who wrote:

这明显是错误的思考方式。罪人必然会寻找耶稣以获得赦免,而不是让主离开。正常的反应就如赞美诗作家马格努斯B. 兰德斯泰德所写的:

When sinners see their lost condition And feel the pressing load of sin, And Jesus comes upon his mission To heal the sin-sick heart within, All grief must flee before his grace And joy divine will take its place.

罪人迷失时 倍感罪的压力 耶稣要完成他的使命 医治因罪受伤的心灵 在他的恩典中所有的罪得释放 来自属天的喜乐代替所有悲伤

But Jesus did not get angry with Peter. He simply stated, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men” (Luke 5:10).


So we have studied three miracles of Jesus: changing water into wine at Cana, healing the nobleman’s son, and now catching a full boat of fish. Later, in one day alone, he cast a demon from a man who had entered the synagogue in Capernaum, healed Peter’s mother-in-law, and that evening healed many and cast out many demons (Mark 1:21-34).


Jesus in Capernaum’s Synagogue – Mark 1:21-28

耶稣在迦百农的会堂 – 马可福音1:21-28

This took place on a Sabbath. Jesus performed this wonderful work of driving out a demon on the day of rest. This man received both spiritual rest and physical rest on the same day.

这事发生在一个安息日。在安息的日子,耶稣行了一个奇妙的神迹 - 赶出了一个污鬼,使被鬼附的人得到了灵里和肉体上的安息。

Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law – Mark 1:29-34

耶稣医治彼得的岳母 – 马可福音1:29-34

Notice that Jesus did not work miracles to win the favor of the people. Sometimes he did his mighty works of love simply to help someone in need. At other times his wonders showed that he was God and the promised Messiah. But most of his miracles did both of these at the same time. For example, at the wedding in Cana he kept a young couple from being embarrassed. Yet, by doing this, he proved that he was the Son of God.


We should also note that Jesus never did miracles in anger. In Old Testament times prophets frequently did mighty works showing God’s anger towards sinful men (Numbers 16:31; 2 Kings 1:10-12). Jesus, on the other hand, was against this (Luke 9:54-56). He performed only signs of grace and mercy.


NOTE: See the appendix (“Miracles”) at the end of this lesson.


Jesus Travels Through Galilee Preaching The Gospel – Mark 1:35-39

耶稣在整个加利利布道 – 马可福音1:35-39

After spending a few days in Capernaum Jesus decided to take his ministry throughout Galilee. Perhaps Jesus thought that the people of Capernaum needed some time to think about all they had seen and heard. Meanwhile he would go from town to town preaching the gospel. Jesus did not arrive at this decision easily. It came only after hours of quiet prayer (Mark 1:35). As we have seen, the Lord always prayed before making major decisions.


Jesus preached and performed miracles throughout Galilee. His acts of mercy, however, could at times cause problems for his teaching. One example can be seen in the story of a leper.


Jesus heals a man of his leprosy – Mark 1:40-45

耶稣医治长大麻风的人 – 马可福音1:40-45

Leprosy was a very terrible disease. People with leprosy were considered the living dead. Leprosy first attacked the skin, leaving sores and raised lumps. Then, leprosy attacked the soft parts of the mouth and throat. Finally, as the disease got worse, the victim’s hair would fall out. His nose and lips would be eaten away, and his bones and joints would begin to rot.


One day as Jesus was walking along, a man “covered with leprosy” suddenly came up to him. Jesus reached out and touched him, and immediately the disease disappeared. Christ sent the man to the priest to be declared clean. But first Jesus ordered the man not to tell anyone what had happened. Jesus did not want people to think only about the miracles he did. Jesus wanted the people to think more about the message he was preaching. But what Jesus had feared took place. The man talked freely. As a result, crowds of sick and curious people gathered in every city where Jesus went. “As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places. Yet the people still came to him from everywhere” (Mark 1:45).




The disciples harvest heads of grain – Luke 6:1-5

门徒掐麦穗 – 路加福音6:1-5

Jesus and his disciples were travelling through the countryside. As they walked along some Pharisees joined them. They were looking for any excuse to condemn Jesus. Their opportunity came on another Sabbath day.


That day Jesus’ disciples walked through a wheat field, picking some grain, separating the seed and eating it. The Pharisees did not accuse the disciples of stealing. They were merely satisfying their need for food, something allowed by Mosaic Law (Deuteronomy 23:25). However, the disciples were accused of working on the Sabbath (reaping and threshing). The Pharisees held Jesus responsible for their actions.


When confronted by the Pharisees, Jesus gave a sharp reply. First, he directed them to an example set by King David. David had once eaten the bread in the Lord’s tabernacle, even though this was not proper. Nevertheless, the need of the moment was more important, so no one ever condemned David (1 Samuel 21:1-6). In Jesus’ case it was not just a case of need being more important than following man-made laws. Jesus was the “Lord of the Sabbath” (Luke 6:5). Because he was God’s Son, Jesus had the right as God to do away with Old Testament rules.


