Worksheet for Lesson Seven 第七课作业题:

Worksheet for Lesson Seven: 第七课作业题: 分类:信经 Creed 作者:CSI 点击数:1446 Worksheet for Lesson Seven: 第七课作业题: The Teaching of the Athanasian Creed 亚大纳西信经的教导 Section A. A 部分 Use the outline on page 1 (Lesson 7) to answer the following questions: 用第一页(第七课)的概要回答以下问题: 1.What two main doctrines does this Creed discuss? 这部信经讨论了哪两点重要的教导: A. B. 2.What might you deduce from the number of sentences devoted to each? 从用于这两点教导的这些句子中,你能推断出什么? Section B. B 部分 1.In sentence 1 the word translated Christian is actually the word catholic. 第一句话中基督徒这个词实际上被翻译成大公。 A. What does the word catholic mean here? (review p. 4, lesson 7, section T) 大公这个词在此是什么意思?(复习第七课第四页T部分) B. Is Christian a good translation here? 在这里翻译成基督徒可以吗? 2.What two theological meanings can the word faith have? 信仰这个词所具有的两个神学含义是什么? A. B. 3.Which meaning does it have in Sentences 1-3 of the Athanasian Creed? 它在亚大纳西信经的第1-3句中所具有的意思是什么? Section D. D 部分 1.What Greek word does the bible use of all teachings contrary to the Christian faith? 圣经中用哪一个希腊语单词代表与基督徒信仰相悖的所有教导? 2.What do we call creedal statements that point out the eternal consequences of false belief? 我们将指出错误信仰永恒后果的信经陈述称为什么? 3.How would you answer the following arguments against such statements: 你如何回应以下反对这些陈述的争论: A. God is the judge; we have no right to judge. 上帝是审判者;我们无权评判。 B.Such statement will alienate the lost, not help to convert them. 这样的陈述将使迷失的人远离而不会帮助他们转变信主。 Section F. F 部分 1.When studying the Bible, are we supposed to use our God-given reason or not? Explain your answer. 当我们学习圣经时,我们应不应该使用上帝所给的理由?解释你的答案。 Section G. G 部分 1.What is meant by holding the teachings of God’s unity and of the 3 persons of the Godhead in tension? 在矛盾中坚持上帝的合一性和神性的三个位格的教导是什么意思? Section H. H 部分 1.Explain what is meant by the following terms when discussing the Trinity: 解释当我们讨论三位一体时,以下词语的意思: A.Person: 位格 B.Substance: 本质 2.What Greek word have we already learned about which was used to denote substance? 我们已经学过的用来表示本质的希腊语单词是什么? Section I. I 部分 1.List and give a definition of the attributes of the Triune God which are mentioned in Sentences 7-14. 列举第7-14句中提到的三位一体的上帝的特性并给出他们的定义: A. B. C. D. Section K-M. K-M 部分 1.In Section K it states that the three persons of the Trinity are identical in substance and attributes but differ in the relation they have to one another. How does this Creed describe the relationship between: 在K部分中陈述到三位一体的三个位格在本质和特性上完全相同,但是在彼此的关系上不同。这部信经是怎样描述他们之间的关系的: A.The Father and the Son 圣父与圣子 B.The Father and the Spirit 圣父与圣灵 C.The Son and the Spirit 圣子与圣灵 Section M. M 部分 1.Since sentence 25 says that all 3 persons are coeternal, what does that say about the terms begotten and proceeds in sentence 22? 由于第25句说到所有三个位格均永恒,人们是如何看待第22句中的由于和发出这两个词的? 2.Look up the Scripture references given in this section. Write below a paragraph on why the filioque can be called a biblical doctrine. 看这一部分给出的圣经参考章节。在下面写一段关于filioque为什么被称为符合圣经的教导的话。 Section N. N 部分 1.What does Augustine’s famous saying tell us about our understanding of the Trinity? 奥古斯丁的名言告诉我们关于我们对三位一体的理解的什么内容? Section O-Q. O-Q 部分 1.Describe what is meant by the theological term nature? 描述神学词语属性是什么意思? Section S-V S-V 部分 1.What is meant by the statement: Jesus has two natures in one person? 耶稣一个人拥有两种属性这样的陈述是什么意思? 2.How does the biblical truth help assure us of our eternal salvation? 圣经的真理如何帮助我们确信我们永恒的救恩?