第二课作业题(Worksheet for Lesson Two)使徒信经 - 历史背景

第二课作业题(Worksheet for Lesson Two)使徒信经 - 历史背景 分类:信经 Creed 作者:CSI 点击数:2206 Worksheet for Lesson Two: 第二课作业题: The Apostles’ Creed – The Historical Background 使徒信经 - 历史背景 Section A. A部分 1.From what two Lutheran books do most Lutherans learn the Apostles’ Creed? 大多数路德宗信徒从路德的哪两本书学习到使徒信经? Section B. B部分 1.What is the original meaning of the word ecumenical? 大公这个词的原有含义是什么? 2.What new meaning does it often have today? 这个词当今常常具有的一种新的含义是什么? 3.Which meaning does it have when we say the Apostles’ Creed in an ecumenical creed? 当我们说到大公信经中的使徒信经时,它具有的是哪种含义? Section C. C部分 1.In what way is the title Apostles’ Creed an appropriate one? 从哪方面来说,使徒信经是一个合适的名称? 2.What does this title not mean? 这个名称不具有什么含义? 3.Luther spoke of bees and honey. Can you think of an illustration from the modern world to describe the relationship between the Apostles’ Creed and Scripture? 路德提到了蜜蜂与蜜。你是否能想到当今社会中的一个例子来说明使徒信经和圣经之间的关系? Section E. E部分 1.Which thoughts from the 1 Corinthians passages are also found in the Apostles’ Creed? 哥林多前书的这些章节中哪些看法也出现在使徒信经中? 2.Read the 3 other passages cited. Which members of the Trinity do these passages especially confess? 阅读所引用的其他三个章节。这些章节中尤其强调三位一体中的哪个位格? 3.Can you see a similarity to the Apostles’ Creed in this regard? 从这方面来看,你能否在使徒信经中找到相似之处? Section G. G 部分 1.Why do you think the baptism creeds differed in the various geographical areas? 你认为为什么洗礼信经根据地理位置的不同会有所不同? Section H. H部分 1.If the Apostles’ Creed was used in the church already in A. D. 400, what does that indicate about its teachings? 关于使徒信经的教导,如果它在公元400已经被用于教会中,这说明了什么问题?