Jesus heals a man in the synagogue – Luke 6:6-11

耶稣在会堂医治了一个人 – 路加福音6:6-11

The third dispute took place on another Sabbath day. This time Jesus was teaching in a synagogue. The Scribes and Pharisees tried to trap Jesus. There was a man present with a withered right hand. Would Jesus heal him on the Sabbath day? The rules of the Pharisees kept a doctor from helping anyone on the Sabbath unless it was a matter of life and death.


Jesus, knowing their hearts, reminded them that if a man’s sheep falls into a pit on the Sabbath he would save the animal. Then, turning to the Pharisees and Scribes, he asked this question, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” (Mark 3:4). They said nothing. What Jesus meant was obvious. While the Lord said that some things should not be done on the Sabbath, he had not forbidden every action. God never intended to keep people from doing good deeds. But the idea of mercy never entered the minds of these religious leaders.


Without waiting, Jesus healed the man. Immediately the men who had argued with Jesus became his worst enemies. Because they hated Jesus, they began to make plans against him with their other enemies. Before this, the patriotic and nationalistic Pharisees hated the Herodians. The Herodians were willing to cooperate with the Romans; they now joined together and made plans to murder Jesus, a man of mercy. (Mark 3:6)

所以没有等耶稣治愈手枯干的人。与耶稣争论的那人立刻就成了他最大的敌人。因为他们憎恨耶稣,他们开始和其他敌对耶稣的人计划如何反对他。此前,那些爱国也好不爱国也好的法利赛人憎恨那些效忠希律一世的人。希律一世愿意与罗马人合作。然而,现在他们结合到一起,计划杀掉耶稣,这个有怜悯的人。(MARK 3:6)

This angry reaction against Jesus is not too surprising. After all, they thought that Jesus was threatening their religion. The Pharisees taught that man can save himself. Jesus, on the other hand, taught that man cannot save himself but that salvation is a gift of God through himself, the Son of God.


Mission work in Galilee – Matthew 12:15-21

在加利利的事工 – 马太福音12:15-21

Although Jesus was now hated by the Jewish religious leaders, he was more popular than ever with the common people. Jesus and the disciples went again to the Sea of Galilee. Many people from Judea, Idumaea, Galilee and the area of Tyre and Sidon came in crowds to see Jesus with their own eyes and to have him heal their diseases.


Jesus was filled with mercy. He did heal the sick and throw out demons. As the evil spirits left their victims they called Jesus the “Son of God,” the Messiah (Mark 3:11). But Jesus ordered them to be silent. The Savior wanted to be acknowledged by men, not by defeated and scared demons. And many in the crowd did believe in Jesus. They found him to be the one spoken of in Isaiah (42:14).


Before we leave this part of Christ’s life, one other question must be answered. Why did the people continue to rush to Jesus even after he had been totally rejected by their religious leaders? The answer is quite simple. While religious leaders saw Jesus as a rival, some of the people believed Jesus’ claim to be the Messiah. Others saw him as a political savior, a messenger from God who would heal their diseases, give them all they needed for their daily life, and, in time, throw out the hated Romans.



People living in any age were and still are skeptical of unnatural events or actions. We {together with the Bible} call these things miracles (wonders; signs).


Moses needed something to convince the people that the LORD had sent him. The LORD enabled Moses to do miracles to prove his claims to be from the LORD God. The miracles convinced the people.


Miracles are part of God’s Word (revelation) through which God converts people. There were three ages (eras) of miracles:


Moses The LORD started using prophets at Moses’ time

摩西 在摩西时代上帝开始使用先知

Elijah/Elisha Prophets needed a defense of their preaching

以利亚/以利沙 先知需要为他们的布道辩护

Jesus/apostles Jesus needed to persuade his disciples (John 14:11)

耶稣/使徒 耶稣需要说服门徒(约翰福音14:11)

We believe the miracles reported in the Bible. We believe the testimony to these miracles because God the Holy Spirit is at work in this testimony. An unbeliever refuses to see the LORD at work even if the unbeliever sees the miracle happen.


The terms used for miracles 用来形容异能的词

  1. Wonder (Greek: teras) - a favorite of Luke (Acts). This term points to the effect; it causes people to wonder about it.

    奇事(希腊语:teras) - 路加喜欢用的词(使徒行传)。这个词指向效果;引起人们的好奇。

  2. Sign (Greek: semeion) - a favorite of John. This term points to the purpose of the miracle. In the Gospels sign miracles teach something about Jesus.

    神迹(希腊语:Semeion) - 约翰喜欢用的词。这个词指向异能的目的。在福音书中,神迹异能教导关于耶稣的事情。

  3. Power (Greek: dynamis) - points out that God’s power is necessary. This term points to the essence of the miracle. Miracles are a working of God.

    大能(希腊语:dynamis) - 指出神的大能是必须的。这个词指向异能的核心。异能是上帝的工作。

  4. Work (Greek: ergon) - a favorite of John – used about 150 times in the Bible

    大工(希腊语:ergon) – 约翰喜欢用的词 - 在圣经中大约用了150次。

The purpose of miracles 异能的目的

  1. John 20:30-31 - so we know Jesus is the Christ, God’s Son

    约翰福音20:30-31 - 因此我们知道耶稣是基督,上帝的儿子

  2. John 5:23 - So all will honor Jesus

    约翰福音5:23 -因此人都尊敬耶稣

  3. John 12:37 - to lead people to believe

    约翰福音12:37 - 领人相信

  4. Matthew 12:15-21 – to reveal God’s mercy

    马太福音12:15-21 - 显明上帝的怜悯

Types of miracles (especially those Jesus did)


  1. Healing of illness (fever, leprosy, dropsy, issue of blood)


  2. Curing physical disabilities (blind, deaf, mute, lame, crippled)

    医治身体的残疾 (瞎眼,耳聋,哑巴,瘸腿)

  3. Nature miracles (coin in mouth of fish, invisibility, fish in nets, water into wine, fed 5,000, fed 4,000, stilled the storm, walked on water, cursed the fig tree)


  4. Cast out demons


  5. Raised the dead


  6. Personal miracles


    a. Jesus is God and Man “He shall be called wonderful (literally: a wonder; a miracle)” Isaiah 9:6.

    耶稣既是神也是人“他名称为奇妙 (即是:奇事;异能)”以赛亚书9:6

    b. Jesus’ humiliation


    c. Jesus’ transfiguration


    d. Jesus’ resurrection


    e. Jesus’ ascension


Compare miracles done by people with those done by Jesus


Miracles done by people Miracles done by Jesus
(prophets; apostles) 耶稣所行的异能
1. Are done through struggle and prayer Are done with ease
1. 通过努力和祷告 不费力而行
Moses pleads to remove a plague of leprosy Jesus raises the dead with a word or a touch
摩西要求除去大麻风的灾难 耶稣用话语或触摸使死人复活
Elijah stretches himself 3 times on the boy’s body
Peter prays before he raises Tabitha
2. Are less glorious Are more glorious
2. 荣耀比较少 更得荣耀
Elisha feeds 100 men with 20 loaves Jesus feeds thousands with fewer loaves
以利沙用二十个饼喂饱一百人 耶稣用更少的食物喂饱几千人
3. Require instruments Are done by word only
3. 需要工具 说话即成
Moses’ staff Jesus speaks the word
摩西的杖 耶稣说话
Elijah’s mantle
4. 以别人的名义而成 单单以耶稣的名而成
Moses: stand and see the salvation of God “I am willing; be healed”
摩西站立看见上帝的救恩 “我肯;你洁净了吧”
5. Are “of the law” (show judgment) Are “of the gospel” (show mercy)
5. 关乎律法(显示审判) 关乎福音(表示怜悯)
Sodom and Gomorrah John 1:17
索多玛和蛾摩拉 约翰福音1:17
Elijah: fire from heaven
10 plagues
Leprosy inflicted on Gehazi

Review of Chapter 4 第4章回顾

  1. Simon, Andrew, James and John all left everything – at once – when Jesus said “Come, follow me”. Why is this surprising and NOT surprising at the same time?


  2. Mark’s Gospel has been called the Gospel of Peter. John Mark (his more complete name) was a companion of Peter in mission work. Peter was there when Jesus gave a deaf man his hearing with the word “Ephphatha” (Mark 7:34). Mark records the word Peter heard. Peter was there when Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter with the words “Talitha Koum” (Mark 5:41). The angel’s words to the women: “Tell his disciples and Peter” (Mark 16:7) are found only in Mark. What evidence is there in Mark 1:29-34 that this healing of Peter’s mother-in-law is told from the perspective of Peter and his family?

    马可的福音书被称为彼得的福音书。约翰-马可(他更完整的名字)是彼得在福音事工中的伴侣。当耶稣用“以法大”这个词打开了一个聋子的听力时(马可福音7:34),彼得在场,马可记录了彼得听到的话。当耶稣用“大利大古米”(马可福音5:41)复活睚鲁的女儿时,彼得也在场。天使对女人的话:“告诉他的门徒和彼得”(马可福音16:7)也只在马可福音中能找到。在马可福音1:29-34 中有什么证据表明彼得岳母被治愈是从彼得和他的家人的角度来讲述的?

  3. Read Colossians 2:16-17. Explain how the Sabbath was a picture of Christ.


  4. How many of Jesus’ miracles are mentioned in the Gospel of Mark?


  5. Can you think of any miracle, done by Jesus, which was not of the gospel, but of the law? (See the Appendix – the last comparison.)

    你能想到耶稣所行的任何奇迹中有不是福音,而是律法的吗? (见附录 - 最后的比较。)